
These are the elected members of the SCA Board for 2023-2024.

Nicole Shibata, President

Nicole Shibata is the Metadata Librarian at California State University, Northridge where she develops and implements metadata strategies, policies, and workflows to support access to the library’s digital collections. Prior to this she was the Archivist for JAB Art Enterprises, artist John Baldessari’s studio, and the Associate Curator of Graphics at Tulane University’s Hogan Jazz Archive.  She holds a Master of Library and Information Science degree from UCLA and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications from California State University, Fullerton.  She has been an active member of SCA since 2016 and has previously served as Chair of the Publications Committee and Co-Chair of the Local Arrangements Committee.

Sue Luftschein, Vice-President/President Elect

Sue Luftschein is currently Head of Special Collections in the USC Libraries. She received her MLIS from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a Ph.D. in Art History from the City University of New York Graduate Center. Prior to arriving at USC, she worked at the Huntington Library, and in the Institutional Records and Archives Department of the J. Paul Getty Trust. She has served/serves on SCA’s Program, Local Arrangements, Publications, Nominating, and Western Archives Institute Management Committees, and was a Member-at-Large, 2020-2022. She is also currently a member of SAA’s Standards Committee; has served on SAA’s Technical Subcommittee for Describing Archives: A Content Standard (TS-DACS), of which she was co-chair 2019-2021; and was a member of the Encoded Archival Standards Section Steering Committee, 2019-2021. She was also a member of the OCLC Working Group on Collection Building and Operational Impact that produced the Total Cost of Stewardship report.

Joanna Black, Secretary

Joanna (JoJo) Black is the Senior Archivist at the William E. Colby Memorial Library at Sierra Club’s national offices in Oakland, CA. In that role, she oversees and safeguards both analog and digital archival collections held at the library, including duties related to collection management, collection development, preservation, and system administration. Prior to working for the Sierra Club, she served as the Director of Archives & Special Collections at the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender (GLBT) Historical Society in San Francisco and the Manuscripts Processing Assistant at the Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley. She holds a BA in creative writing from San Francisco State University and a master’s degree from UCLA in library and information science with a specialization in archival studies. From 2016-2019, she served as Chair of the SCA Publications Committee as well as Chair of SAA's Issues & Advocacy Section from 2019-2020.

Alex Post, Treasurer

Alex Post is the Special Collections Research Assistance, Outreach, and Instruction Team Lead. In this position she oversees and coordinates reference services, instruction, and outreach initiatives. Prior to this she has held positions at the San Francisco Public Library and Mills College.

Marie Silva, Membership Director

Marie Silva is the Special Collections Librarian & Archivist at the California Judicial Center Library, which serves the California Supreme Court and the California Court of Appeal, First Appellate District, in San Francisco. Prior to that, she served as Archivist & Manuscripts Librarian at the California Historical Society. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Rhetoric from UC Berkeley and an MLIS, with a focus on archival studies, from San José State University. She lives in Alameda with her family.

Charla Dela Cuadra, Board Member-at-Large

Charla DelaCuadra is the Manuscripts Processor at University of California, Irvine, where she is the primary individual responsible for physical collections accessioning and processing.  Prior to working at UCI, Charla worked as the archives assistant for the Orange Public Library History Center, and as the archivist for the Jay T. Last Collection at the Huntington Library.  She holds a master's degree in musicology and archival studies from Claremont Graduate University and a bachelor's in flute performance from Chapman University.  Charla has served on both the Education and Communications and Outreach committees, the latter of which she served as co-chair from 2016-2019.

Stefani Baldivia, Board Member-at-Large

Stefani Baldivia (she/ hers) is the Equity and Outreach Librarian at California State University, Chico, where she engages in reference, instruction, and outreach activities. She holds a BA in Native American Studies from Cal Poly, Humboldt and her MLIS from San José State University. After obtaining her MLIS in 2016, she worked as an archivist at the California State University, Chico in the Special Collections and University Archives. She previously served SCA as the co-chair of the Ethics and Inclusion Committee (2020-2023). Her professional interests include race-radical leadership in libraries and archives, Emergent Strategy in LIS, and diversifying collections through oral histories and community-based archives.

Lisa Mix, Immediate Past-President

Lisa A. Mix is the Director of University Archives & Special Collections at California State University, Fullerton. She leads all aspects of the program, including planning, collection development, outreach, reference, processing, developing budgets, and supervising staff and students. Immediately prior to that, she worked as a part-time contract archivist on the Opioid Industry Documents Archive and did archives consulting work for various non-profits. She was Head of the Medical Center Archives at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York city, 2011-2017. From 2002-2011 she was the Manager of Archives & Special Collections at UC San Francisco, during which time she was active in SCA. She recently served SCA as Co-Chair of the Committee on Labor, Advocacy, and Public Policy (2020-2022) and helped to develop SCA’s Salary Transparency Policy. Her professional interests include advocacy for archives workers, digital archives, archival ethics, and strengthening the diversity of the archival record through reparative collection and descriptive work.

Board Statements

Board Statement in Support of NARA, February 14, 2025

Board Statement in Solidarity with Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, April 13, 2021

Board Statement in Solidarity with Black Lives Matter, June 11, 2020

Statement in Support of Temporary Archivists at UCLA, November 27, 2018, signed Members of the 2018-2019 SCA Board of Directors.

Statement by the SCA Board affirming SCA's core values, signed Members of the 2016-2017 SCA Board. 

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