Information for Vendors

We expect approximately 240 archivists and other information professionals to attend the SCA AGM to meet vendors face to face, stay abreast of archival best practices, and network with colleagues.  We appreciate the support shown by so many vendors at past meetings and look forward to a similar level of participation this year.

To register:  Please fill out this vendor registration form and return it with payment to the address indicated on the form** Registration Deadline Extended **  New deadline for registration and payment for exhibiting, sponsoring and advertising is now April 1.

Vendors' contact: April Gage at 650-604-1032 or april.gage @


The vendor exhibit hall will be held for one full day, Friday April 29, in the "Atrium," a beautiful room on the ground floor of the Sainte Claire hotel.  Click here to see a map of where AGM events are located within the hotel.  Click here to see the hotel's floor plans (showing rooms' dimensions).

Exhibition hosting options:
A staffed table for exhibition
An unattended table for display of promotional material

Exhibitor fees:

Staffed table  $175
Unattended table  $50

Exhibitor fees include:
Registration:  Conference registration for one person including the opening reception (luncheons not included).  Cost for additional persons is $100.00 each, including opening reception and luncheons.
Advertising:  Listing on vendors page on the AGM Web site.
Exhibitor fees do not include lodging, transportation, or materials shipping/handling or storage costs.

Times on Friday April 29:
Set-up: As early as 7:00 am (The first event of the day, the AGM Plenary Address, starts at 9:00 am.)
Take-down:  As late as 6:00 pm (The last sessions end at 4:00 pm; the last meetings end at 5:30 pm.)


Sponsorship of any social events at the AGM are welcome!

Social events include our opening reception, coffee breaks between sessions and luncheons.


The AGM program will reach the entire SCA membership.  It will be distributed electronically to all members and again in paper format to all AGM attendees.  In addition, the program will be permanently accessible on the SCA web site. 

Space is available for full, half or quarter page advertisements in greyscale:
Full page  $175
Half page  $100
Quarter page  $50

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