Call for Proposals

SCA AGM 2018

Annual General Meeting of the Society of California Archivists 

April 11 - 13, 2018

Tenaya Lodge  • Yosemite


The 2018 Annual General Meeting Program Committee invites submissions for workshop and session proposals for the upcoming meeting of the Society of California Archivists. The meeting will include a two-day conference and a day of pre-conference workshops.

The Education Committee welcomes workshop proposals on any archival topic, and particularly welcomes proposals addressing archival project management, extensible processing, born-digital archives, and outreach and marketing for archivists.

To submit a proposal for inclusion on the 2018 AGM program, please note the following:

Proposal Evaluation: Session proposals are welcome on any aspect of archives and records management practices as well as their intersections with other professions and domains. Each proposal will be evaluated on the strength of the 175-word abstract, the diversity of the speakers and their experience, and the completeness of the proposal. Session proposals should incorporate one or more of the following:

  • Inclusion of diverse perspectives and initiatives.
  • Statement of potential impact on archival practice.
  • Relevance of the topic for SCA members and other interested attendees.
  • Interaction and engagement with session participants.

Session Formats: The Program Committee encourages submission of proposals that may include, but are not limited to, the following formats:

Panel Discussion - open session with a panel of three (3) to four (4) individuals informally discussing a variety of theories or perspectives on the given topic(s)

Traditional - open session with two to three fully prepared papers of fifteen (15) minutes each and a comment and discussion period after the papers

Lightning Talks - fast-paced open session with many concise papers presented under a tight time limit, with details of the limit determined by the proposer

Alternative Format. Don’t feel confined by the prescribed formats—suggest an alternative or create your own! Alternative format sessions may take a variety of forms. Examples include world cafĂ© and fishbowl discussions. Propose a moderated debate offering opposing points of view, or an “experiential” format involving simulation, role play, or games to convey key principles and learning objectives. We welcome your creative ideas about how your topic might best be addressed! Proposals in this category must: 1) specify the format and session facilitator and 2) describe briefly how the format will enhance presentation of the material. You may suggest up to four presenters for the session.

Note: Presenters must register and secure their own funding and may only participate in one session.

Proposals for the 2018 Annual General Meeting are due on October 16, 2017.

The Program Committee will not consider proposals received after the deadline.

Click here to submit your proposal.

Don't want to fill out a Google Form? 

Download proposal form here and e-mail to Teresa Mora

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