Membership Information

Benefits of Membership:

  • Networking opportunities with archivists in your region and all over the state.
  • Professional development opportunities designed to provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to stay on the cutting edge of the archival profession.
  • Discounts on registration fees for our Workshops and Annual General Meeting (AGM).
  • Opportunities to earn Scholarships to help pay for the above.
  • Access to the SCA Online Membership Directory, where you can browse or search for members of SCA by name and organization; its content is updated continually.

Membership Levels:

Individual - $45.00

Student - $20.00

Institutional - $75.00 *Institutional memberships carry one vote and two people may attend any one event as members

Retiree - $20.00

The SCA membership year is rolling, depending on when you join or renew. 

Note: SCA is currently offering a pay-what-you-can model of membership. When joining or renewing, please click the "Invoice Me" option when you get to the payment portal, and fill out this Pay-What-You-Can Request Form with the amount you are paying. Email with any questions.



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Questions?  Please Contact Us.