Sessions & Meetings

Click here for the Schedule-At-A-Glance (which is a comprehensive list of all Pre-AGM & AGM events and their locations).

Questions about Sessions/Meetings? Contact Brad Bauer: bbauer @

 April 28

 SCA Board meeting
 9:00am - 12:30pm
 AGM kick-off!  (SCA Board members only.)
 SCA Leadership meeting
 2:00pm - 5:00pm
 A meeting wherein the Chairs of SCA committees and other appointed SCA officers meet with the SCA Board.
 April 29

 Plenary Address
 9:00am - 10:00am
"Inside the Kremlin: Unraveling the Papers of Vitaly Kataev and Soviet Thinking During the Latter Stages of the Cold War"

David E.  Hoffman, contributing editor of the Washington Post and Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Dead Hand:  The Untold Story of the Cold War Arms Race and It’s Dangerous Legacy (Doubleday, 2009).

For the researcher interested in the recent history of the former Soviet Union, the archival landscape can be a daunting place through which to travel.  David E. Hoffman, the former Moscow bureau chief for the Washington Post, knows this terrain quite well.  In his Pulitzer Prize-winning book The Dead Hand, Hoffman chronicled the latter stages of the arms race between the Soviet Union and the United States, tapping into his extensive network of contacts and resources to construct a story that is by turns fascinating and unsettling, resulting in a book that the Pulitzer award citation characterized as a “well documented narrative that examines the terrifying doomsday competition between two superpowers and how weapons of mass destruction still imperil humankind.”

Yet, in the course of his research, it was a manuscript collection held in part by a repository on the campus of Stanford Universityundefinedthe papers of former Soviet defense ministry official Vitaly Kataevundefinedthat provided one of his biggest breakthroughs.   The Kataev papers cast light on Soviet decision-making that had long been obscured. However, the research was extremely complicated, as the collection was spread from the Hoover Institution Library and Archives to a kitchen table in Moscow, and existed not only on paper but electronically. Hoffman will discuss how he assembled the material, overcame obstacles to discovery, and the significance of his finds.

David E. Hoffman is a contributing editor at the Washington Post. He covered the White House during the presidencies of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, and was subsequently diplomatic correspondent and Jerusalem correspondent. From 1995 to 2001, he served as Moscow bureau chief, and later as foreign editor and assistant managing editor for foreign news. He is the author of The Oligarchs: Wealth and Power in the New Russia. He lives in Maryland.

 Session 1
 10:30am - 12:00pm
Taking Our Pulse:  The OCLC Research Survey of Special Collections and Archives

Moderator: Jackie Dooley, OCLC Research
David Zeidberg, The Huntington Library
Tom Hyry, Special Collections, UCLA
Mary Morganti, California Historical Society

OCLC Research surveyed 275 academic and research libraries in the United States and Canada with a view to gathering data to determine norms across this community, provide data to support decision-making, and put forth recommendations intended to help press forward special collections practice. The resulting report, Taking Our Pulse: The OCLC Research Survey of Special Collections and Archives, was published in October 2010 and has garnered widespread attention.  The survey revealed several key points: many rare and unique materials remain “hidden,” and backlogs continue to grow; only half of archival collections have an online presence; collections are growing at an incredible pace; onsite use has increased widely; 87% permit digital cameras in the reading room; staffing is generally remaining stable; 75% of library budgets have decreased; and more than 80% need training to manage born-digital materials. Space, digitization, and born-digital archival records emerged as the top three most challenging issues. The full report may be accessed here.

 Session 2
 10:30am - 12:00pm
Pecha Kucha #1:  A Sampling of Projects from Archives in the West

Moderator:  Mattie Taormina, Stanford University

In a Pecha Kucha, each speaker shows 20 PowerPoint images for 20 seconds each – resulting in a short but focused presentation. This session will share information from six different archivists working in various California repositories.
  • Sherri Berger, California Digital Library, “Local History Mapped”: Travel through California history with Local History Mapped!"
  • Danielle Castronovo,  California Academy of Sciences,  "Connecting Content: A collaboration to link field notes to specimens and published literature"
  • Robin Chandler, University of California, Santa Cruz, "Building the Golden Road: Socially Constructing the Grateful Dead Archive"
  • Anne Hall, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, "Usability & Increasing Online Access Points"
  • Daniel Hartwig, Stanford University Libraries, "Mobilizing The Stanford University Archives"
  • Polina Ilieva,  University of California, San Francisco, "National History Day: tools for collaborating with students and teachers"
 Session 3
 10:30am - 12:00pm
El Dorado or Pandora's Box:  What Do You Find When You Lift the Lid?

Alison Moore, California Historical Society
Lynn Downey, Levi Strauss & Co.

In 2010, 180,000 photographs from the Magnum photo archive were acquired by the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas at Austin. In an interview with NPR, photo curator David Coleman exclaimed:  “You can’t stop looking at these photos once you start opening the boxes. It’s like Pandora’s box. You can’t put the lid back on!” We all know what he meant; rather than unleashing havoc on the world, the contents of the Magnum archive presented a treasure trove. Sometimes, though, archivists don’t find treasures. In this participant-driven roundtable session, we want to hear your stories. What was the best thing you ever found in a new (or newly opened) collection? The worst? We want to hear about your gold mines and your Pandora’s boxes. Prizes will be awarded for the best thing found, the worst/most disgusting thing found and one for the worst place you had to go to in order to retrieve an item or a collection.

 Session 4
 2:00pm - 3:30pm
"Virtual Worlds" in Archival Settings

Moderator: Mattie Taormina, Special Collections, Stanford University
Henry Lowood,  History of Science & Technology Collections, Stanford University
Bob Ketner, Tech Museum of Innovation, San Jose
Pamela Jackson, San Diego State University

Although sometimes dismissed as "just games," Virtual Worlds actually present opportunities for archivists to expand their reference, access, and outreach efforts. Going beyond "cheerleading" for the latest technology, this panel will be an open discussion--a "look back" on how virtual worlds can facilitate relationships between cultural heritage professionals and their users. We will examine how this relatively unexplored, flexible and collaborative environment has been used--successfully and unsuccessfully--by museums and libraries and see how this technology can be adapted more by archivists.

 Session 5
 2:00pm - 3:30pm
New Technologies and Archives: Exchange Forum

Moderator:  Robin Chandler, UC Santa Cruz
Shauna Carey, & The Extraordinaries
Mano Marks, Google
Kristine Hanna, Internet Archive

Increasingly, archives are impacted by social media and Web 2.0 technologies.  Many archivists incorporate them into outreach activities; while at the same time they must also anticipate how to preserve such media as part of the archival record.  Representatives from social media companies as well as the Internet Archive will discuss their perspectives on this challenge, their experiences of working with archival institutions, and they will also present some of their new products and services.  This forum will include brief presentation of specific products, along with a facilitated discussion among the panel and the audience.

 Session 6
 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Archivists That Are Doin' It for Themselves: The Archivist as Historian

Moderator: Michael Wurtz, University of the Pacific
Waverly Lowell, Curator, Environmental Design Archives – Living Modern:   The Biography of Greenwood Common
Lisa Miller, Associate Archivist, Hoover Institution Archives – C. E. Kelsey and the Secret Treaties: When Local History Isn't Local
Michael Wurtz, Archivist, University of the Pacific – John Muir and the Big Trees

Archivists often stand dutifully by while they watch historians come into their repositories and do research using the collections that they administer. However, our inner historian occasionally tugs on a thread of the past, and as a result, archivists sometimes end up doing research "for themselves."  This session will provide examples of three research projects carried out by archivists, each with a focus on a particular facet of Northern California history: the story of C.E. Kelsey, a San Jose-based Indian agent during the early 1900s; research on John Muir and his exploration of the sequoias of the Sierra Nevada in the late 1800s; and the planning and design of Greenwood Common, a collection of post-war Modernist homes and gardens in the Berkeley Hills.  This session will reveal some local history to visitors from across the state and provide the speakers, all at different points along their projects, with the opportunity to share and discuss their research with others.

 "Celebrating California Authors"
 3:30pm - 4:00pm
Celebrating California Authors

Please join us in congratulating our colleagues, who during the past three years have published books about archival theory and practice, the history of their institutions, or about particular archival collections.  This will be an informal event where you can meet the authors and talk to them individually about their work.  Copies of some of their works may be available for purchase.
  • Lynn A. Bonfield, “New England to Gold Rush California: The Journal of Alfred and Chastina W. Rix, 1849-1854.” Arthur H. Clark Co., Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 2011.
  • Elena S. Danielson, “The Ethical Archivist.” Society of American Archivists, 2010.
  • Stephanie George, "Sowing Dreams, Cultivating Lives: Nikkei Farmers in Pre-World War II Orange County." (With Carlota F. Haider). Center for Oral and Public History/California State University, Fullerton, 2009.
  • Sara S. Hodson, "Jack London, Photographer." (With Jeanne Campbell Reesman, and Philip Adam). University of Georgia Press, 2010.
  • Waverly Lowell, “Design on the Edge: A Century of Teaching Architecture at the University of California, Berkeley, 1903-2003.” (With Elizabeth Byrne and Betsy Frederick-Rothwell). Berkeley: College of Environmental Design, 2010.
  • Mathew E. Simpson, "The Challenge of Islam: The Prophetic Tradition." (Norman O. Brown lectures. Introduction by Jay Cantor, edited by Jerome Neu, original transcription by Mathew E. Simpson). North Atlantic Books, 2009.
  • Morgan Yates, "Scenic View Ahead: The Westways Cover Art Program, 1928-1981." (Contributor). Automobile Club of Southern California, 2010.
SCA Membership & Committee meetings
 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Have you ever wondered what the work of SCA consists of, how decisions are made within SCA, or simply desired to voice your own opinions or learn about the work of the Society?  Please join us for the annual membership meeting to hear about the most recent developments and projects within SCA, and then stick around the for the committee meetings that will follow in order to find out where you can become more directly involved.
 April 30

 Session 7
 8:45am - 10:15am
Going Digital:  Less Process, More Content

Moderator: Leilani Marshall, Sourisseau Academy, San Jose State University
Paula Jabloner, Computer History Museum
Russell Rader, Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University
Lisa Miller, Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University

This session explores some basic, minimal approaches to processing, describing, and delivering digital material using case studies. It suggests some basic steps to begin processing and preserving the contents of computer media when resources are limited, citing the procedures used at the Hoover Institution Archives. The Computer History Museum's minimal approach to metadata creation for digital and non-digital collections described in its online database, which grew from 25,000 records in 2006 to 73,000 in 2010, is explained. When constraints like rights issues, donor limitations, or a limited web presence prevent online delivery of digital content, delivery in the reading room is necessary. The setup used for this at the Hoover Institution Archives is shared.

 Session 8
 8:45am - 10:15am
Gone Today, Here Tomorrow: Rescuing Ephemera from Oblivion with the California Ephemera Project

Moderator:  Jennifer Schaffner, OCLC Research
Wendy Welker, California Historical Society
Tanya Hollis, Labor Archives & Research Center, San Francisco State University
Stephanie Walls, Central Records Management, Center San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
David Krah, UCSF Special Collections

Among the various materials that are found in historical collections, ephemera can be an extraordinarily rich source of information, but also extremely challenging to preserve, catalog, and make available for use.  Four San Francisco-based repositories; the California Historical Society, GLBT Historical Society, Society of California Pioneers and San Francisco Public Library, are currently collaborating on the California Ephemera Project (CEP), a two-year Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)  grant funded initiative. This project will process, describe, and publicize their rich and varied ephemeral holdings.  Participants from the project will discuss its planning, as well as enumerate the challenges, difficulties, and rewards of this endeavor.

 Session 9
 8:45am - 10:15am
40 Years of the Society of California Archivists:  Reflections on the association, reflections on the profession

Moderator:  Brad Bauer, Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University
Lucinda Glenn, Graduate Theological Union
Jennifer Goldman, The Huntington Library
Chuck Wilson, University of California, Riverside
Claude Zachary, University of Southern California

From its inception in 1971, the Society of California Archivists has sought to educate and advocate on behalf of archives and archivists within California.  Yet, although the basic mission of the archival profession remains the same as it was 40 years ago, there have been many changes in the ways that archivists carry out their tasks, as well as in the nature of the records they select and preserve.  With this in mind, three SCA members will reflect on their own experiences as archival professionals during the past four decades;  speaking of the changes, challenges, and rewards of being an archivist, as well as how their own involvement with SCA has benefited them.  This moderated discussion will leave ample time for audience interaction, so come prepared to hear about the experiences of your colleagues, and to perhaps share some of your own.

 Session 10
 10:30am - 12:00pm
Breaking into the Archives:  A Discussion for Graduate Students and Early Career Professionals

Diana K. Wakimoto, California State University, East Bay
Collin Thorman, Student at San Jose State University
Jesse Nachem, Office of the President, University of California
Sherri Berger, California Digital Library

If you are a graduate student in archival science or an early career professional, this panel will be of interest to you. The panelists will discuss their experiences as students and archivists and offer advice on issues of relevance for students and professionals. Topics to be discussed include: making the most of graduate school, acquiring important skills and domain knowledge, finding volunteer and internship opportunities, changing careers and transferring skills, learning and integrating technology into the archives, job searching and interviewing, hiring and the tenure process, networking, grant writing, myths about the profession, and professional development, including poster sessions, article publication, and conference presentations. Bring your questions and join the conversation.

 Session 11
 10:30am - 12:00pm
Ingestion or Indigestion?  A Case Study in Electronic Records

Moderator: Jessica Herrick, California State Archives
Jeff Crawford, California State Archives
Breanne Kato, California State Archives
Rebecca Wendt, California State Archives

The California State Archives will soon be receiving large quantities of electronic data from the administration of former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.  Using this case study, the panel will discuss how electronic records impact traditional archival practices, lead to new and unusual partnerships, and strain resources.  The acquisition and transfer process, preservation and access issues, as well as how to ensure the authenticity of the electronic records present a set of unique problems for archivists.  Audience participation is strongly encouraged and will provide the basis for a lively discussion of the universal concepts and challenges that large amounts of electronic records bring to an archival setting.

 Session 12
 10:30am - 12:00pm
Uncovering California's Environmental Collections: A Processing Case Study

Moderator: Adrian Turner, California Digital Library
Genie Guerard, UCLA Library Special Collections
Adrienne Harling, Humboldt State University
Daryl Morrison, Special Collections, UC Davis
Liz Phillips, Special Collections, UC Davis

This panel discussion will highlight "Uncovering California's Environmental Collections" (, a collaborative project supported by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and administered by the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives Program.  From 2010-2012, nine California special collections and archival repositories are collaborating with the California Digital Library to process over 33 hidden environmental history collections. Finding aids will be made available through the Online Archive of California.  For this discussion, panelists will share “case studies” from the processing initiatives at their respective institutions, discussing challenges, solutions, and lessons learned.  Topics will include processing approaches and use of MPLP-based principles, utilizing Archivists' Toolkit, and processing metrics.  Panelists will also describe how the project has provided an opportunity to incorporate and test new modes of processing into their existing workflows.  Attendees are encouraged to participate in the discussion and question and answer portion.

 Session 13
 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Processing Born-Digital Collections:  Developing Procedures and Production Workflows

Glynn Edwards, Stanford University Libraries
Michael Olson, Stanford University Libraries
Paula Jabloner, Computer History Museum
Heather Yager, Computer History Museum
Josh Schneider, University Archives, UC Berkeley
Amy Croft, The Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley

Presenters will discuss their strategic overview for working with born-digital materials and discuss their progress. Presenters from the Bancroft Library are members of the recently appointed Digital Curation Task Force; Stanford’s presenters are part of the Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources (SULAIR) team; and the cross-institution collaborative AIMS Project (Born Digital Collections: An Inter-Institutional Model for Stewardship) and presenters from the CHM, having just launched a major exhibition, are preserving dealing with the archival material that arose from the digital exhibition planning documentation and moving images.
Each of the programs is at a different point in the conceptual process of developing new workflows and procedures; and, additionally has a different infrastructure and pressures at their respective institutions.
Topics may include perspectives on the planning process, curation and appraisal, ingest and processing, or access and preservation. Issues under consideration run the gamut from working with donors, capturing data, accessioning, processing – including current tools used and under development, current and future development of arrangement/description tools, delivery options via the internet and reading rooms and influencing resource allocators.

 Session 14
 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Pecha Kucha #2: A Sampling of Projects from Archives in the West

Moderator: Polina Ilieva,  University of California, San Francisco

In a Pecha Kucha, each speaker shows 20 PowerPoint images for 20 seconds each – resulting in a short but focused presentation. This session will share information from six different archivists working in various California repositories.
  • Brooke M. Black, The Huntington Library, "Collaborating with Scholars: A Case Study"
  • Josue Hurtado, University of California, San Francisco, "An Open-Source Solutions for Managing Photographs in the Archives"
  • Kim Klausner, University of California, San Francisco, "Are Menthol Cigarettes Harmful?"
  • Anna Naruta, National Archives at San Francisco, “The Site, the Documents, the People – Scenes from a community processing the aftermath of a racialized creation of the US border”
  • Jacque Sundstrand, University of Nevada, Reno, “Landing on MARS:  Using an Automated Storage and Retrieval System For Archival Collections at the University of Nevada, Reno”
  • Mattie Taormina, Stanford University Libraries, "Archives in the Round"
 Session 15
 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Confluence:  Corporate Archives and the Merger Environment

Aubrey Carrier, Wells Fargo Corporate Archive
Eric D. Chin, NBC-Universal Archives and Collections
Rochelle McCune, The Gap, Inc.

A major merger affects every aspect of a corporation and creates ripple effects that resonate within the company years after integration is officially "over."  This level of organizational change poses exceptional challenges and opportunities for corporate archives. A parent entity’s merger may result in new leadership, dramatic changes in collection scope, an expanded user base and loss of institutional memory.  How can an archives assert its identity, fulfill its mission, advocate for its collections and continue to support its parent entity in the new operating environment?  The speakers share experiences navigating significant corporate mergers in three different industries:  financial services, retail apparel, and media and entertainment.  Though each situation is unique, the overarching theme of managing and adapting to change applies to a wide variety of settings in the modern-day working landscape.

 SCA Board meeting
 4:00pm - 5:00pm
 AGM wrap-up.  (SCA Board members only.)
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