• AGM 2025
  • Open Houses & Opening Reception

Open Houses & Opening Reception

On Thursday, April 28:

Open Houses at the seven archival repositories listed below (four in one building!) will be held from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.  SCA will not provide shuttles to/from these repositories.

Opening Reception will be held from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm.  SCA will provide shuttles to & from the Sainte Claire hotel & the Computer History Museum (CHM).

The shuttle company is Corinthian Parking.  There will be four shuttle buses.
From the Sainte Claire, two shuttles will depart at 5:15 pm (start loading at 5:00 pm) and two more shuttles will depart at 5:45 pm (start loading at 5:30 pm).

From the CHM, two shuttles will depart at 8:15 pm (start loading at 8:00 pm) and two more shuttles will depart at 8:45 pm (start loading at 8:30 pm).

If you are driving, see the CHM's directions. The CHM has a very large parking lot that is free.

Questions about Open Houses/Opening Reception? Contact Sarah Wilson: wilsosa @ gmail.com


Santa Clara County Archives
1875 Senter Road
San José, CA 95112
Distance from the Sainte Claire: 2.5 miles
(Located two blocks east of History San Jose, the next repository on this list).

Contact: Trista Raezer, Archivist
Trista.Raezer @ rec.sccgov.org

History San Jose
1650 Senter Road
San José, CA 95112
Distance from the Sainte Claire: 2 miles
(Located two blocks west of Santa Clara County Archives, the above repository on this list.)

Contact: Jim Reed, Curator of Library & Archives
research @ historysanjose.org

The above two "Located two blocks east of History San Jose. Easy walking/driving distance."

Santa Clara University Archives & Special Collections
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95053
Distance from the Sainte Claire: 4 miles
Deborah Whiteman, Head of Archives & Special Collections
dwhiteman @ scu.edu
Erin Louthen, University Archivist
elouthen @ scu.edu

The following four repositories are all on the same floor in the same building.  Namely, the 5th floor of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library at
150 E. San Fernando Street
San José, CA 95112
Distance from the Sainte Claire: 0.5 mile

San Jose State University Archives & Special Collections
Contact: Danelle Moon, Director
Danelle.Moon @ sjsu.edu
408-808-2062, reading room

The California Room, San Jose Public Library
Contact: Lauren Miranda Gilbert
laurenmiranda.gilbert @ sjlibrary.org

The Martha Heasley Cox Center for Steinbeck Studies
Contact: Paul Douglass
mhccfss @ gmail.com

Sourisseau Academy for State & Local History
Contact: Leilani Marshall
sourisseau.academy @ sjsu.edu


The Computer History Museum
1401 N. Shoreline Blvd
Mountain View, CA 94043
Distance from the Sainte Claire: 13 miles

When in Silicon Valley...

We will enjoy a buffet of hors d'oeuvres, a cash bar, and docent-led tours of the world’s foremost institution for the research, conservation, and exhibition of the one of humankind’s greatest technologies--computers.

Note: Apologies! Due to a last minute change in facilities planning, we are not able to provide needed accommodations to The Loose Canons, the live band that we had scheduled to play at the opening reception. We regret any disappointment this causes.  -- SCA AGM Local Arrangements Committee, April 26

In January of 2011, the Computer History Museum, home to the world’s largest information technology collection, unveiled a 21st century makeover when it reopened its newly renovated building, with more than double the exhibition space, added research and education components, and a vast new digital platform.

Located in the heart of Silicon Valley’s technology corridor, and making visible the relationship between computing history and contemporary innovations, the Computer History Museum is home to the world’s most comprehensive computing collection.

SCA thanks Hollinger Metal Edge and BELFOR for their sponsorship of the AGM opening reception.
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