
Thank you to all who have helped make this a successful Annual General Meeting.

Local Arrangements Committee

Katie Richardson, Cal Poly Pomona (Co-Chair)
Michaela Ullmann, USC (Co-Chair)
Becky Fenning Marshall, UCLA, Clark Library
Brooke Black, The Huntington Library
Elisa Piccio, CalTech
Jennifer Johnson, The Bookshop
Joanna Chen Cham, UCLA
Laura Uglean Jackson, UCI
Li Wei Yang, The Huntington Library
Loni Shibuyama, USC
Marje Schuetze-Coburn, USC
Mariella Soprano, CalTech
Mary Wahl, CSUN
Nicole Shibata, John Baldessari Studio
Stella Castillo, LA as Subject

Program Committee

David Uhlich, UCSF (Chair)
Annette Doss, UCLA
Christine Hertzel, CSUN
Clay Stalls, The Huntington Library
Jessica Geiser, UCR
Jessica Knox, California State Archives
Jill Morton, Chevron Archives
Kelly Springs, UCI
Leilani Marshall, Sourisseau Academy for State and Local History
Miles Scott, Western University of Health Sciences
Rebekah Kim, Dolby Archives
Teresa Mora, UCSC
Sue Luftschein, USC

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