The Education Committee provides archival education and professional development, coordinates several workshops each year, analyzes the educational needs of SCA members, and pursues other training opportunities.
This standing committee promotes archival education and the professional development of archivists throughout the state.
Composition of the committee and terms of office are defined in Handbook section 3-1 and governed by the Bylaws.
1. Develops and presents archival education workshops to be sponsored by SCA. The Education Committee is responsible for:
a. Regional fall programs—one Northern, one Southern
b. Spring programs—alternating Northern and Southern in the opposite region of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) location.
c. Specialized workshops to be offered as opportunities present themselves or as demand requires.
2. Collaborates with the Program Committee.
a. The chair or other representative of the Education Committee serves as ad hoc member of the Program Committee.
b. The Vice President/Program Chair serves as an ad hoc member of the Education Committee.
c. Responsibility for the pre-conference workshop(s) for the AGM may be delegated to the Education Committee.
3. Provides SCA members with information about archival education programs in California.
4. Maintains a workbook of guidelines and pointers for putting together programs and samples of publicity and forms.
General email:
Sandy Enriquez, 2021-2024: UC Riverside,
Emily Homolka, 2022-2025: San Francisco Symphony,
Vice-Chairs for Online Education
Northern California, Shelby Sorensen
Southern California, Allura Hays
Society of American Archivists (SAA) Continuing Education Calendar