AGM 2017 Registration Information

Horseback riders overlooking the [Colorado Street] bridge, [n.d.]. 
Image courtesy of the Los Angeles Public Library.

Online Registration

Online registration is open!  Register here!

Online registration provides two payment options:

1. Online payment:  Using a credit or debit card or PayPal. Your receipt will be emailed to you from the SCA.

2. Payment by check:  Make checks payable to "Society of California Archivists". Mail to:

Kate Tasker
The Bancroft Library
University of California,
Berkeley CA 94720

Your receipt will be available at the registration table on site.

Please register by April 20, in order for your AGM materials (name tag, etc.) to be ready for you when you check in at the AGM. On-site registration fees are the same as online fees. On-site registration fees may be paid by check, cash, or credit card.

In order to receive the SCA member discount, your SCA membership must be current before you register online.  To join SCA or renew your membership, see

Problems with your credit card payment? Need to request a debit or credit card refund? Contact the SCA Treasurer

On-site Registration

On-site registration will be available, beginning April 27, at noon. On-site registration fees are the same as online fees. On-site registration fees may be paid by check, cash, or credit card.

Registration Fees  

AGM Full, Non-SCA Member: $220
AGM, SCA Member: $180
AGM, Student: $80

AGM Friday only, Non-SCA Member: $125
AGM Friday only, SCA Member: $100
AGM Friday only, Student: $50

AGM Saturday only, Non-SCA Member: $125
AGM Saturday only, SCA Member: $100
AGM Saturday only, Student: $50

Guest: $40 (when accompanying a registered attendee to a special event)



California's archivists and other information professionals flock to the annual meeting each year. A big part of the attraction is having the chance to talk with vendors face to face and stay abreast of new and emerging technologies and best practices. Our members appreciate the support shown by so many vendors at past meetings and look forward to a similar level of participation this year.

To Register: Complete a Vendor Registration form and return it with payment to the address on the form.

Registration Deadline: Orders, registration, payment, and artwork, are due March 30.

Contact: Elisa Picchio at

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