Journal of Western Archives

The Journal of Western Archives (JWA) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal sponsored by Western regional archival organizations, including SCA.

JWA focuses on contemporary issues and developments in the archival and curatorial fields, particularly as they affect Western archives and manuscript repositories.

JWA gives archivists, manuscript curators, and graduate students in the American West a place to publish on topics of particular interest and relevance to them. The journal features research articles, case studies, and review essays on regional topics. These include:
  •     Important Western regional issues in archives and manuscript repositories
  •     Unique archival developments in the western United States
  •     Technological innovations and their effect on archival theory and practice
  •     The history and development of the archival and curatorial professions in the American
  •     Collaborative efforts and projects between various cultural institutions

If you are interested in contributing to JWA, visit the JWA web site or contact the Chair of the Publications Committee.