Information for Vendors
SCA 2017 Annual General Meeting in Pasadena

California's archivists and other information professionals flock to the annual meeting each year. A big part of the attraction is having the chance to talk with vendors face to face and stay abreast of new and emerging technologies and best practices. Our members appreciate the support shown by so many vendors at past meetings and look forward to a similar level of participation this year.

To Register: Complete a Vendor Registration form and return it with payment to the address on the form.

Registration Deadline: Orders, registration, payment, and artwork, are due March 30.

Danielle Scott Taylor 
Phone: 650-723-3428 (M-F, 8:00am-5:00pm)

Ways to Participate

Exhibit Tables

Vendor hall: open Friday, April 28, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
The vendor exhibit hall is scheduled for the busiest day of the event, when the most members are expected to attend. Select either a staffed exhibit table or an unattended table for display of promotional material.

Staffed exhibit table
Unattended exhibit table
Non-profit rate
Silent auction

*Fees do not include lodging, or transportation.

One complimentary full conference registration

Recognition on exhibitor page in printed conference program and on website (company name in program and name plus a hyperlink to their Web site online)

Six-foot table with skirting, two chairs, access to a power outlet, and wireless internet connection

Staffed table includes quarter page advertisement


The conference program will reach the entire SCA membership. It will be distributed electronically to all members and again in paper format to all event attendees. In addition, the program will be permanently accessible on the Society's Web site.

Full page
Half page
Quarter page

Send advertisements via email attachment (up to 25MB file size) to Danielle Scott Taylor at

Artwork must be submitted no later than March 1, 2017.

Images intended for publication should be submitted as high-resolution files, preferably in TIFF format.


Make an impact with a sponsorship. To be eligible, purchase a staffed exhibit table and advertisement of any size.

Basic Sponsorship: $350
Sponsorship: Starts at $500

*Contact Danielle Scott Taylor for information about sponsorships. To participate as a sponsor, vendors must purchase a staffed exhibit table and advertisement of any size.

One complimentary full conference registration

Recognition as a sponsor on exhibitor page, conference program, website (name, tag line, logo, link to website), and in the form of signage at the sponsored event.

Choice of exhibit table location

Deluxe Sponsors also receive:

Oral acknowledgement at the luncheon

One-color logo in the conference program

*Sponsorship funds are used to support coffee breaks, luncheons, the opening reception, and/or other events.

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