Disseminates information about the archival profession and about SCA activities to allied organizations and professions and the public.
This committee exists to facilitate and maintain various means of communication between SCA leadership and members, as well as among SCA members. Such means of communication are focused around but not limited to SCA's website, and could include e-mail blasts, interactive platforms such as social media sites, and electronic tools for reaching out (surveying, educating, etc.) to the membership. The committee works closely with the SCA Board, all other SCA committees, task forces, and groups that wish to communicate to a broad swath of SCA's membership.
Composition of the committee and terms of office are defined in Handbook section 3-1 and governed by the Bylaws.
1. Designing, organizing and maintaining the SCA web site.
2. Publicizing and promoting SCA activities through newsletters of allied organizations, listservs, Archives Month, and other public forums.
3. Creating, distributing and disseminating educational pamphlets, brochures and other materials.
4. Creating and supporting presentations or panels at meetings of allied organizations.
5. Communicating to SCA members via the Newsletter and social media channels news of appropriate events sponsored by allied professionals.
6. Ensuring consistent ease of maintenance and access to the SCA web site by using a reliable commercial web hosting site.
7. Reviewing the SCA web site regularly to ensure it remains responsive to the needs of the membership.
8. Notifying Board Members and Committee Chairs about SCA web site content under their purview that is outdated or inaccurate.
9. Investigating, implementing and maintaining additional means of electronic communications. Such means are ancillary to the SCA web site; they can include social media sites and electronic tools for reaching out (surveying, educating, etc.) the membership.
10. Recommending institutional membership for SCA in allied organizations.
11. Responding to requests and suggestions about electronic communications in a timely manner.
12. Creating mailing lists of organizations and publications to receive public relations materials about SCA events and programs.
13. Recruiting committee members from those SCA members who are also members of allied organizations.
14. Collaborating with the Board and Committee Chairs to create and solicit (new, or updates to existing) content for the SCA web site and ancillary sites.
15. Collaborating with the Board on means for storing, preserving and making accessible SCA's digital content.
16. Maintaining levels of administrator access to the SCA web site.
17. Maintaining (setting, re-setting, protecting and disseminating appropriately) all passwords for accounts including but not limited to "@calarchivists.org" email addresses, analytical tools, ancillary sites such as social media sites, survey tools and education tool.
General Email: outreach@calarchivists.org
April Feldman, 2022-2025: County of San Diego Archives, april.feldman@sdcounty.ca.gov (Website/Blog)
Dominique Massey , 2024-2027: NBCUniversal, dominiquemassey@gmail.com (Google Admin/West_Arch)