SCA AGM 2021

Information for Vendors

Our first ever virtual meeting will be held April 27-30, 2021

California's archivists and other information professionals flock to the annual meeting each year, which this year will be held virtually. A big part of the attraction is having the chance to talk with vendors and stay abreast of new and emerging technologies and best practices. Our members appreciate the support shown by so many vendors at past meetings and look forward to interacting again this year in an online environment.

Vendor Registration is now closed.

Contact: Jaime Henderson at

Ways to participate

Exhibitor Booths

A virtual exhibitor hall is scheduled for the duration of the conference this year, along with two 45-minute Vendor Breaks during which conference attendees will be encouraged to visit exhibitor booths. With support from Cvent, our conference platform, exhibitors may post information to their virtual booth and schedule up to ten (10) preset appointments.

Exhibitor booths will be assigned on a first come, first served basis, until we reach the limit of fifteen (15) exhibitors.

For fees and other details, see Virtual Exhibitor Booth and Sponsorship Matrix below.


Make an impact with a sponsorship. This year, sponsorship funds are used to support all-membership events and selected meetings and sessions.

Sponsorship Level Event, Meeting, Session Fee
GOLD Plenary
  • Oral acknowledgement of sponsorship at Plenary
  • First come, first served
SILVER Options:
  1. Awards Event
  2. Members Meeting
  3. Session: SCA at 50: A Golden Anniversary
  • Logo featured at beginning of event, meeting, or session
  • First come, first served
BRONZE Options:
  1. Awards Event
  2. Members Meeting
  3. Session: SCA at 50: A Golden Anniversary
  • Logo featured at beginning of event, meeting, or session
  • First come, first served


Pre-Event Promotion

Company logo and profile on our conference website
* * * *
Company logo in our promotional emails * * *
Social media promotion on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram * *

Virtual Conference Access, Branding, and Networking

Preset appointment scheduled (up to 10) * * * *
Virtual exhibitor booth (with company profile, booth staff details, video conferencing, inbound lead collection, and links and documents) * * * *
Sponsored session 1
(see options listed in sponsorship table above)
(see options listed in sponsorship table above)

Featured listing on virtual event homepage * *

Oral acknowledgement and logo featured at sponsored session * *
(logo only)

FEES (Please note that conference registration for attendance at sessions, events, and meetings is NOT included.) $2,500 $1,000 $625 $300


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