Solicits candidates for SCA Board member positions, prepares a slate of candidates for offices falling vacant within a given year. (This is the only committee whose members are elected.)
Throw your hat into the ring and run for a position on the SCA Board!
Are you interested in the future of the archival profession in California? Eager to learn and develop new leadership skills, or to share those skills that you already have? Looking forward to working together with a team of committed and creative archival colleagues who value the role that SCA has played in their own careers, and who wish to further SCA’s work in the years ahead?
Then nominate yourself -- or a friend or colleague -- for a position on the SCA Board!
Nominees must be an individual member in good standing (no unpaid past dues, or interruption in membership for the past three years).
An SCA Board membership term runs from roughly June 1st to May 31st of every year.
After a slate of nominees is formed, the election will be held early in the calendar year. The newly-elected people will be announced at the AGM. They will then start their positions around June 1st.
More information about each of these chief positions and their responsibilities may be found in the SCA Handbook. You can also contact members of the Board who currently hold these positions.
General email:
Liza Posas, 2023-2024: Autry Museum of the American West,