• AGM 2025
  • AGM 2021 Presenter Information

SCA AGM 2021

Presenter Information Presenter FAQs

The SCA Annual General Meeting 2021 virtual conference will be held Tuesday, April 27 through Friday, April 30 and supported by Cvent, an event management company. Registered attendees will access the AGM through Cvent's dynamic "Virtual Attendee Hub (VAH)." The information presented below is relevant to AGM speakers, presenters, panelists, committee chairs and meeting hosts.

Tips for Attending the AGM  

A few pre-AGM reminders

  • Consider sharing copies of everyone’s presentations with each other in the event someone has connectivity or technical issues while presenting so that another of the panelists can cover their material if necessary.
  • Make sure you have the latest Zoom updates installed (the most current version is 5.6.4)
  • Review Moderator and Speaker training recordings: For links to these training session recordings, refer back to the email from Jannette Lannen on 4/12 or 4/13 for Moderator training; on 4/14 for Live-Stream Session Speaker training and on 4/15 for Collaborative Session Speaker training.

A few Day-of reminders

  • Make sure you check in to the Green Room at least 30 minutes prior to your session start for A/V support. The Green Room is just a Zoom meeting room where techs will be able to perform a tech check for each speaker. It will open at 8:00am every morning of the AGM.
  • The Speaker link to your session was provided in an earlier email. Please make sure you log-in to your session at least 15 and up to 30 minutes prior to the session start time to meet with the In-Session Support person and cover any last-minute questions or issues. The In-Session support person will already be in the session meeting to greet you and go over a final round of A/V and content checks.
  • As a Speaker, Cvent recommends that you do not join your session in the VAH, but rather only join your session using the Speaker link sent to you earlier. Having both applications open can be disorienting due to the 10-second delay between Zoom and the VAH.
  • If during your presentation you get a message regarding weak or unstable connectivity, turn off your camera while leaving your audio active, which might help stabilize your connection.
  • Live-stream Sessions: You will not be able to see or interact with Attendees/Participants in the Session as they will be watching through the Cvent Video Player on the attendee website (Virtual Attendee Hub). You will only see the other Speakers and A/V Tech (meeting host) in the Webinar.
  • Collaborative Sessions: Joining your session as presenter is much like any other Zoom Meeting.

Speaker/Moderator Training

User Training will be the week of April 12. All presentations should be finalized prior to User Training.

Please note: A "dry run" of your session can be scheduled if your panel would like to practice with the Cvent user interface once training has been completed. Please contact Jannette Lannen to schedule this.

 Monday, April 12, noon-1:00pm  Moderator Training
 Tuesday, April 13, noon-1:00pm  Moderator Training
 Wednesday, April 14, noon-1:00pm  Speaker Training for those using the Live-Stream session format
 Thursday, April 15, noon-1:00pm  Speaker training for those using the Collaborative session format
  • Training sessions are scheduled for 1 hour to review slides, view a live demonstration, and review what the Virtual Attendee Hub (VAH) looks like. They will also include Q&A with Jannette Lannen, the Cvent Project Manager.
  • Moderator training will include a test session where moderators can access Live Q&A tool.
  • Both types of trainings will review best practices and network suggestions, and will include best practice documentation.
  • Recordings to all the trainings will be made available after the training sessions for personal review.

Session Type Breakdown

Live stream (with Cvent Q+A) Presentation Style (unlimited participants in VAH)

  • Feature Availability: Live Q&A via the Attendee Hub, chat feature within zoom for speakers/moderators (only to others within the meeting)
  • Speaker experience - Speaker will enter the capture tool by direct URL. This is going to be a Zoom meeting with just the speakers, moderators and host. The host will click to start the live stream to the attendees. We suggest at least 30 minutes before the Session Start Time. The speaker will be responsible for sharing their screen and content or have a dedicated person to do so. If using Cvent Q&A, the speaker will verbally address questions at the point in their presentation they desire.
  • Attendee Experience - Attendees will join the session by navigating to the session details page in the Attendee Hub by clicking join. They will consume the content via live stream in the Video Player that is embedded in Engagement Hub.

See the section "Hosting a Live-Stream Session" in the article "Preparing to Host a Virtual Session" on the Cvent "Community" page for more information.

Collaborative Sessions (Zoom Meetings) Recommended for more “interactive” sessions

  • Speaker experience - Speaker will enter the capture tool by direct URL. The speaker simply joins. The speaker will be responsible for sharing their screen and content or have a dedicated person to do so. The host will enter the capture tool by direct URL. Host & speaker can be the same person. The host is responsible to managing key features.
  • Attendee Experience - Attendees will join the session by navigating to the session details and clicking join. A Zoom window will open and the attendee will be able to utilize the features exposed within the Zoom Meeting. Zoom Feature Availability Listed Below
    • Waiting Room (*off* by default, can be turned on)
    • Chat
    • Meeting Recording (Not Local- Cloud Only)
    • Breakout Rooms
    • Screen Share
    • Annotations are supported and on by default.
    • Whiteboard
    • Non-Verbal Feedback
    • Meeting Reactions
    • Report Participants
    • Meeting control toolbar is supported and on by default
    • Remote control is *off* by default
    • Email notifications are not sent from Zoom to hosts. Planners can share the recording with hosts through Cvent emails using datatags
    • Audio Type is computer audio only. Telephone is not supported.
    • File transfers are not supported
    • Polling is not supported

See the section "Hosting a Collaborative Session" in the article "Preparing to Host a Virtual Session" on the Cvent "Community" page for more information.

Pre-Recorded Sessions

  • Feature Availability: Can use the Live Q&A to see questions coming in but they cannot reply/respond or address questions live since the content will be pre-recorded
  • Speaker Experience - Speaker will record content in advance and provide file to planner.
  • Planner Experience - Planner will provide Cvent with file and Cvent will upload to play “live” at the Session Start Time.
  • Attendee Experience - Attendees will join the session by navigating to the session details page in the Attendee Hub by clicking join. They will consume the content via live stream in the Video Player that is embedded in Engagement Hub.

Video file size shouldn't be an issue as we have tested with video uploads as large as 100GB.
Video Formatting: We accept a long list of formats. The most common is MP4 file. The shorter list is what we don't support:

  • Apple Intermediate
  • HDV 720p60
  • Go2Meeting3 (G2M3)
  • Avid Meridien Uncompressed
  • Windows Media Audio Lossless
  • CineForm
  • SWF
  • Animated GIF

If you have any questions about the AGM, please don't hesitate to send an email to Leilani Marshall, the AGM 2021 Program Chair, at lmarshall@sourisseauacademy.org

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