Workshop Announcement: Anti-Ableism with Annie Roos

November 11, 2024 6:55 AM | SCA Admin

Anti-Ableism Training with Annie Roos

Monday, December 9, 2024

10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time)

Webinar Description:

While 26% of the U.S. population has a disability, all people are impacted by ableism. In this interactive, 2-hour anti-ableism training, participants will learn the historical context of the systemic exclusion of people with disabilities, how disability culture grew from civil rights movements, and what disability means. Participants will be able to explore topics of ableism in archives, libraries, and museums through dialogue with the speaker as well as each other, with the aim of leaving the workshop with ideas of actionable ways to incorporate anti-ableism principles into their own workplace. Through language and our understanding of intersectionality, we will explore ableism through a disability justice lens, leaving us with ideas for how to be better allies to the disability community and bring access into our work and daily lives.

Please forward any questions or comments to Rob Strauss and Emily Homolka at

The cost is $10 for SCA members; $5 for student members; $20 for non-members; and $5 for unemployed or precariously employed individuals. 


Annie Roos (she/her) is a neurodivergent museum accessibility specialist with over 15 years of experience. Passionate about access intimacy, she explores the layers of challenges, seeking innovative and inclusive ways to solve problems. Annie obtained her MA in Disability Studies from CUNY and her BS in Studio Art from Skidmore College. Outside the museum, you can find her tending to her plants, dancing to music, and feeling joy with her community.

Register here:

Registration is open until December 8. Online payment is required.

Position Announcement: WAI Planning Consultant

November 11, 2024 6:48 AM | SCA Admin

The Society of California Archivists (SCA) seeks an experienced and dynamic professional to lead the planning of a reimagined and sustainable Western Archives Institute (WAI) program, reviewing past practices and ultimately developing an administrative toolkit that will be used to administer an online program in 2026.

Founded in 1986, WAI is a continuing education program for individuals whose jobs require a fundamental understanding of archival skills, but have little or no formal archives education; those who have expanding responsibility for archival materials; those who are practicing archivists but have not received formal instruction; those who demonstrate a commitment to an archival career.  We seek to reach new participants, particularly those developing and caring for community archives in underserved communities. 


  • Identify an appropriate course management system for WAI

  • Recommend administrative structure for online-only WAI

  • Recommend student application system 

  • Review and update existing rubrics and assessment tools

  • Perform a budget and tuition analysis with attention to long-term program sustainability

  • Produce updated documentation including but not limited to existing procedures, forms, assessment tools, and manuals

Required Qualifications:

  • Experience in administering or managing online continuing education/professional development programs 

  • Knowledge of  instructional design principles in online learning environments

  • Experience using learning management systems

  • Experience managing budgets

  • Commitment to inclusive and interdisciplinary pedagogical practices

  • Demonstrated ability to work independently as well as collaboratively in a changing environment to bring projects to a successful completion

  • Organizational, interpersonal, analytical, written communication, and decision-making skills

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Experience evaluating online educational programs

  • Information science/archives background

Pay and Work Schedule:

  • The successful candidate will receive a $15,000 stipend

  • This is a remote position with deliverables to be completed by August 2025

Review of applications will begin on December 1, 2024. Please submit a resumé or CV and cover letter to

Nicole Shibata

SCA President, 2024-2025

Society of California Archivists

Call for Proposals SCA AGM 2025

October 29, 2024 11:00 AM | SCA Vice President

The Society of California Archivists (SCA) invites submissions of session proposals for our 2025 Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held in-person from April 2-4, 2025 at the Garland Hotel in Studio City, CA.

The deadline for proposals is Friday, December 6, 2024 (11:59pm PT).  If you have a particular topic in mind and are looking for co-presenters, please use the SCA AGM ideas spreadsheet to make connections.

The Program Committee invites your submissions, especially those based on next year's theme The Future of Memory: Archival Innovation and Sustainability.

 The theme can be broadly interpreted, expanding on the scope of interpretations of innovation and sustainability. We aim to include a broad and diverse range of sessions and topics. 

See the full call and SUBMIT your session proposals here:

Call for Submissions, Winter 2024 SCA Newsletter

October 16, 2024 7:24 PM | SCA Admin

The SCA newsletter is seeking articles and notices about your activities and accomplishments for the Winter issue. The newsletter relies entirely on submissions from community members, so please share your news with the California archives community. 

How about an article on newly processed collections, new acquisitions, your institution's response to the challenging budget environment, grants received, or an ongoing project? Or you might consider a short notice on upcoming events, exhibit openings, new hires, student activities, internship opportunities, or workshops? Have you read a great book that other archivists might find interesting? How about submitting a short review of it? Submissions on any topics of interest to the California archives community are welcome. We would love to have short news and events items from repositories and archivists throughout the state.

Please review all submission guidelines online. 

The deadline for submissions is Monday, November 25, 2024. Email your submissions to Be sure to include your repository name, location, and contact information.

For more information, please contact the newsletter editors at

Thank you for sharing!


The SCA Newsletter team

Marissa Friedman

Sue Tyson

Maria Carrillo Colato

Sereen Suleiman

Fall 2024 SCA Newsletter available

October 07, 2024 1:38 PM | SCA Admin

The Fall 2024 SCA Newsletter is now online at

Thank you to all those who submitted articles and news items for this issue. Another issue will be coming out this fall, so please consider submitting an article or some news about your work. A call for submissions will go out shortly.

Happy reading!

Marissa Friedman, 
Sue Tyson, Andrew Kopp, Sereen Suleiman, and Maria Carrillo Colato

SCA Newsletter Team

SCA wants you! Call for Nominations for SCA officers

The Society of California Archivists' Nominating Committee is now accepting nominations and self-nominations for the following positions:

* Vice President / President Elect (3-year term)

* Secretary (2-year term)

* Membership Director (2-year term)

* Director at Large (2-year term)

* Nominating Committee member (2-year term)

Please complete the SCA 2025 Candidate Nominating Form with your own name or the name of a  colleague that you think would make a good candidate for service in SCA. 

SCA is a volunteer-run organization that relies greatly on its members to not only operate as an organization but also to remain relevant and useful to archives professionals throughout the state of California. Serving on the SCA Board or on the Nominating Committee is an excellent way to both become more familiar with the archival profession in California and to have an impact on SCA’s future and the future of its members. It's also a great chance to work with a team of wonderful archival colleagues from around the state, while developing your own professional strengths.

For more information about each of these positions and their responsibilities, please review sections 2-3, 2-4, 2-7, 2-8 and 3-12 of the SCA Handbook.

Please submit all nominations by Monday, December 2, 2024.

 Thank you for your thoughtful submissions!

2024-2025 SCA Nominating Committee:

Lisa Mix, SCA Immediate Past-President (Chair)

Hanna Ahn

Hilary Swett

Announcing the 2025 AGM!

The Society of California Archivists 2025 AGM will be held, in-person, at

The Garland

Los Angeles, April 2-4, 2025

The SCA Local Arrangements Committee is thrilled to announce that the 2025 AGM will be held at The Garland Hotel in North Hollywood on April 2-4.

This iconic Los Angeles institution was founded in 1970 by actress Beverly Garland and her husband, Filmore Crank. It was designed to offer a hideaway to LA's hippest crowd. Now owned and operated by Beverly's son, James, the newly renovated hotel has become an award winning destination for food and fun. 

Help us kick off the countdown to AGM 2025 by checking out all The Garland has to offer:

The Garland

The Garland Events Schedule

The Garland Gallery

Stay tuned for registration and booking information

Get ready to let the #goodtimes roll!


The 2025 SCA Local Arrangements Committee

Kelsey Knox

Alanna Quan

2024 California Archives Month Poster Submission

We’re now calling on all institutions interested in submitting images for the 2024 California Archives Month poster! This year’s theme, “Great Ideas Start Here,” will be showcased on California’s fully-virtual poster. 


  • Please select up to three images that you feel best represent this theme and send them to by 11:59 pm on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, for a chance to be featured on the poster.
  • Image files must be in the TIFF (.tif) format captured at 300 ppi or higher, if possible. There is a 25 Mb limit for attachments sent to the above Gmail address, so you may need to send multiple submissions if you are sending multiple images in order to stay under the cap. 
  • Include in each submission email: 1) the name of the holding organization, 2) File name, and 3) a description of the image that includes the subject, location (if known), and date (or approximation).
  • If you have any questions about the poster or image submission, you can contact SCA’s Communications & Outreach Committee at

Summer 2024 SCA Newsletter!

July 10, 2024 8:21 PM | SCA Admin

The Summer 2024 SCA Newsletter is now available online at!

Thank you to all those who submitted articles and news items for this issue. Another issue will be coming out this fall, so please consider submitting an article or some news about your work. A call for submissions will go out shortly.

Happy reading!

Congratulations Audra Eagle Yun and Polina E. Ilieva

July 10, 2024 8:11 PM | SCA Admin

This August at the SAA Annual Meeting in Chicago, Society of California Archivists members, Audra Eagle Yun and Polina E. Ilieva, will be inducted as Fellows of the Society of American Archivists. This is the highest honor bestowed on individuals by SAA and is awarded for outstanding contributions to the archives profession. 

Bravo Audra and Polina!

More information about this prestigious award and this year's recipients here:

Committee Vacancies

March 18, 2024 11:18 PM | SCA Admin

The Society of California Archivists depends on its members to help the organization function at its best. In advance of the SCA AGM 2024 on April 15th, members are invited to consider becoming a volunteer with any of our committees.

Below is a list of committees that have announced vacancies for the coming year. You can learn more about these and all of our committees at our SCA Standing Committees page. You will find contacts listed at the bottom of each committee page.

We sincerely thank all our 2023-2024 committee members for generously volunteering their time and skills. We could not do SCA’s work without you!

Please consider volunteering to join or chair a committee.

Many thanks,

Lisa Mix

SCA President

Communications and Outreach (contact committee)

Disseminates information about the archival profession and about SCA activities to allied organizations and professions and the public. Also designs, maintains and updates the SCA website, and SCA social media sites, to facilitate communication among SCA members and others.

Open chairs: 2 Co-Chairs

Members needed: New members welcome

Development (contact committee)

Fundraises to support SCA's activities and programs, through both member gifts and outside funding sources.

Open chairs: 1 Co-Chair

Members needed: None

Election (contact committee)

Conducts annual elections for SCA Board member positions.

Open chairs: None

Members needed: 1 (one of our two members will leave after this election cycle)

Labor, Advocacy and Public Policy (contact committee)

Responsible for promoting advocacy in response to key issues that may impact archives, diversity, and the role of archives and archivists within society.

Open chairs: None

Members needed: No members needed, but always open to interested volunteers

Local Arrangements (AGM) (contact committee)

Manages all physical arrangements of the Annual General Meeting (hotel, event venues, catering, travel, etc).

Open chairs: Junior chair

Members needed: New members welcome

Publications (contact committee)

Develops, produces and markets SCA’s publications: SCA Newsletter, Directory of Archival and Manuscript Repositories in California, and other publications.

Open chairs: None

Members needed: 3 (two assistant editors; 1 layout editor)

Make Your Voice Heard to Guide SCA’s Future: Take The Membership Survey!

March 11, 2024 2:30 PM | SCA Task Force on Strategic Planning

The Strategic Planning Task Force invites you to participate in a survey on your experience with the Society of California Archivists. Your responses are important to us and will be used to guide  recommendations to the SCA Board for directing the resources and activities of SCA in the coming years. You do not need to be a current member to participate in this survey.

Access the membership survey at this link: 

The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. All responses to this survey will be anonymous. Answers to some questions are required in order to complete the survey and are marked with a red asterisk (*). Some multiple-choice questions have an option to explain your answer more fully in writing, and we encourage you to do so when you feel you have more to share. There are two questions on demographics at the end of the survey, which are optional.

The survey will close on May 31, 2024.

In addition to this membership survey, the SCA Strategic Planning Task Force will be conducting Zoom interviews with focus groups in Spring 2024 to get more information on the experiences of archives workers in California. 

If you are interested in learning more about participating in the SCA focus groups, or if you have any questions about this survey or about the strategic planning process, please email us at

Thank you for participating!


SCA Strategic Planning Task Force
Alix Norton and Leilani Marshall, co-chairs
Melissa Haley
Anne Hall
Ellen Jarosz

Eric Milenkiewicz

Penelope Neder-Muro
Mattie Taormina

Pre-Conference Workshops - Register by April 11

April 03, 2024 9:26 PM | SCA Communications and Outreach

SCA Education Committee will be hosting 2 virtual workshops on Friday, April 12th as we gear up for AGM! Check out the information below and click to register.

The cost for each workshop is $20 for SCA members; $5 for student members; $30 for non-members; and $5 for unemployed or precariously employed individuals. 

Please forward any questions or comments to Sandy Enriquez and Emily Homolka at

Registration is open until April 11. Online payment is required. 

Event Details:

Re-framing Organizations: Managing Change As You Move Your Organization Forward

Friday, April 12, 2024

9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. (Pacific Standard Time)

This pre-conference workshop for the 2024 SCA AGM is presented by Dr. Rita Mukherjee Hoffstadt and hosted by the SCA Education Committee. 

Webinar Description: 

What does transformational change in an organization look like? In this workshop you will be given tools to help you study what is needed, make a plan, and adjust along the way. In this workshop you will learn about the changes that Folsom History, formerly known as Folsom Historical Society, implemented to become more relevant in their community. Small breakout groups will allow you to discuss ideas and steps for you to implement changes in your own organization. A final group reflection will allow for discussion on critical issues to address when transforming an organization or department. 

Registration is limited to 50 attendees


Dr. Rita Mukherjee Hoffstadt is the Executive Director of Folsom History, with over 23 years of experience developing programs and exhibits for museums and science centers. Her work focuses on making powerful and complex ideas accessible and relevant to audiences of all ages. 

Register here


Event Details:

Unlocking Learning Landscapes: Leveraging Places in Archival Instructional Programming

Friday, April 12, 2024

1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time)

This pre-conference workshop for the 2024 SCA AGM is presented by Autumn M. Johnson, Erin K. Patterson, and Dawn "Nikki" Canon-Rech and hosted by the SCA Education Committee. 

Webinar Description: 

Game-based instructional programs, especially through escape experiences, are innovative ways to teach with archival, primary sources to a more engaged and diverse audience. For three years, Georgia Southern University's Special Collections has successfully developed game-based programs that have come to be a highlight of October's Archives Month. In exploring how this program series might be continuously improved, they most recently partnered with their local Botanical Gardens. The recent program was thematically centered around t he Garden's rich natural and cultural history and, more critically, was offered on-site to participants. In addition to building on common values between the two institutions to offer historically driven opportunities that connect learners with the cultural heritage of the region, the program saw a dramatic increase in attendance and patron engagement. 

In this interactive workshop, presenters will explore the impact of providing programs outside of the archive and how place-based initiatives can effectively immerse participants in a conducive learning environment for success. The benefits of applying principles of place-based education will be explored as well as how archivists can play a more active role in creating these types of immersive learning experiences. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with game components as well as develop game scenarios utilizing archival and primary sources, alongside a specific setting. 

Session Format: Zoom utilizing Breakout rooms and real-time worksheets for group engagement. 


Autumn M. Johnson serves as the Special Collections Librarian and Assistant Professor at Georgia Southern University, where she oversees instruction, outreach, and reference efforts for the Zach S. Henderson Library's Special Collections. Johnson previously held positions as the Information Literacy Coordinator at Savannah State University and User Engagement Librarian at Augusta University. With research interests centered on game-based learning in archives and teaching with primary sources, she has presented on these topics both nationally and internationally. She earned her Master’s of Library and Information Science from the University of South Carolina in 2011 and a Bachelor of Arts in History from Georgia Southern University (Armstrong) in 2009.

Erin K. Patterson is the Gretsch Project Archivist at Georgia Southern University. As a part of the Special Collections unit at Zach S. Henderson Library, she is in charge of the processing and discoverability of the Gretsch Archival Collections along with supporting other Special Collections projects when needed. She earned her MLIS from the University of South Carolina focusing on Archives and Preservation in 2016 and a B.A. in History from Mercer University in 2012.

Dawn “Nikki” Canon-Rech is the Sustainability Librarian and liaison to the College of Science and Mathematics at Georgia Southern University. In this role, she works to integrate information literacy skills into campus life through instruction and outreach programs. Nikki is also the University’s Library Coordinator for Georgia’s statewide Affordable Learning Georgia (ALG) initiative where she coordinates efforts to help faculty with the adoption, creation, and use of Open Educational Resources, as well as other alternatives for affordable learning.

Register here

Call for Organizers: In-Person Meet-ups for the SCA AGM!

January 29, 2024 5:59 AM SCA Communications and Outreach (Administrator)

When you attend a virtual conference, are you bummed to not see fellow archivists face-to-face? Well, let's fix that together! The Society of California Archivists Program Committee is seeking local volunteers to organize informal, no-host, in-person meet-ups the week of our Annual General Meeting, Pivoting: Responding to Changes in the Archives, from April 15th-19th, 2024.

If interested, please fill out the form here, and we'll be in touch soon!


Mallory Furnier

SCA AGM Program Committee Vice Chair, 2024

Reminder: Society of California Archivists 2024 Elections Close March 22

March 18, 2024 11:13 PM | SCA Admin

This is a reminder to all Society of California Archivists Members: 

If you have not already voted, please submit your vote for the Society of California Archivists 2024 Election. Polling will close at 11:45pm on Friday, March 22. Ballots were sent via email from and candidate statements are available through your personalized voting link and on the SCA website.

Election Committee

UPDATE! Welcome to the 2024 SCA election!

February 07, 2024 5:54 AM | SCA Communications and Outreach

We have four offices to fill from our slate of candidates. Each candidate has provided a brief bio, statement, and responded to a specific question related to the office for which they are running. Below is a brief description of each position on the ballot this year.

Roles & Responsibilities:

Vice-President/President Elect

The elected candidate serves the first year as the Vice-president and as the program chair for the Society's annual general meeting, and assists or substitutes as the President, as needed. The Vice-president is President-elect, and automatically becomes President on the expiration of the President's term. This is a three-year commitment.

Candidate Statement


The Treasurer is responsible for all financial transactions of SCA, for keeping an accurate record of those transactions, and reporting to the Board of Directors and the general membership on the financial condition of the organization. The work of collecting, disbursing, and accounting for funds may be delegated by the Treasurer; however, the Treasurer is responsible for ensuring that the delegated activities are properly carried out and the reports are accurate. This is a two-year commitment.

Candidate Statement


The Director-at-Large attends quarterly meetings of the Board of Directors, serves as a liaison to the WAI Joint Management Committee, and actively participates in the work of the Society and its committees. Additional duties and responsibilities may be assigned by the President. This is a two-year commitment.

Candidate Statement

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee solicits candidates for the SCA Board of Directors and prepares a slate of candidates for offices falling vacant within a given year. The three-member committee is chaired by the Immediate Past President. This is a two-year commitment.

Candidate Statement

Eligibility and Voting Guidelines

All members in good standing before February 12, 2024, will be eligible to vote. Members who join or renew while the election is open (February 12, 2024, through March 22, 2024), will be sent a personalized link to participate in the election. See the SCA website for membership information.

Contact the chair of the Election Committee, Rebecca Leung, at with any questions.

Call for Submissions, Spring 2024 Newsletter

January 29, 2024 5:41 AM | SCA Communications and Outreach

Dear Colleagues,

The SCA newsletter is seeking articles and notices about your activities and accomplishments for the Spring issue. The newsletter relies entirely on submissions from community members, so please share your news with the California archives community. We all enjoy reading what members of our community are up to. Submissions on any topics of interest to the California archives community are welcome. We would love to have short news and events items from repositories and archivists throughout the state.

Please review all submission guidelines online. 

The deadline for submissions is Sunday, February 25, 2024. Email your submissions to Be sure to include your repository name, location, and contact information.

For more information, please contact the newsletter editors at

Thank you for sharing!


The SCA Newsletter team

SCA Winter 2024 Newsletter is Online!

January 12, 2024 6:12 AM | SCA Communications and Outreach


In David Keller's article, "Tom Connors - An Appreciation," published in the Winter 2024 SCA Newsletter, there was an error on page 6. Michelle Dolbec is the archivist who worked for Hydro Quebec and then with the International Monetary Fund in Washington, DC, not Tom Connors.

Please see for the corrected version of this article.

We are excited to announce the publication of the Winter 2022 SCA Newsletter!

It is now online at

Thank you to all those who submitted articles and news items for this issue. Another issue will be coming out this spring, so please consider submitting an article or some news about your work. A call for submissions will go out shortly.

Happy reading!
Marissa Friedman, Sue Luftschein, Kelli Roisman, Shaula Stephenson, Sue Tyson and Alison Quirion

SCA Newsletter Team

AGM proposal deadline EXTENDED!

December 06, 2023 7:16 PM | SCA Communications and Outreach

The Society of California Archivists (SCA) invites submissions of session proposals for our second all-virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will be held from April 15-19, 2024. The proposal deadline is extended until December 19, 2023!

The Program Committee welcomes proposals, particularly those based on next year’s theme of Pivoting: Responding to Changes in the ArchivesThe theme can be broadly interpreted to address how we respond to changes in the field, in the workplace, or how personal pivots affect our careers. We aim to include a broad and diverse range of sessions and topics including, but not limited to:

·   Career transitions

·   Disaster planning and recovery

·   Changes in institutional partnerships

·   Space renovations

·   Moving physical collections

·   Migrating digital collections

·   Pandemic-specific pivots

·   Institutional reorganizations

·   New approaches to processing/collection management

Please note that proposals do not have to fit into the theme to be included.  Other aspects of archival practice and research are also welcomed.

First-time presenters, current graduate students, early-career professionals, solo archivists, community members, and other individuals who work with archival materials in less traditional or unconventional roles are encouraged to submit a proposal. We welcome proposals from archivists and memory workers at all stages of their career.

Submit your proposal here: 

Or if you have a session topic in mind and want to reach out to possible co-presenters, feel free to use this AGM Session Idea Sheet to help make connections. 

The deadline for proposals is Tuesday, December 19, 2023 (11:59p PT). 

We look forward to your proposals and thanks for helping us make the 2024 AGM a successful one!


The 2024 SCA-AGM Program Committee

Call for Proposals SCA AGM 2023

November 02, 2023 6:25 AM | SCA Communications and Outreach

The Society of California Archivists (SCA) invites submissions of session proposals for our second all-virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will be held from April 15-19, 2024. 

The Program Committee welcomes proposals, particularly those based on next year’s theme of Pivoting: Responding to Changes in the ArchivesThe theme can be broadly interpreted to address how we respond to changes in the field, in the workplace, or how personal pivots affect our careers. We aim to include a broad and diverse range of sessions and topics including, but not limited to:

  • Career transitions

  • Disaster planning and recovery

  • Changes in institutional partnerships

  • Space renovations

  • Moving physical collections

  • Migrating digital collections

  • Pandemic-specific pivots

  • Institutional reorganizations

  • New approaches to processing/collection management

Please note that proposals do not have to fit into the theme to be included.  Other aspects of archival practice and research are also welcomed.

First-time presenters, current graduate students, early-career professionals, solo archivists, community members, and other individuals who work with archival materials in less traditional or unconventional roles are encouraged to submit a proposal. We welcome proposals from archivists and memory workers at all stages of their career.

Submit your proposal here: 

Or if you have a session topic in mind and want to reach out to possible co-presenters, feel free to use this AGM Session Idea Sheet to help make connections. 

The deadline for proposals is Monday, December 4, 2023 (11:59p PT). 

We look forward to your proposals and thanks for helping us make the 2024 AGM a successful one!


The 2024 SCA-AGM Program Committee

Call for Submissions, Winter 2024 Newsletter

October 18, 2023 6:43 PM | SCA Communications and Outreach

The SCA newsletter is seeking articles and notices about your activities and accomplishments for the Winter issue. The newsletter relies entirely on submissions from community members, so please share your news with the California archives community. We all enjoy reading what members of our community are up to.

How about an article on newly processed collections, new acquisitions, your institution's response to the challenging budget environment, grants received, or an ongoing project? Or you might consider a short notice on upcoming events, exhibit openings, new hires, student activities, internship opportunities, or workshops? Have you read a great book that other archivists might find interesting? How about submitting a short review of it? Submissions on any topics of interest to the California archives community are welcome. We would love to have short news and events items from repositories and archivists throughout the state.

Format for submissions: All articles and items submitted for consideration should be delivered via email attachment. Be sure to include the author's name, repository name, location, and contact information at the end of your article. Please attach any images separately as JPG or PDF files and include the caption for each image in the article document file.

Please review all submission guidelines online. 

The deadline for submissions is Friday, November 24, 2023. Email your submissions to Be sure to include your repository name, location, and contact information.

For more information, please contact the newsletter editors at

Thank you for sharing!


The SCA Newsletter team

Sue Luftschein

Marissa Friedman

Sue Tyson

Shaula Stephenson

Editors, SCA Newsletter

Nominating Committee Now Accepting Nominations
October 08, 2023 8:24 AM | SCA Admin

The Society of California Archivists' Nominating Committee is now accepting nominations and self-nominations for the following positions on the SCA Board as well as a position on next year’s Nominating Committee:

• Vice President / President Elect (3-year term)

• Director at Large (aka Member at Large) (2-year term)

• Nominating Committee member (2-year term)

• Treasurer (2-year term)

Please consider serving or nominating a colleague. SCA Board service is a great way to have an impact on the archival profession in California. It provides opportunities to engage with colleagues while sharing, learning, and developing leadership skills.

Furthermore, it's a chance to work with a team of wonderful archival colleagues from around the state.

Submit your name or the name of a colleague by completing the SCA 2023 Candidate Nominating Form.

More information about each of these positions and their responsibilities can be found in the SCA Handbook, sections 2-3, 2-4, 2-7, 2-8 and 3-12

All nominations must be received by December 1, 2023.

Thank you,

SCA Nominating Committee

Liza Posas (Chair)

Aza Babayan

Hanna Ahn

Come blog with us!

January 17, 2023 9:18 AM | SCA Admin

The Society of California Archivists is opening this Blog space to its members. Initially, the Communications and Outreach (C&O) Committee would like to post a blog from a Society-member guest blogger once a month. We’re open to a variety of topics, from announcements to tools & techniques.

We are working with the Publications Committee to facilitate cross-publication content. Blogs should be short-form, 500-600 words. They may be followed up by longer pieces in the SCA Newsletter per Publications Committee approval. Likewise, Blog posts may be updates to pieces previously published in the newsletter. All posts will be shared via SCA social media.

If you’re interested in blogging with SCA, please see the Guidelines for SCA Bloggers, where you will find details regarding topics, tone, copyright, how to submit your topic, and more.

C&O is looking forward to working more closely with the SCA membership!

Please direct questions and/or comments to

2023 California Archives Month Poster Now Available

October 01, 2023 10:26 PM | SCA Admin

Dear colleagues,

October is Archives Month. I am delighted to kick it off by announcing that the 2023 California Archives Month poster is now available for download on the California State Archives website

In California, SCA works with the California State Archives and NARA to produce a poster to promote and celebrate our collections. Thank you to everyone who contributed images for this year’s theme, Connected California -- Community Connections.

This year's poster features 7 images from a diverse group of repositories throughout the state. Please make sure to print a poster to display at your repository, at home, or anyplace that you want to celebrate archives in California.

Also, please mark your calendars for October 11, this year’s #AskAnArchivistDay. It's a day to engage on social media to ask questions, answer questions, and join conversations between archivists and the public.

If you are involved with any Archives Month events, I encourage you to reach out to SCA’s Communication and Outreach Committee about promoting it through the SCA website and social media platforms at

I look forward to learning about everyone's activities surrounding this month!


Lisa Mix

SCA President, 2023-2024

2023 California Archives Month Poster Submission

August 07, 2023 7:32 PM | SCA Admin

We’re now calling on all institutions interested in submitting images for the 2023 California Archives Month poster! This year’s theme, “Connected California – Community Connections,” will be showcased on California’s fully-virtual poster.


  • Please select up to three images that you feel best represent this theme and send them to by 11:59 pm on Thursday, August 31, 2023, for a chance to be featured on the poster.
  •  Image files must be in the TIFF (.tif) format captured at 300 ppi or higher, if possible. There is a 25 Mb limit for attachments sent to the above Gmail address, so you may need to send multiple submissions if you are sending multiple images in order to stay under the cap. 
  • Include in each submission email: 1) the name of the holding organization, 2) File name, and 3) a description of the image that includes the subject, location (if known), and date (or approximation).
  • If you have any questions about the poster or image submission, you can contact SCA’s Communications & Outreach Committee at

Thank you,

Steve Kutay, Anna Martino, and April Feldman

SCA Communications and Outreach Committee, Co-Chairs

SCA Newsletter Call for Submissions

August 03, 2023 6:08 AM | SCA Admin

The SCA newsletter is seeking articles and notices about your activities and accomplishments for the Fall issue. The newsletter relies entirely on submissions from community members, so please share your news with the California archives community. We all enjoy reading what members of our community are up to.

Please review all submission guidelines online. 

The deadline for submissions is Friday, August 25, 2023. Email your submissions to Be sure to include your repository name, location, and contact information.

For more information, please contact the newsletter editors at

Thank you for sharing!

The SCA newsletter Call for Submissions

May 13, 2023 6:59 AM | SCA Admin

The SCA newsletter is seeking articles and notices about your activities and accomplishments for the Summer issue. The newsletter relies entirely on submissions from community members, so please share your news with the California archives community. We all enjoy reading what members of our community are up to.

Please review all submission guidelines online.

The deadline for submissions is Thursday, May 25, 2023. Email your submissions to Be sure to include your repository name, location, and contact information.

For more information, please contact the newsletter editors at

2023 SCA Elections, Voting Open through March 17

February 09, 2023 12:25 PM | SCA Admin

Welcome to a new Society of California Archivists (SCA) election! This is your opportunity to select our leaders for the coming year. The election is open now through 11:45pm on March 17, 2023.

Due to the lack of candidates for the Vice-President/President-Elect position before the election opened, the election will move forward with write-in votes! If a Vice-President has not been selected before the Annual General Meeting, the Executive Board will follow the procedure provided in the bylaws for this situation.

All current, active SCA members are eligible to vote and should have received a personalized electronic ballot from Society of California Archivists. If you did not receive the message, please check your SPAM folder and/or check to see if your SCA membership is current. If you join or renew before March 17th, a personalized ballot will be sent once your membership is active. Don’t miss out, join or renew your membership today!

The 2023 SCA Election page provides position descriptions along with a brief bio, statement, and response to a position-specific question from each candidate. As an added bonus, you can also see how many members have already voted!

Please contact a member of the Election Committee directly with any questions. Happy voting!

Marlayna Christensen (

Suzanne Noruschat (

Kiera Sullivan (

Upcoming Webinar: Hacking the Academic Interview Session 2: Day of Interview

Webinar: Hacking the Academic Interview Session 2: Day of Interview

February 03, 2023 12:16 PM | SCA Admin

When: February 23, 2023 10:30 AM, PST
Where: Webinar


Hacking the Academic Interview Session 2: Day of Interview

Thursday, February 23, 2023

10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time)

Webinar Description:

Co-hosted by the SCA Education Committee and Membership Committee, "Hacking the Academic Interview" is a workshop series featuring roundtable discussions with library professionals who have navigated the technical, logistical, and emotional aspects of the academic interview process. This three-part series is designed for anyone interested in learning about the various stages of the interview process—the job search and application process, interview day, salary negotiation and recuperation from a failed search. Each workshop will focus on a different part of the interview process. 

Session 2 of this series covers the day-of interview. Speakers will discuss preparing for an all-day interview and what to expect, with an emphasis on how to own your narrative, practice self-care, and feel empowered throughout the process. The session will open with speaker introductions and will then proceed to a Q&A session using questions submitted live and in advance. This series will not be recorded.

  • SCA Members: $10
  • Student Members: $5
  • Non-members: $20
  • Unemployed/precariously employed: $5


Carly Marino (she/her/hers) is the Special Collections Librarian and Archivist at Cal Poly Humboldt in Arcata, California. She is a Certified Archivist and member of the Academy of Certified Archivists. Carly has a BA in Film Studies from the University of Vermont, a MA in the Cinematic Arts and Critical Studies from the University of Southern California, and a MLIS from San Jose State University. Prior to Cal Poly Humboldt, Carly worked at the Academy of Motion Pictures Margaret Herrick Library, the Clarke Historical Museum, and the Humboldt County Public Library. Carly has chaired several academic librarian search committees and loves a good interview question.

Jason Sarmiento (he/him) is the Head of Archival Processing at the UC Davis Library. He has an M.A. in Public History from California State University, Sacramento, is a Certified Archivist from the Academy of Certified Archivists, and is currently completing an MLIS from San Jose State University. In his 11-year career in the archives and public history field, Jason has worked with multiple institutions in the Greater Sacramento Region, including the Bulosan Center for Filipino Studies at UC Davis, the California State Archives, the Sacramento State University Library, and the Sacramento Public Library.

Lizeth Zepeda (she/her/hers) goes by Liz and is the university archivist at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. Liz holds a M.L.I.S. from the University of Arizona's School of Information and is a Knowledge River Scholar. Prior to her current role, Liz has also worked at California State University, Monterey Bay, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and the Arizona Historical Society in Tucson Arizona. Her interests include working with community archives, campus and community outreach, Spanish-language materials, born-digital archives, Latinx, Queer(ing) and LGBTQ+ archives.

Registration is open until February 22. Online payment is required.

  • Questions about your membership? Contact Alix Norton
  • Questions about Registration? Contact Sandy Enriquez
  • Problems with your credit card payment? Need to request a refund involving credit card or PayPal? Contact Alex Post

Best regards,
Society of California Archivists

Upcoming Webinar: Hacking the Academic Interview Session 2: Day of Interview

February 03, 2023 12:16 PM | SCA Admin

When: February 23, 2023 10:30 AM, PST
Where: Webinar


Hacking the Academic Interview Session 2: Day of Interview

Thursday, February 23, 2023

10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time)

Webinar Description:

Co-hosted by the SCA Education Committee and Membership Committee, "Hacking the Academic Interview" is a workshop series featuring roundtable discussions with library professionals who have navigated the technical, logistical, and emotional aspects of the academic interview process. This three-part series is designed for anyone interested in learning about the various stages of the interview process—the job search and application process, interview day, salary negotiation and recuperation from a failed search. Each workshop will focus on a different part of the interview process. 

Session 2 of this series covers the day-of interview. Speakers will discuss preparing for an all-day interview and what to expect, with an emphasis on how to own your narrative, practice self-care, and feel empowered throughout the process. The session will open with speaker introductions and will then proceed to a Q&A session using questions submitted live and in advance. This series will not be recorded.

  • SCA Members: $10
  • Student Members: $5
  • Non-members: $20
  • Unemployed/precariously employed: $5


Carly Marino (she/her/hers) is the Special Collections Librarian and Archivist at Cal Poly Humboldt in Arcata, California. She is a Certified Archivist and member of the Academy of Certified Archivists. Carly has a BA in Film Studies from the University of Vermont, a MA in the Cinematic Arts and Critical Studies from the University of Southern California, and a MLIS from San Jose State University. Prior to Cal Poly Humboldt, Carly worked at the Academy of Motion Pictures Margaret Herrick Library, the Clarke Historical Museum, and the Humboldt County Public Library. Carly has chaired several academic librarian search committees and loves a good interview question.

Jason Sarmiento (he/him) is the Head of Archival Processing at the UC Davis Library. He has an M.A. in Public History from California State University, Sacramento, is a Certified Archivist from the Academy of Certified Archivists, and is currently completing an MLIS from San Jose State University. In his 11-year career in the archives and public history field, Jason has worked with multiple institutions in the Greater Sacramento Region, including the Bulosan Center for Filipino Studies at UC Davis, the California State Archives, the Sacramento State University Library, and the Sacramento Public Library.

Lizeth Zepeda (she/her/hers) goes by Liz and is the university archivist at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. Liz holds a M.L.I.S. from the University of Arizona's School of Information and is a Knowledge River Scholar. Prior to her current role, Liz has also worked at California State University, Monterey Bay, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and the Arizona Historical Society in Tucson Arizona. Her interests include working with community archives, campus and community outreach, Spanish-language materials, born-digital archives, Latinx, Queer(ing) and LGBTQ+ archives.

Registration is open until February 22. Online payment is required.

  • Questions about your membership? Contact Alix Norton
  • Questions about Registration? Contact Sandy Enriquez
  • Problems with your credit card payment? Need to request a refund involving credit card or PayPal? Contact Alex Post

Best regards,
Society of California Archivists

Flooding Assistance Information

by SCA Admin January 17, 2023 8:41 AM

The Heritage Emergency National Task Force (HENTF), a public-private partnership between FEMA and the Smithsonian Institution, is supporting response and recovery efforts of California’s arts & culture sector – and the public. 

Cultural institutions and arts organizations affected by the flooding can call the National Heritage Responders hotline: 202.661.8068. The National Heritage Responders, a team of trained conservators and collections care professionals administered by the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation, are available 24/7 to provide advice and guidance.

  • HENTF’s Save Your Family Treasures guidance is available at Here you can find the downloadable FEMA fact sheets “After the Flood: Advice for Salvaging Damaged Family Treasures” and “Salvaging Water-Damaged Family Valuables and Heirlooms,” available in multiple languages.

Reminder: Awards/Scholarship Deadline is January 30, 2023

Seeking Nominations, Awards and Scholarships

The SCA Awards Committee is making plans to celebrate deserving colleagues and archival programs at the April 2023 AGM in Sacramento. We have several long-standing awards for which we seek nominations, and we are also excited to continue to promote SCA’s two new "Advancing Equity" scholarship opportunities for California archivists and graduate students of color.

The nomination and application period is open until Monday, January 30, 2023, so please consider honoring a colleague with a nomination for the Career Achievement Award, or recognizing service to SCA over a twelve year period with a Sustained Service Award. Sponsored by Hollinger Metal Edge, Inc., the Archives Appreciation Award recognizes an agency, organization or institution that has provided extraordinary support for archival programs of all sorts.

SCA also has scholarships available. 

For graduate students in archival studies:

· The James V. Mink Scholarship enables archival studies students or recent graduates to attend the SCA Annual General Meeting.

·   The Advancing Equity: Graduate Education Scholarship supports a student of color in their pursuit of graduate archival education.

For working archivists, continuing education funding is available through three funding opportunities. These awards are available for any educational event throughout the year, as long as budgeted funds last:

·  The Walter P.Gray III Scholarship funds members’ attendance at SCA Workshops and related training opportunities in California or online. 

·  The Lynn A. Bonfield Scholarship funds SCA members' participation at non-SCA sponsored in-person continuing education. 

·  The new Advancing Equity: Continuing Education Funding supports either individual archivists of color pursuing professional development or community organizations hosting archival training for communities of color.

Please contact Awards Committee members with any nomination ideas that don't quite fit established categories – we’d love to hear from you.

Webinar: Role of Archival Partnerships in Documenting Past and Present

Thursday, January 26, 2023

11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time)

Webinar Description:

What are the responsibilities of archivists in documenting the past and present?

Over the past ten years, the USC Shoah Foundation and the JFCS Holocaust Center have been working together to collect and contextualize stories of antisemitism, or hatred against Jews.  The JFCS Holocaust Center has a collection of 2,000 oral histories, the interviewees primarily Holocaust survivors living in the Bay Area.  The USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive (VHA) includes over 55,000 video testimonies, one of the largest digital collections of its kind in the world.  Beginning in 2013, the JFCS Holocaust Center's collection was digitized, indexed, and integrated into the USC Shoah Foundation’s larger VHA.

This webinar will investigate the relationship between past and present and the role of archivists in curating collections of stories.  It will situate both antisemitism and efforts to collect oral histories within their historical context.  It will then detail the process by which the USC Shoah Foundation incorporates smaller collections into the VHA while maintaining their individual character.  In giving voice to both survivors and the collections themselves, the USC Shoah Foundation models what it looks like to confront hatred, doing together what could not be done alone. 


Yedida Kanfer is the Director of Programming at the JFCS Holocaust Center, Northern California’s primary resource for education about the Holocaust and genocide. At the Holocaust Center, Yedida manages the Tauber Holocaust Library and Archives, whose holdings include over 13,000 books, 2,000 oral history testimonies, and other collections related to the families of Holocaust survivors in the San Francisco Bay Area. Yedida received her PhD in East European and Jewish history from Yale University. She has been teaching at the JFCS Holocaust Center since 2013, and she loves to share her passion for history and social responsibility with teens, adults, and the larger community.

Sandra Aguilar oversees metadata, indexing, and institutional archiving at USC Shoah Foundation. Prior to the joining the Institute in 2014, Sandra worked as Director of Archives for USC School of Cinematic Arts' Warner Bros. and Moving Image Archives. Previously she worked as Media Librarian in the visual effects industry at Industrial Light & Magic. She received an M.L.I.S. from the UCLA and a B.A. in Film Studies from UC Santa Barbara. She is a digital museum consultant for the Visual Effects Society.


Registration is open until January 25. Online payment is required.

·         Non-members – $20.00

·         SCA members – $10.00

·         Student SCA Member – $5.00

·         Unemployed or Precariously Employed – $5.00

Questions about your membership? Contact 
Alix Norton
Questions about Registration? Contact 
Sandy Enriquez
Problems with your credit card payment? Need to request a refund involving credit card or PayPal? Contact 
Lara Michele

Call for Proposals SCA AGM 2023

November 03, 2022 11:52 AM | SCA Admin

The Society of California Archivists (SCA) invites submissions of session proposals for our 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held in-person from April 6-8, 2023 at the Sheraton Grand Sacramento Hotel.

Next year's theme, History by the People, can be broadly interpreted, expanding on the scope of who “the people” are. We aim to include a broad and diverse range of sessions and topics. Possible session topics could include:

- Archives and collaborative work within a community

- Archives as authority and how it relates to power imbalances, privilege, and colonial practices

- Advocacy initiatives

- Considerations on the operational costs of stewardship

- Digital projects involving community archives

- Inclusivity and reparative work

- Labor issues

Other aspects of archival practice and research are also welcomed.

First-time presenters, current graduate students, early-career professionals, solo archivists, community members, and other individuals who work with archival materials in less traditional or unconventional roles are encouraged to submit a proposal. We welcome proposals from archivists and memory workers at all stages of their career.

In an effort to be more intentionally inclusive of underrepresented voices in discussions centered around community archives, non-traditional archives and/or memory projects, a limited number of stipends will be available to support the participation of community archivists and memory workers. Please see  eligibility criteria... 


Or if you have a session topic in mind and want to reach out to possible co-presenters, feel free to use this AGM Session Idea Sheet to help make connections

The deadline for proposals is  Monday, December 5, 2022 (11:59p PT)

We look forward to seeing your proposals and to seeing you in Sacramento!


The 2023 SCA-AGM Program Committee

Call for Submissions, Winter 2023 SCA Newsletter

October 25, 2022 11:59 AM | SCA Admin

The SCA newsletter is seeking articles and notices about your activities and accomplishments for the Winter issue. The newsletter relies entirely on submissions from community members, so please share your news with the California archives community.

We all enjoy reading what members of our community are up to. How about an article on newly processed collections, new acquisitions, your institution's response to the challenging budget environment, grants received, or an ongoing project? Or you might consider a short notice on upcoming events, exhibit openings, new hires, student activities, internship opportunities, or workshops? Have you read a great book that other archivists might find interesting? How about submitting a short review of it?

Submissions on any topics of interest to the California archives community are welcome. We would love to have short news and events items from repositories and archivists throughout the state.

Format for submissions: All articles and items submitted for consideration should be delivered via email attachment. Be sure to include the author's name, repository name, location, and contact information at the end of your article. Please attach any images separately as JPG or PDF files and include the caption for each image in the article document file.

Please review all submission guidelines online. 

The deadline for submissions is Friday, November 25, 2022. Email your submissions to Be sure to include your repository name, location, and contact information.

For more information, please contact the newsletter editors at

Thank you for sharing!


The SCA Newsletter team


Sue Luftschein

Marissa Friedman

Sue Tyson

Shaula Stephenson

Editors, SCA Newsletter

Upcoming Webinar - Increasing Access: Transforming Physical Archive Inventory into Online Learning Resources

October 19, 2022 1:49 PM | SCA Communications and Outreach

Increasing Access: Transforming Physical Archive Inventory into Online Learning Resources

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time)

Webinar Description:

This webinar is a step-by-step exploration of Beckman Foundation’s “Let’s Learn Science” online learning resources project, developed for middle school students. The six-month project utilized historical documents and images from the institution’s archive in conjunction with objects from its small museum exhibit to highlight the contributions of 20th century scientific instrumentation pioneer, Dr. Arnold O. Beckman. The aims of the project were to generate awareness of grade-specific science concepts and spark interest in future science careers by increasing accessibility to archive and museum collections and widening the audience for the materials. The deliverables of the project included a range of resources in both English and Spanish that could be retrieved online by public, private, and home school students and teachers.

The cost is $10 for SCA members; $5 for student members; $20 for non-members; and $5 for unemployed or precariously employed individuals. 


Kaerie Ray is a Senior Program Officer at the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation, a role that engages her in both grants management and archive responsibilities. She earned her MBA degree from WGU and holds professional certificates in both Museum Studies and Curation from Northwestern University and Sotheby’s Institute of Art, respectively. She curated the Arnold O. Beckman at Work (2022) special installation for the Revolutionary Tools Exhibit at Beckman Center and published A Quick Start Social Media Primer for Early Career Archivists (2022). Upcoming projects include a case study on Small Space Visual Storytelling with Impact, digital archive showcase for A Semi-Centennial Celebration, and an article on Curating Trios.

Registration is open until December 6. Online payment is required.

  • Questions about your membership? Contact Alix Norton
  • Questions about Registration? Contact Sandy Enriquez
  • Problems with your credit card payment? Need to request a refund involving credit card or PayPal? Contact Lara Michele

Reminder - Nominations for SCA Elections Closing October 31

The window is closing for nominating yourself or a colleague for the following leadership positions in SCA: 

  • Vice President / President Elect (3-year term)
  • Secretary (2-year term)
  • Membership Director (2-year term)
  • Director-at-Large (2-year term)
  • Nominating Committee member (2-year term)

Submit your name or the name of a colleague by completing the SCA Candidate Nominating Form by October 31, 2022. 

Service on the SCA Board is a great way to have an impact on the archival profession in California. It's also the perfect opportunity to engage with colleagues while sharing, learning and developing leadership skills. 

More information about each of these positions and their responsibilities can be found in the SCA Handbook, sections 2-3, 2-4, 2-7, 2-8 and 3-12 (

Thank you,
SCA Nominating Committee

Azalea Camacho
Aza Babayan
Leilani Marshall (Chair)

Submit Nominations for the SCA Board of Directors

October 05, 2022 1:18 PM | SCA Admin

The Society of California Archivists' Nominating Committee is still accepting nominations and self-nominations for the following positions:

  • Vice President / President Elect (3-year term)
  • Secretary (2-year term)
  • Membership Director (2-year term)
  • Director-at-Large (2-year term)
  • Nominating Committee member (2-year term)

Submit your name or the name of a colleague by completing the SCA Candidate Nominating Form by October 31, 2022. 

Service on the SCA Board is a great way to have an impact on the archival profession in California. It's also the perfect opportunity to engage with colleagues while sharing, learning and developing leadership skills. 

More information about each of these positions and their responsibilities can be found in the SCA Handbook, sections 2-3, 2-4, 2-7, 2-8 and 3-12 (

Thank you,
SCA Nominating Committee

Azalea Camacho
Aza Babayan
Leilani Marshall (Chair)

Extended - California Archives Month poster submissions

September 07, 2022 9:17 AM | SCA Communications and Outreach

The deadline for  all institutions interested in submitting images for the 2022 California Archives Month poster is EXTENDED through Friday, September 16th! This year’s theme, “California Firsts,” will be showcased on California’s fully-virtual poster.


  • Please select up to three images that you feel best represent this theme to by Friday, September 16, 2022 for a chance to be featured on the poster.
  • Image files must be in the TIFF (.tif) format captured at 300 ppi or higher, if possible. There is a 25 Mb limit for attachments sent to the above Gmail address, so you may need to send multiple submissions if you are sending multiple images in order to stay under the cap. 
  • Include in each submission email: 1) the name of the holding organization, 2) File name, and 3) a description of the image that includes the subject, location (if known), and date (or approximation).

If you have any questions about the poster or image submission, you can contact SCA’s Communications & Outreach Committee at

Thank you,

Steve Kutay, Anna Martino, and April Feldman

SCA Communications and Outreach Committee, Co-Chairs

Call for 2022 California Archives Month poster submissions

August 25, 2022 12:16 PM | SCA Communications and Outreach

We’re now calling on all institutions interested in submitting images for the 2022 California Archives Month poster! This year’s theme, “California Firsts,” will be showcased on California’s fully-virtual poster.


  • Please select up to three images that you feel best represent this theme to by 11:59 pm on Monday, September 9, 2022 for a chance to be featured on the poster.
  • Image files must be in the TIFF (.tif) format captured at 300 ppi or higher, if possible. There is a 25 Mb limit for attachments sent to the above Gmail address, so you may need to send multiple submissions if you are sending multiple images in order to stay under the cap. 
  • Include in each submission email: 1) the name of the holding organization, 2) File name, and 3) a description of the image that includes the subject, location (if known), and date (or approximation).

If you have any questions about the poster or image submission, you can contact SCA’s Communications & Outreach Committee at

Thank you,

Steve Kutay, Anna Martino, and April Feldman

SCA Communications and Outreach Committee, Co-Chairs

Hacking the Academic Interview: Session 1

Wednesday, September 14, 202210:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time)

Webinar Description:

Jointly hosted by the SCA Education Committee and Membership Committee, "Hacking the Academic Interview" is a workshop series featuring roundtable discussions with library professionals who have navigated the technical, logistical and emotional aspects of the academic interview process. This three-part series is designed for anyone interested in pursuing a career in academic institutions who wants to know more about the ins and outs of the interview process, from the very beginning of applying to jobs, to interview day, to negotiating salary, or even recuperating from a failed search. Speakers in this series come from a diverse range of backgrounds and institutions (including the University of California, the California State University, and community colleges). Each workshop will focus on a different part of the interview process. Speakers will introduce themselves at the beginning of the talk, then we will open it up for discussion using questions submitted live and in advance. This series will not be recorded.

Session 1 of this series covers the "pre-interview" stage of the process. Speakers will discuss finding and applying for academic positions, covering topics such as how to 'read' a job description, navigating imposter syndrome, writing a cover letter/CV, applying for jobs as a recent graduate, etc.

The cost is $10 for SCA members; $5 for student members; $20 for non-members; and $5 for unemployed or precariously employed individuals. 


Our speakers for Session 1 include:

  • T-Kay Sangwand, Librarian for Digital Collection Development at the University of California, Los Angeles
  • Erika Montenegro, Instruction and Outreach Librarian at East Los Angeles College
  • Azalea Camacho, Archivist and Special Collections Librarian at Cal State Los Angeles

Sessions 2-3 will be announced in 2023. Please forward any questions or comments to Sandy Enriquez at  

Registration is open until September 13. Online payment is required.

  • Questions about your membership? Contact Alix Norton
  • Questions about Registration? Contact Sandy Enriquez
  • Problems with your credit card payment? Need to request a refund involving credit card or PayPal? Contact Lara Michele

Disrupting Assumptions: Forging Interdisciplinary Archival Engagement

June 23, 2022 2:46 PM | SCA Communications and Outreach

Disrupting Assumptions: Forging Interdisciplinary Archival Engagement

Thursday, August 18, 2022

11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time) 

Webinar Description:

As early as 2001, perhaps even earlier, scholarly works discussed the value of interdisciplinary archival outreach and instruction. Twenty years into this framework there is still a huge siloing issue in the profession. Academic libraries and archives have continued to talk about it but the paradigm shift brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic requires us to be about it. This webinar will explore the intent, value, and functionality of interdisciplinary archival outreach and instruction in a 21st-century academic library. The framework shifts from a required result in production of tangible products, especially traditional research papers, and establishes these collaborative opportunities to reintroduce the humanities as a partner field to science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), and social science programs. It seeks to engage curious minds across specialties in order to center the interpersonal in the interdisciplinary work. We will cover internal and external examples of this shift as practice.  

The cost is $10 for SCA members; $5 for student members; $20 for non-members; and $5 for unemployed or precariously employed individuals. All registrants will receive a link to the webinar recording after the webinar is completed.


Julie Tanaka, Director of Special Collections and College Archives, Occidental College (formerly Arizona State University)  

Julie Tanaka was Interim Head of Distinctive Collections and Curator of Rare Books and Manuscripts at Arizona State University and is now Director of Special Collections and College Archives at Occidental College. A native Californian, Julie is outward-facing, faculty and student oriented, and passionate about teaching with primary sources across disciplines and at all levels of experience. She continues to pursue opportunities to collaborate with campus and community partners to develop and implement new ways of engaging students and faculty in special collections and archives.

Claudia Willett, Archivist, Stanford University (formerly Arizona State University)  

Claudia Willett was the Senator John S. McCain Papers Archivist at Arizona State University. As project manager for a multi-million dollar grant, Claudia coordinated administrative requirements and oversaw appraisal, processing, preservation, description, and access work for the collection. In her new role as Archivist at Stanford University she continues pursuing collaborative opportunities with colleagues across broad areas of interest including instruction development and implementation, outreach and engagement, sustainable and ethical collecting practices, access and privacy rights, and reappraisal and deaccessioning.

Registration is open until August 11. Online payment is required.

  • Questions about your membership? Contact Alix Norton
  • Questions about Registration? Contact Karina Cardenas
  • Problems with your credit card payment? Need to request a refund involving credit card or PayPal? Contact Lara Michele

Community Archives: Expanding our Circles of Care in Academia, Tuesday June 27

June 10, 2022 8:19 AMSCA Communications and Outreach (Administrator)

Hello SCA!

The Society of Rocky Mountain Archivists would like to share an announcement with SCA members about our upcoming virtual Continuing Education event, Community Archives: Expanding our Circles of Care in Academia, Tuesday June 27, 11AM – 2:30 PM (MST).

This continuing education session on community archives brings together archival practitioners from UC Santa Cruz, UC Irvine, and the Association of Moving Image Archivists’ Community Archiving Workshop, to share lessons from their experiences in establishing, growing, and maintaining community archiving projects and programs. Their presentations and discussions will touch on strategies for forming meaningful and reciprocal community relationships, for obtaining buy-in and material support from campus administrators and stakeholders, and activating professional organizations for regional collaboration across institutions.

The event is free for students and SRMA members, and $20 for nonmembers. Registration is open at

Feel free to contact SRMA Continuing Education Coordinator Jamie Wagner,, with any questions you have.

Register now for 2022 SCA AGM Pre-conference Workshops

April 29, 2022 11:17 AM | SCA Communications and Outreach
  1. Preserving and Providing Access to an Oral History Collection, May 19, 9 am to 10 am

  2. Demystifying Digitization: Planning a Digitization Project from Start to Finish, May 19, 9 am to 4 pm

Registration to the AGM is not required to attend the pre-conference workshops. To register, please add the pre-conference workshops to your AGM registration OR go directly to register for the workshops only at

More info at

SCA Members Meeting, May 20, 3:30PM

April 18, 2022 3:21 PM SCA President (Administrator)

SCA's annual Members Meeting will be held this year at the Annual General Meeting in Palm Springs. The meeting is scheduled for Friday, May 20, at 3:30PM at the Renaissance Palm Springs Hotel. Log-in to your SCA member account to view the agenda, review the minutes from last year's meeting, and view SCA's Statement of Financial Condition

If you have any questions about this meeting, please reach out to me at I look forward to seeing you there. 

Leilani Marshall, SCA President

Bystander Intervention in Public Spaces (Right to Be + SCA Part 2)

When: May 03, 2022, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Location: Zoom

Register Here

SCA is pleased to partner with Right To Be (formerly Hollaback!) to bring our members two educational sessions on mitigating implicit biases and practicing bystander intervention. This is the second of two sessions.

We welcome and encourage everyone, and especially SCA members, to attend these sessions free of charge in order to help create and help maintain an affirming and inclusive environment in our organization. At the end of each session, there will be a raffle drawing for a free year of SCA membership.

These sessions will not be recorded.

Bystander Intervention in Public Spaces:

We all have a responsibility to do something when we see street harassment happening, but too often we freeze. We don’t know what to do. Bystander intervention gives us tools to intervene without compromising our own safety.  When we intervene, we don’t just reduce trauma for the person being street harassed. We also start to chip away at the culture that allows harassment to be so prevalent. Alone we can’t shift the culture — but together — our actions matter. In this training our goal is to give participants the tools to intervene the next time they witness harassment in public spaces. We will equip you with the right information on how to be an effective bystander in the midst of public space harassment using our proven 5D’s methodology, our five strategies for intervention. Then we will practice so you leave our training feeling more prepared to successfully and safely intervene.

For more information on Right To Be, visit their website at:

SCA Elections Close April 28, 2022

April 21, 2022 10:17 AM | SCA Communications and Outreach

SCA Elections are currently open!

Make sure your membership is up to date and vote in this year's election. Polls close soon. Click on the link for more information about the election and the candidates.

Register now for 2022 SCA AGM Pre-conference Workshops

April 14, 2022 8:19 AM | SCA Communications and Outreach

Register now for 2022 SCA AGM Pre-conference Workshops:

  1. Preserving and Providing Access to an Oral History Collection, May 19, 9 am to 10 am

  2. Demystifying Digitization: Planning a Digitization Project from Start to Finish, May 19, 9 am to 4 pm

Registration to AGM is not required to attend the pre-conference workshops. To register, please add the pre-conference workshops to your AGM registration or select the "Workshops only" option.

Click for more information

Register Here 

8 Strategies To Mitigate Implicit Bias (Right To Be + SCA Part 1)

April 04, 2022 9:00 AM SCA Communications and Outreach (Administrator)

When: April 14, 2022, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Location: Zoom


SCA is pleased to partner with Right To Be (formerly Hollaback!) to bring our members two educational sessions on mitigating implicit biases and practicing bystander intervention. This is the first of two sessions.

We welcome and encourage everyone, and especially SCA members, to attend these sessions free of charge in order to help create and help maintain an affirming and inclusive environment in our organization. At the end of each session, there will be a raffle drawing for a free year of SCA membership.

These sessions will not be recorded.

8 Strategies To Mitigate Implicit Bias:

Everyone holds implicit biases. That doesn’t make us “bad people,” it just means that we have work to do. This interactive training will teach you how to understand your own implicit biases in order to begin to undo them. We’ll start by learning the brain science behind implicit bias and how the part of our brain that is hardwired to assess danger has evolved to hold us back. Through polls, brief thought experiments, and writing exercises, we’ll reflect on how implicit bias can show up in our actions and they can have on ourselves and those around us.  Then we’ll roll our sleeves up and get to work, practicing 8 concrete ways to mitigate implicit bias.  You’ll leave more confident in your ability to successfully see and undo implicit bias in your own life.

For more information on Right To Be, visit their website at:

SCA Elections open on March 23, 2022

March 22, 2022 8:55 AM | SCA Communications and Outreach

SCA Elections open on March 23, 2022. Make sure your membership is up to date to vote in this year’s election. Click on the link for more details about the candidates and the election.

Western Archives Institute 2022 has been cancelled

March 17, 2022 12:27 PM | SCA President

It is with regret and disappointment that the SCA Board of Directors, in conjunction with the California State Archives, announces that the 2022 Western Archives Institute has been cancelled. While SCA remains committed to WAI, it has become apparent that a review of the structure and format is required for future WAI programs.

We hope to have a program and management committee structure in place for next year and are working diligently toward that goal.

If you have any questions about WAI, please reach out to or to the WAI Administrator at

SCA's Labor Task Force Final Report now available online

March 10, 2022 2:05 PM | SCA President

The Final Report of the Task Force on Labor Issues in the Profession is now available online. The task force was chaired by Courtney Dean and George Thompson from 2019 to 2021, and members were Richard Boyden, Chris Doan, Erin Hurley, Anne Mar, Peggy Tran-Le, and Sue Tyson. 

The recommendations in the Final Report include the adoption of fair labor principles by SCA as well as a number of practical action items and community recommendations that the SCA Board is looking forward to implementing. The Advocacy and Public Policy Committee, co-chaired by Lisa Mix and Marissa Friedman, is the committee tasked with exploring the best ways to carry out the majority of the recommendations outlined in the report.

2022 AGM Registration is Open

March 02, 2022 9:40 AM | SCA Communications and Outreach
The Society of California Archivists Local Arrangements Committee is excited to announce that registration for the 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM) is now open

Join us May 19-21 at the Renaissance Palm Springs for two days of sessions, an opening reception at the hotel, and numerous opportunities to network and mingle at vendor exhibits and various happy hours.

Two pre-conference workshops will also be offered on Thursday, May 19: Demystifying Digitization: Planning a Digitization Project from Start to Finish and Preserving and Providing Access to an Oral History Collection

Attendees will be treated to a plenary address on Friday by Audra Eagle Yun, Head of Special Collections & Archives and University Archivist, UCI Libraries. Our Awards Luncheon Speaker this year will be Kim Stringfellow, artist, educator, writer, and independent curator based in Joshua Tree, CA. Her Jackrabbit Homestead art installation commissioned by Desert X 2021 examines multimedia memory-keeping and archives within a sense of place.

Check back in for more details about the workshops, program, and other activities! 

Register Here!

Book your reservation at the Renaissance Palm Springs here.

Questions about registration? Please contact

SCA will follow local, county, and federal health and safety protocols with regards to COVID-19, and may also require additional protocols, especially for indoor activities. SCA asks all attendees be fully vaccinated. 

If you have any questions about the AGM program, contact Liza Posas, the AGM 2022 Program Chair, at

"Pay What You Can" membership fees

Did you know? SCA has a "Pay What You Can" membership fee structure. When joining or renewing, members can choose the amount to pay for the next year of SCA membership. For more information, visit our membership site

Save the Date! Upcoming Trainings for SCA Members

February 15, 2022 4:28 PMSCA Communications and Outreach (Administrator)

We’re excited to announce that SCA has partnered with Hollaback! to bring our members two educational sessions on mitigating implicit biases and practicing bystander intervention.

These two sessions will take place on April 14th and May 3rd:

  • 8 Strategies To Mitigate Implicit Bias, Apr 14, 2022 01:00 PM Pacific Time

  • Bystander Intervention in Public Spaces, May 3, 2022 01:00 PM Pacific Time

The first interactive training will focus on understanding our own implicit biases in order to begin to undo them. We’ll reflect on how implicit bias can show up in our actions and they can have on ourselves and those around us. Then we’ll roll our sleeves up and get to work, practicing 8 concrete ways to mitigate implicit bias. Attendees will leave more confident in their ability to successfully see and undo implicit bias in your own life.

The second session will be customized to our SCA group, and will focus on situations we may find ourselves in as archives workers. Many of us work in public service spaces, so this training will outline specific strategies we can use to intervene in professional conflicts when necessary.  In this training our goal is to give participants the tools to intervene the next time they witness harassment in public spaces. The training will equip participants with the right information on how to be an effective bystander in the midst of public space harassment using the proven Hollaback! 5D’s methodology, five strategies for intervention. Then we will practice so you leave our training feeling more prepared to successfully and safely intervene. 

We welcome and encourage all members of SCA to attend these sessions, free of charge, in order to help create and help maintain an affirming and inclusive environment in our organization. At the end of each session, there will be a raffle drawing for a free year of SCA membership. 

These sessions will not be recorded. 

Stay tuned for registration details in the coming weeks!

If you have any questions, please contact Alix Norton, SCA Membership Director, at For more information about Hollaback!, visit their website at


Christina Velazquez Fidler


Digital Archivist

The Bancroft Library 

University of California, Berkeley | Huichin Ohlone Land

SCA Awards and Scholarships -- Deadline February 28

February 23, 2022 3:55 PM | SCA Communications and Outreach

The Awards Committee of the Society of California Archivists (SCA) is still accepting applications and nominations for its annual awards and scholarships through the application deadline of Monday, February 28, 2022. For more information about these opportunities to support and recognize excellent work in the archival field, please see and the brief descriptions below.

Archives Appreciation Award

The Archives Appreciation Award recognizes an agency, organization or institution which has provided extraordinary support for archival programs. These can include arrangement and description programs, public service programs, reference, exhibits, or outreach. The award is sponsored by our longtime partner Hollinger Metal Edge, Inc.

Career Achievement Award

The Career Achievement Award recognizes SCA members who have had an outstanding career in the archival endeavor. Nominees must have contributed in significant ways to the profession, such as establishing archives, teaching, and/or writing in the archival field.

Sustained Service Award

The Sustained Service Award is given to SCA members to recognize them for their prolonged and quality service to the Society of California Archivists over a period of 12 years.

Mink Scholarship

James V. Mink was the first president of the Society of California Archivists, and a long-serving archivist at the University of California, Los Angeles. He was a passionate advocate of archival education. The scholarship promotes professional development and enables archival studies students or recent graduates to attend both the SCA Annual General Meeting and a pre-conference workshop at the May 19-21, 2022 conference in Palm Springs.

Gray and Bonfield Education Fund Scholarships

The Walter P. Gray III Scholarship is administered by the Awards Committee and funds travel and registration for SCA Workshops and other related training and educational opportunities offered in California. All SCA members in good-standing who have limited or no access to institutional funding for continuing education may apply. Up to $500 may be awarded per workshop, and 4 scholarships are available each year.

The Lynn A. Bonfield Scholarship is administered by the Awards Committee and funds travel and registration for members to attend non-SCA sponsored continuing education events outside of California to enhance their professional training. All SCA members in good-standing who have limited or no access to institutional funding for continuing education may apply. Up to $1000 may be awarded per event, and 2 scholarships are available each year.


Nominations reopened for candidates for SCA VP/President Elect and Treasure

January 13, 2022 1:51 PM | SCA Communications and Outreach

The SCA Nominating Committee is reopening nominations for the following positions:

  • Vice President / President Elect (3-year term)
  • Treasurer (2-year term)

Due to the limited timeframe remaining for us to find candidates for these two positions, we are seeking in particular self-nominations from those that are willing to run for office; however, we will also accept nominations of colleagues.

Submit your name or the name of a colleague by completing the SCA Candidate Nominating Form by January 21, 2022

SCA service is a great way to have an impact on the archival profession in California and provides opportunities to engage with your colleagues while sharing, learning, and developing leadership skills. Furthermore, it's a chance to work with a team of wonderful archival colleagues from around the state.

More information about each of these positions and their responsibilities can be found in the SCA Handbook, sections 2-2 and 2-5, ( or email with any questions you have about service in SCA.

Thank you,

SCA Nominating Committee

Azalea Camacho

Elena Colón-Marrero

Tanya Hollis (Chair)


2022 SCA-AGM Call for Proposals - EXTENDED

December 20, 2021 11:13 AM | SCA Communications and Outreach

The 2022 AGM Call for Proposals has been extended! Proposals are due by Monday, January 10, 2022 (11:59p PT).

The Society of California Archivists (SCA) invites you to submit session proposals for the 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM)! It will be held IN-PERSON from May 18-21 at the Renaissance Palm Springs Hotel.

The Program Committee invites your submissions, especially those based on next year’s theme Archives Represent. The theme can be broadly interpreted as what archives should, do, and could represent, such as:

  • Issues regarding inclusivity and reparative work in the archives
  • How archivists are represented in the workplace and labor force
  • Archives as authority and how it relates to power imbalances, privilege, and colonial practices
  • Archivists’ "presence" during 2020 (i.e. work from home projects, "COVID collecting" projects, archives & activism)
  • Redefinition of archives/archivists (what does it mean to be an archivist today?)
  • Archives & the digital realm
  • Advocacy
  • Archives and collaborative work within a community
  • Considerations on the operational costs of stewardship

Other aspects of archival practice and research are also welcomed.

First-time presenters, current graduate students, early-career professionals, lone arrangers, community members, and other individuals who work with archival materials in less traditional or unconventional roles are encouraged to apply.

SUBMIT YOUR 2022 SCA-AGM PROPOSALS HERE. Or if you have a session topic in mind and want to reach out to possible co-presenters, feel free to use this AGM Session Idea Sheet to help make connections.

The deadline for proposals is Monday, January 10, 2022 (11:59p PT).

We look forward to seeing you all in Palm Spring!!!

- The 2022 SCA-AGM Program Committee

"$50 for 50" Anniversary Campaign

April 02, 2021 9:18 AM | SCA Admin

SCA is celebrating 50 years! Since its founding, SCA has proven to be essential to the professional lives of its members and to the preservation of records which reveal the multi-faceted history of California.  In lieu of the annual Silent Auction, please consider making a monetary donation to SCA so that we may continue to provide resources, support, and education to the archival community.  Donations of other amounts are also welcome! Those who donate $50 or more during the "$50 for 50" anniversary campaign will receive a tote bag honoring SCA’s 50th anniversary.

2022 SCA-AGM Call for Proposals

November 10, 2021 5:08 PMSCA Communications and Outreach (Administrator)

The Society of California Archivists (SCA) invites you to submit session proposals for the 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM)! It will be held IN-PERSON from May 18-21 at the Renaissance Palm Springs Hotel.

The Program Committee invites your submissions, especially those based on next year’s theme Archives Represent. The theme can be broadly interpreted as what archives should, do, and could represent, such as:

  • Issues regarding inclusivity and reparative work in the archives
  • How archivists are represented in the workplace and labor force
  • Archives as authority and how it relates to power imbalances, privilege, and colonial practices
  • Archivists’ "presence" during 2020 (i.e. work from home projects, "COVID collecting" projects, archives & activism)
  • Redefinition of archives/archivists (what does it mean to be an archivist today?)
  • Archives & the digital realm
  • Advocacy
  • Archives and collaborative work within a community
  • Considerations on the operational costs of stewardship

Other aspects of archival practice and research are also welcomed.

First-time presenters, current graduate students, early-career professionals, lone arrangers, community members, and other individuals who work with archival materials in less traditional or unconventional roles are encouraged to apply.

SUBMIT YOUR 2022 SCA-AGM PROPOSALS HERE. Or if you have a session topic in mind and want to reach out to possible co-presenters, feel free to use this AGM Session Idea Sheet to help make connections.

The deadline for proposals is Wednesday, December 15, 2021 (11:59p PT).

We look forward to seeing you all in Palm Spring!!!


- The 2022 SCA-AGM Program Committee

Call For Webinar Proposals 2021-2022
September 23, 2021 2:34 PM | SCA Education Committee

The Education Committee is seeking proposals for webinars through Fall 2022. We are aiming to host at least four webinars throughout the year in addition to webinars in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting in the Spring. We would love to hear from those with presentations and work they would like to share!

Please submit your proposals using the SCA 2021-22 Webinar Proposals form, where you can indicate what you would like to present on and what timing will work best for you.  

Meet with your fellow SCA members!

October 12, 2021 11:45 AM | SCA Membership

Over the past year, SCA Membership has been hosting informal, virtual meetings every month as part of its First Friday series, which have included presentations on labor issues and archives tools like WebRecorder, readings and discussions on reparative description, and even a virtual holiday party where we “zoomed” to a goat farm in Half Moon Bay. SCA will be ending these monthly virtual meetings for the time being, but we are committed to hosting similar virtual meetings as needed. Do let us know if you have an idea for a future topic!

In the meantime, member-initiated events (MIEs) are a great way to gather with your peers throughout the state, either in-person or virtually. SCA offers support for members to bring California archives workers together for networking, discussion forums, site visits, special speakers, mini-conferences, and more. The guidelines for proposing MIEs were recently updated to offer more flexibility on qualifying expenses that can be paid for and/or reimbursed by SCA. Types of expenses include webinar fees, speakers/facilitators and panelists, facilities/equipment, non-alcoholic refreshments, and meals.

Visit to see all of the new guidelines, and propose a member-initiated event today! Just fill out the proposal form and email it to  

As always, please contact the Membership Director with any questions or suggestions, and we look forward to seeing you soon, virtually or in person, at a SCA member event.

Alix Norton

SCA Membership Director

Call For Webinar Proposals 2021-2022
September 23, 2021 2:34 PMSCA Education Committee (Administrator)

The Education Committee is seeking proposals for webinars through Fall 2022. We are aiming to host at least four webinars throughout the year in addition to webinars in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting in the Spring. We would love to hear from those with presentations and work they would like to share!

Please submit your proposals using the SCA 2021-22 Webinar Proposals form, where you can indicate what you would like to present on and what timing will work best for you.  

Nominations for SCA Elections Closing November 12!

November 01, 2021 3:27 PM | SCA Communications and Outreach

The Society of California Archivists' Nominating Committee is still accepting nominations and self-nominations for the following positions:

  • Vice President / President Elect (3-year term)
  • Treasurer (2-year term)
  • Director at Large (2-year term)
  • Nominating Committee member (2-year term)

Submit your name or the name of a colleague by completing the SCA Candidate Nominating Form by November 12, 2021

SCA service is a great way to have an impact on the archival profession in California. It provides opportunities to engage with colleagues while sharing, learning, and developing leadership skills. Furthermore, it's a chance to work with a team of wonderful archival colleagues from around the state.

More information about each of these positions and their responsibilities can be found in the SCA Handbook, sections 2-2, 2-5, 2-8 and 3-12 (  or email with any questions you have about service in SCA.

Thank you,

SCA Nominating Committee

Azalea Camacho

Elena Colón-Marrero

Tanya Hollis (Chair)

Nominations Open for SCA Elections

August 23, 2021 3:33 PM | SCA Communications and Outreach

The Society of California Archivists' Nominating Committee is now accepting nominations and self-nominations for the following positions:

  • Vice President / President Elect (3-year term)
  • Treasurer (2-year term)
  • Director at Large (2-year term)
  • Nominating Committee member (2-year term)

Submit your name or the name of a colleague by completing the SCA Candidate Nominating Form:

SCA service is a great way to have an impact on the archival profession in California. It provides opportunities to engage with colleagues while sharing, learning, and developing leadership skills. Furthermore, it's a chance to work with a team of wonderful archival colleagues from around the state.

More information about each of these positions and their responsibilities can be found in the SCA Handbook, sections 2-2, 2-5, 2-8 and 3-12 (

All nominations must be received by November 12, 2021.

Thank you,

SCA Nominating Committee

Tanya Hollis (Chair)

Elena Colón-Marrero

Azalea Camacho

October is Archives Month

October 03, 2021 8:15 AMSCA Communications and Outreach (Administrator)

Dear Colleagues,

October is the month our profession embraces the opportunity to raise awareness and visibility of archives programs and repositories throughout the country and the state in an outreach effort known as "Archives Month." In California, SCA works with the California State Archives and NARA-San Francisco to produce a poster to promote and celebrate our collections. This year’s theme is “Strengthening Community Connections,” and we’d like to thank everyone who submitted images for consideration. Due to the virtual nature of this year’s poster, we were able to select multiple images and designed seven individual posters this year. The posters are now available on the CSA Archives Month website so make sure to download and print one or two (or all seven!) for your repository:

And a reminder that this year October 13 has been designated as #AskAnArchivist Day on Twitter. Make sure to engage with your Twitter account and create or join a conversation with your community on this day to help break down perceived barriers between archivists and the public. If you are posting on general archives activities this month, please consider using #CalArchivesMonth2021. And for activities that are specific to this year's theme, use #ArchivesConnectCommunities.

Finally, if there are any Archives Month events that you are involved with, reach out to SCA’s Communication and Outreach Committee to further promote them through the SCA website calendar and social media platforms.


Happy Archives Month,

SCA Communications and Outreach Committee

Veronica Lara and Steve Kutay, Co-Chairs

May 01, 2021 10:50 AM | Kelsi Evans

Check out the newly updated Directory of Archival and Manuscript Repositories in CaliforniaIf you would like your repository to be included, please complete this form, but be sure to first review the current directory to check the information that we have on file (organized alphabetically by repository name).

Register Now for the SCA Annual General Meeting 2021

March 03, 2021 8:25 AM | Kelsi Evans

The Society of California Archivists is excited to announce that registration for the 2021 Annual General Meeting is now open! Join us online April 27-30, 2021 for a full program exploring the themes of diversity and inclusion as well as the effects of the current pandemic on our institutions, collections, and profession.REGISTER

Questions about registration? Please contact the Local Arrangements Committee at

Western Archives Institute Application Live!
February 16, 2021 8:47 AM | SCA Admin

The application to attend the 2021 Western Archives Institute (WAI) is now live! WAI is an intensive, two-week program co-sponsored by the California State Archives and Society of California Archivists that provides integrated instruction in basic archival practices to individuals with a variety of backgrounds, especially those whose jobs require a fundamental understanding of archival skills, but who have little or no previous archives education. 

If you are interested in applying, please visit the webpage for more information: 

SCA Winter 2021 Newsletter

January 28, 2021 6:20 PMKelsi Evans (Administrator)

Check out the latest SCA Newsletter online here:

Vote Now

March 19, 2021 4:05 PMAnonymous member (Administrator)

Eligible members can vote now in the Society of California Archivists Officers Election 2021. The voting deadline is Apr 7, 2021, 11:45pm Pacific Time. You should have received a personal email with voting instructions. Please contact Marlayna Christensen ( with any questions.

SCA First Friday - February 2021

January 28, 2021 6:16 PM | Kelsi Evans

At our February First Friday meeting, we will be discussing the documentary film "Change the Subject":

The story of a group of college students, who from their first days at Dartmouth College, were committed to advancing and promoting the rights and dignity of undocumented peoples. Sparked by an instance of anti-immigrant sentiment in their library catalog, these students carried their advocacy all the way from Dartmouth Library to the halls of Congress. The film shows how an instance of campus activism entered the national spotlight, and how a cataloging term became a flashpoint in the immigration debate on Capitol Hill.

We invite you to watch Change the Subject (54 minutes and streaming online) before this meeting, where we will discuss the film and talk about its relevance to reparative description work we are doing or embarking upon in our respective workplaces.

Optionally, you can also watch this supplementary video of a panel discussion held with the filmmakers in October 2020.

Please RSVP for this meeting on this page, and register via Zoom to receive the meeting link for added meeting security. Details for the meeting are below:

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.

When: Feb 5, 2021 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting

Beyond Diversity Initiatives: Recruitment of BIPOC into Archives and Special Collections Librarianship

November 18, 2020 12:36 PM | SCA Admin

It’s not too late to register for the Beyond Diversity Initiatives webinar.  The purpose of this webinar is to discuss how Special Collections and Archives departments in academic libraries can provide mentorship and viable/meaningful professional development opportunities for BIPOC.  Registration is open until December 7.  To register or for more information, please see the entry on the events calendar.

SCA Newsletter - President's message

October 11, 2020 10:53 AM | SCA Publications Committee

It is difficult to imagine a more dire situation for those of us living in California right now, with wildfires raging throughout the state in the midst of an ongoing pandemic and the increasing threat of unemployment as the State faces deep budget cuts that will affect the its ability to support institutions, universities and the communities they reside in. And yet, I am heartened and inspired by the activism and ongoing commitment to social justice that I have witnessed in the archives community, and the care and support you all have shown each other.

Amidst all the uncertainty of the current moment, it is with a heavy heart that once again the Board of SCA was compelled to decide that for the health and safety of our members, it will be best not to meet in person in 2021 in Palm Springs. Though we were all looking forward to being together in person again, there was little that led us to believe that the current pandemic would be resolved in time for us to safely meet. Fortunately, this early decision gives our Local Arrangements and Program Committees the lead time they need to plan for a virtual meeting for 2021. We are now planning to reconvene in 2022 in Palm Springs again; we’ll share more in 2021 as we finalize details and have a better idea of what type of meeting we can hold safely. 

This cancellation was particularly painful, as we intended to celebrate the 50th anniversary of SCA together in 2021. Started in 1971, SCA has aged into the robust organization it is today through the hard work of many dedicated leaders and committed member volunteers, aided by  the support of an engaged membership, and we looked forward to celebrating their achievements. Despite the change in plans, the Golden Anniversary Committee has continued their planning to mark this momentous occasion. Work has already begun to solicit photographs and other media from the membership, and an oral history program will soon be underway. If you have a story to tell or memorabilia from years past, please reach out to me at, and I will connect you with the Committee’s chair, Gabriele Carey or one of the committee’s other hard working members: Lynn Downey, James Eason, Sue Hodson, Jennifer Martinez-Wormser, David Uhlich, and Chuck Wilson.

To help maintain and strengthen our professional community while we are unable to meet in person, our new First Friday monthly meetings, led by Membership Director Alix Norton with the support of Steering Committee members Courtney Dean, Chris Marino, and Robin Schiff, have created a vital way for us to connect and engage with one another.  Most recently, we met to discuss and share the actions our members have started to take to confront structural racism and bias in our descriptive practices. Using Archives for Black Lives in Philadelphia’s Anti-Racist Description Resources as a guide, we’ve begun the work of critically examining our institutions’ archival description for racist language, be it language of erasure or explicit terms, in order to dismantle inherited practices and cultivate more accurate and just ones.

Acknowledging that the outstanding topic for many of our members continues to be working conditions in the archives profession and the precarity of many of our positions, we have also devoted time in these meetings to talk about our labor. Though it has not happened as of this writing, on September 4 our Labor Task Force, co-chaired by Courtney Dean (UCLA) and George Thompson (CSU, Chico), will have shared results from their recent survey on current labor issues in California archives and provided a space for open dialogue. This task force is charged with reviewing labor issues within the archival profession and suggesting ways in which SCA can better advocate for its membership, and the Board is looking forward to their final report. If you have a related topic, or another issue you’d like to discuss in a casual forum with your colleagues, I encourage all of you to join us, and if you have an idea for a meeting, to reach out to Alix or any of the Steering Committee.

Before signing off, I want to extend my deepest thanks to outgoing Western Archives Institute Administrator Sue Tyson. Her navigation through the current crisis has been admirable, and we owe her a debt of gratitude for her quick and deliberate decisions and planning for the ongoing success of WAI.

Once again, recognizing that many of you are struggling due to job loss and family needs, I want to encourage those that need assistance to apply to the SAA Foundation’s Archival Workers Emergency Fund. Those of you that can afford to, please consider contributing.

My best wishes to you all for good health, safety, and financial security for you and your loved ones.

Tanya Hollis, President, Society of California Archivists 2020-2021

For other recent SCA news, see the Fall 2020 SCA Newsletter.

Call for Proposals - AGM 2021

October 12, 2020 2:55 PM | Kelsi Evans

The Society of California Archivists Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held online April 27-30, 2021. The Program Committee would like to invite you to submit your session proposals to make our first ever virtual meeting a successful and exceptional experience.

The theme of next year’s AGM is “Diversity and Inclusion” and the Program Committee welcomes proposals on all aspects of archival practice and research. We are especially interested in proposals that feature:

  • Aspects of discrimination, equity and bias in staffing, collections and collection development, access and description

  • Institutional responses to the current pandemic (including remote work and workspaces, remote access, what is considered "essential," the effect on labor, etc.) and the effect of the pandemic on user services and outreach

  • Labor and precarity

  • Archivists as activists

  • Successes and failures in archival practices

  • New technologies and tools

First time presenters, current graduate students, early career professionals, lone arrangers, and other individuals who work with archival materials in less traditional or unconventional roles are encouraged to apply.

Presentations that are framed within archival theory and promote discussions that are more broadly applicable to a range of organizations/individuals will be given preference over sessions that simply discuss completed projects with narrow applicability. We strongly encourage presentations that are thought-provoking, inform decision-making, and/or advance thinking on archival topics.

If you have an idea for a proposal, please fill out and submit the 2021 SCA AGM Session Proposal Form which is available at

The deadline for submitting session proposals is Sunday, November 15, 2020.

If you have any questions, or ideas to discuss, please don’t hesitate to contact me at Thanks so much for helping us make next year’s conference a successful one!

Leilani Marshall
2021 AGM Program Committee Chair
Society of California Archivist

SCA First Friday - November 6

October 28, 2020 10:18 AM | Kelsi Evans

SCA is pleased to continue our monthly virtual meeting series on the First Fridays of each month. Our next meeting is on Friday November 6th from 12-1pm. This will be an open session - feel free to drop in, bring your lunch, and chat with fellow attendees. You can also ask any questions you have about SCA, and bring ideas for future meeting topics. Please RSVP for the November meeting at this link:

SCA Fall 2020 Newsletter

October 05, 2020 1:15 PM | Kelsi Evans

We are excited to announce the publication of the Fall 2020 SCA Newsletter! It is now online at Thank you to all those who submitted articles and news items for this issue. Another issue will be coming out this winter, so please consider submitting an article or some news about your work. A call for submissions will go out shortly.

Happy reading!

Amanda Mack, Sue Luftschein, and Patricia Delara

SCA Newsletter Team

SCA Call for Nominations

September 30, 2020 11:41 AM 

The Society of California Archivists' (SCA) Nominating Committee is now accepting nominations and self-nominations for the following positions: Vice President / President Elect (3-year term); Secretary (2-year term); Membership Director (2-year term); Member at Large (2-year term); Nominating Committee (2-year term). Submit your name or the name of a colleague by completing the SCA Candidate Nominating Form: SCA service is a great way to have an impact on the archival profession in California. It provides opportunities to engage with colleagues while sharing, learning, and developing leadership skills. Furthermore, it's a chance to work with a team of wonderful archival colleagues from around the state. More information about each of these positions and their responsibilities can be found in the SCA Handbook, sections 2-2, 2-4, 2-7, 2-8 and 3-12 (

All nominations must be received by November 11, 2020.

Thank you,

SCA Nominating Committee 2020-2021

Eric Milenkiewicz

Erin Hurley

Elena Colón-Marrero

SCA Seeking a Newsletter Layout Editor

September 23, 2020 1:35 PM |

The Society of California Archivists' Publications Committee is seeking a Newsletter Layout Editor to join the team! The SCA Newsletter is the official voice of the Society, and is overseen by the Publications Committee. It carries professional news; reports the Board’s actions; announces Society meetings, seminars, workshops; and informs members of other archival issues and events of interest. The Newsletter is provided free with membership. In cooperation with the Newsletter Committee (which includes the Chair and Editors), the incoming Newsletter Layout Editor is responsible for producing four newsletters a year, in accordance with the publication and editorial guidelines and standards set by the SCA Board of Directors. Primary duties include:

1. Working closely with the Newsletter Editors to ensure submitted articles, advertisements, and photos are prepared for the layout in advance.

2. Compiling the newsletter articles onto Canva, a graphic design platform, on a quarterly basis (Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer issues). *No prior experience on Canva is required, as the current Layout Editor will assist with training on the platform.

3. Requesting input and editorial direction from the Publications Committee Chair on an as-needed basis.

If you are interested in this position please email by Friday, October 9th.

AGM 2021 call for session proposals is closed

November 16, 2020 10:56 AM

The AGM 2021 Program Committee is no longer accepting proposals for next year's annual meeting, and would like to thank everyone who submitted a proposal for review. The Program Committee is currently reviewing all proposals and will be in touch in early December to let you know the status of your proposal.

Make sure to visit our AGM webpage for further information about next year's meeting:

2020 Los Angeles Archives Bazaar

September 18, 2020 10:36 AM

The Los Angeles Archives Bazaar is coming soon. This virtual event will be held on Saturday, October 17, 2020 from 8am-8pm. Check the Archives Bazaar website to see program details (with more to be announced). Also learn how you can participate by creating virtual exhibitor booth videos about your L.A. collections, submitting your homespun sound and audiovisual recordings to Home Movie Day and Basement Tapes Day, and volunteering in the Reference Room. Thanks to this virtual platform, the event will also feature special guests from Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Toronto! So invite your colleagues, family, and friends far and wide— national and international— to celebrate the 15th annual Los Angeles Archives Bazaar as well as the 25th Anniversary of L.A. as Subject. Although the environment will be different than past years, the spirit of showcasing L.A. archives “all day, all in one place” will be ever present.

Hope to see you there,

The 2020 Archives Bazaar Planning Committee

SCA Statement in Solidarity with Black Lives Matter

June 12, 2020 9:35 AM | Kelsi Evans

The Society of California Archivists affirms Black Lives Matter and stands in solidarity with the protesters calling for the end of police brutality and violence against the Black community.

We stand in opposition to the historic and present state of violence against Black lives. The murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor are a direct result of the structural racism that infiltrates every corner of our society, including the archival profession.

The Society of California Archivists acknowledges that our profession has supported and continues to support racist systems and practices that uphold systemic inequality and perpetuate white supremacy. The legacy and role of white supremacy in archives has led to a predominately white and male historical record, while Black communities and Black voices are silenced, distorted, or entirely excluded from the historical record. Anti-Blackness has infiltrated our collections, policies, and workforce. It is our responsibility as archivists to dismantle oppressive archival practices and work toward building a more accurate and representative historical record. This moment reminds us as archivists that our work is not only to preserve but to amplify those voices that have been, and continue to be, unheard and silenced. It is this work that we must prioritize at the present moment. Otherwise, we can be sure that the history that is told will be by those voices most carefully crafted to establish and maintain systems of dominance and control.

The SCA Board is stepping forward to acknowledge and work toward amending the inequities caused by systemic racism. We call on ourselves and our white and non-Black membership to think about the antiracist actions we can take both professionally and personally to support the Black Lives Matter movement and to eradicate anti-Blackness in all forms. Personally you can take action by: donating to bail funds; signing petitions advocating for police accountability; locally supporting policies that defund police/law enforcement; donating to organizations that advocate for an end to structural racism; and calling your local/state representatives. Professionally we can: consider the policing nature of the archives and review access/use policies; rewrite collection development policies; commit to ethical collecting practices and prioritize care for protesters if collecting on the protests; revise our descriptions to eliminate racist/biased language, distortion, and the erasure of Black lives; and support community archives by providing resources.

The Board recognizes that in order to make headway in dismantling structural inequity, SCA as an organization needs to change. The SCA Board is committed to taking specific actions to show our support and to dismantle white supremacy, and we will remain accountable to our membership through further communications.

-In Solidarity, The SCA Board

SCA First Friday - October 2

September 24, 2020 11:56 AM | Kelsi Evans

SCA is pleased to continue our monthly virtual meeting series on the First Fridays of each month. Our next meeting is on Friday October 2nd from 12-1pm. This month we're encouraging folks to attend the AMIA panel on organizing with your professional community and continuing the conversation at our First Friday meeting. We'll also continue sharing current efforts and action items for anti-racist description, have time for open Q&A, and discuss future meeting topics.

Please RSVP for the October meeting at this link:

If you would like to be part of the steering committee for this monthly meeting project, or if you have any questions, please let us know. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you.

Tell Us How UC It: Thinking Critically through a Living Archive for Student Activism

August 30, 2020 12:22 PM Anonymous member (Administrator)

The Tell Us How UC It: A Living Archive project is a grassroots effort created by a diverse group of four women at the UC San Diego Library as an alternative way to highlight awareness, provide a space for dialogue, preserve and document the events related to student activism at UC San Diego. The project includes a timeline of campus student activism, student creative work and real-time feedback from the community on issues they face, physical exhibits, and an online collection. Some results of the project have been course instruction, participation in trainings for Resident Advisors and Teaching Assistants on interacting with the campus community and within EDI (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) courses, a workshop on organizing for action, collaboration with campus groups, and inclusion in the national initiative Project STAND (STudent Activism Now Documented).

This webinar, presented by Tamara Rhodes (Librarian for Psychology, Cognitive, Science, Human Developmental Sciences, and Linguistics, UC San Diego Library) and Cristela Garcia Spitz (Digital Initiatives Librarian, UC San Diego Library), will share critical strategies and practical approaches for planning and advocating for this kind of project, and a focus on how partnerships are invaluable to this work.

Learn more and register.

SCA Recent Donations

June 29, 2020 8:30 AM | Kelsi Evans

SCA recently made two donations to organizations serving archival professionals. The first, We Here, is a supportive community for BIPOC library and archive workers. Learn more about We Here and ways to support their work at The second was SAA's Archival Workers Emergency Fund. Learn more about the fund and ways to support your colleagues at

SCA First Friday - September

August 25, 2020 10:18 AM | Kelsi Evans

While we're unable to gather in person, SCA will be hosting "First Friday" lunchtime meetings on the first Friday of each month at 12pm. Our next meeting on Friday, September 4th, from 12 to 1 pm, will focus on updates from SCA's Labor Task Force.

The Labor Task Force is a special committee charged with reviewing labor issues within the archival profession and suggesting ways in which SCA can better advocate for its membership. This session will share out results from the task force’s recent survey on current labor issues in California archives as well as provide a space for open dialogue among attendees. Join us to discuss the work of the task force, and help inform and influence priorities for best practices, advocacy, and board recommendations.

Learn more and register here. 

SCA Newsletter - President's message

July 18, 2020 12:27 PM | SCA Publications Committee

My deepest hope is that this letter finds you all healthy and safe. Our worlds, both personal and professional, have been and continue to be radically altered in ways we could never have imagined; many of us are still adjusting to new realities, losses and difficult transitions. But in the midst of the health crisis of COVID-19, I am inspired to see that we continue, as archivists, to bear witness to and record the inequities and trauma in our communities by soliciting stories from workers, students, and the public at large, thereby amplifying their present experiences. Every week, the number of these projects expands; within the CSU system alone, eight different projects have been launched as of May 31, and many other institutions have launched projects as well. Your fast work and thoughtful approaches will document this moment as few other global events in history have been documented in real time.

A more specific professional loss felt by us all was the cancellation of the Western Archivists Meeting. Sadly, as news of the devastation caused by COVID-19 began to spread and San Francisco took the prescient step of ordering a shelter-in-place before much of the nation, the leadership of the four regional organizations and the Local Arrangements Committee recognized that the meeting would not be able to go forward as planned. I want to acknowledge the incredibly hard work that the Program Committee, the Local Arrangements Committee, and the leadership of the western regional organizations put into both the planning for, and the dissolution of, the Western Archivists Meeting. The thoughtfulness of the Program Committee, the creative and engaging proposals submitted by the members of all of the organizations involved, and the heavy lifting of planning for such an event by our Local Arrangements Committee showed what a fully engaged and committed membership looks like.The great accomplishments we achieved are no less valuable because of the meeting’s cancellation.

We are now, of course, in a new era, struggling to maintain our professional work while wrestling with the inequities in our institutions and in our personal lives that have been further exposed by the pandemic. Having worked for many years in archives, I have seen firsthand the struggles to keep our institutions functioning during times of scarcity, and the devastating impact that downturns can have when that struggle results in layoffs, furloughs and cuts to already-low salaries. Having been in positions of precarity throughout most of my career, including in my present position, I’m acutely aware of the anxiety and fear that comes from holding a job that is tied to funding that could disappear in the coming months. I am grateful that in this moment, we are reaching out to one another, supporting one another, and fighting for our colleagues in the ways that we are able. I’d like to highlight in particular the list shared recently by the Los Angeles Archivists Collective (LAAC) COVID-19 Community Resources for Archivists. Please refer to it, add to it, and share it broadly, as it is a perfect example of how our community harnesses collective energy to share information and show empathy towards one another. I’m proud too of the work my fellow archivists are doing to highlight those inequities that persist within our cultural heritage institutions, government agencies, and universities. We must continue to press on these issues, even as raising our voices may not feel safe.

To that end, it will be timely to hear from our own Task Force on Labor Issues, led in the coming year by Courtney Dean and George Thompson, and to increase advocacy on behalf of our members, in solidarity with our allies in national and regional organizations. To support your continued professional development needs, SCA’s Education Committee—chaired by Adrienne Storey (Northern California), Mallory Furnier (Southern California) and Christine Kim (Online)—is working hard to transition our workshops to a virtual environment. You can look forward as well to our earlier webinars being published online in the coming months.

Before signing off, I want to extend my deepest thanks to outgoing Past President Teresa Mora, whose contributions to SCA cannot be overstated; to Liz Phillips, our outgoing Treasurer, whose thoughtful guidance and fiscal responsibility ensures that SCA’s financial standing remains solid, despite the recent downturn; and for the commitment and dedication of Dee Dee Kramer as our outgoing Member At Large. I also would like to thank our outgoing committee members, as it is their heavy lifting that keeps SCA moving forward, as we enter our 50th year: Jennifer Martinez Wormser (Awards), Kate Dundon (Development), and Genevieve Preston (Government Affairs).

Finally, recognizing that many of you are struggling due to job loss and family needs, the Executive Board voted to contribute funds to the SAA Foundation’s Archival Workers Emergency Fund. If you can afford to, please contribute; if you are in need, please apply.

Wishing you all continued good health, safety, and security,

Tanya Hollis

SCA President

For other recent SCA news, see the Summer 2020 SCA Newsletter.

SCA Virtual Monthly Meeting - August 14th

July 24, 2020 1:57 PM | Kelsi Evans

SCA is pleased to continue our monthly virtual meeting series for members (and anyone interested in joining us!) to discuss various topics of interest in an informal, online environment. On Friday August 14th from 12-1:30pm, we will meet to discuss the Archives for Black Lives in Philadelphia Anti-Racist Description Resources, and make action items from these resources for our own work. We will reconvene in a few months to report our progress on these action items. We will also spend the last half-hour discussing labor issues of interest to the group, so that we can plan for further monthly discussions around labor.

Please RSVP for the August meeting at this link:

If you would like to be part of the steering committee for this monthly meeting project, or if you have any questions, please let us know.

2021 SCA Annual General Meeting

July 10, 2020 11:31 AM | SCA Publications Committee

It is with great sadness that we announce that the SCA Board has decided to move the 2021 Annual General Meeting to an online-only environment. A number of factors have led us to this decision, most importantly the health and well-being of our members. Given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the recent surge in cases across our state, and the expected wave of even more cases in the fall/winter we feel an in-person meeting would put our membership at undue risk. Recent news of California State University’s (CSU) extension on staff travel restrictions through June 30, 2021, which is likely to be adopted by the State and UC system as well, also factored into our decision as the majority of our members are employed by those systems and would be unable to attend an in-person meeting. By making this decision now, we can allow our Program and Local Arrangements Committees ample time to plan for the transition to a virtual meeting. We hope that we will once again be able to meet with each other in person again in 2022, in Palm Springs.

For other recent SCA news, see the Summer 2020 SCA Newsletter.

SCA Monthly Meeting Kick-Off

July 08, 2020 2:22 PM | Kelsi Evans

During these months when we are unable to gather in person for the annual meeting and for member-initiated events, SCA is initiating a monthly virtual meeting for members (and anyone interested in joining us!) to discuss various topics of interest in an informal, online environment. We are envisioning these lunchtime meetings to be an informal space to read and discuss recent articles and guidelines, make action items, share achievements, advocate for our labor, and more. Each meeting will center around a general theme, and details will be shared in advance on the west_arch listserv.

Join us for our kick-off meeting on July 10th at 12pm, where we will talk about the direction of these meetings, the planning structure, and topics we may discuss. For our first official meeting in August, we are planning to discuss the Archives for Black Lives in Philadelphia Anti-Racist Description Resources, create action items from these resources for our own archives, and share our progress on these action items during the next monthly meeting in September.

Please RSVP for this meeting on this page

Election Results

May 11, 2020 10:36 AM Anonymous member (Administrator)

The 2020 SCA Election results are in! We’d like to thank everyone who ran for office and accepted the call to serve. As a completely volunteer-run organization we count on the participation and engagement of our members. And the winners Vice President/President Elect we welcome Leilani Marshall, as Treasurer we welcome Lara Michels, as At-Large Board Member we welcome Sue Luftschein, and to the Nominating Committee we welcome Elena Colón-Marrero. Congratulations to all and welcome to the SCA Board. We’d also like to take the opportunity to acknowledge our fellow members that will be rotating off the Board: Teresa Mora (Immediate Past President), Liz Phillips (Treasurer), and Dee Dee Kramer (At-Large Board Member). Thank you all for your contributions to the organization during your terms.

Updates from the SCA Board

April 24, 2020 2:39 PM | SCA President

The 2020 Western Archivists Meeting (WAM) in San Francisco would be well underway today. Unfortunately, as you are all aware the COVID-19 pandemic caused the cancellation of WAM and instead of gathering in the City by the Bay many of us are home adjusting to the new norms of remote work and social distancing. Nothing can replace hearing about the great work of our colleagues, catching up with old friends, and talking shop with fellow archivists in-person, but there are some exciting updates on the SCA front that we’d like to share.

First and foremost, all WAM refunds have been issued so those of you that registered should have a little more money back in your accounts now. Many thanks to Kate Tasker and Liz Phillips for all of their hard work on this! The Program committee had put together a stellar program for WAM and while we missed out on it this year, there will be an opportunity to see some of that programming at the 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM). WAM presenters are being encouraged to re-submit proposals for next year’s AGM where a select number of spots will be reserved for these sessions. And speaking of the AGM, we’ve selected the venue and are happy to announce that we’ll be returning to Palm Springs in 2021, after a seven year hiatus, to celebrate SCA’s 50th Anniversary! 

Now onto the 2020 SCA Election results! Before we announce the winners we’d like to thank everyone who ran for office and accepted the call to serve. As a completely volunteer-run organization we count on the participation and engagement of our members. And the winners Vice President/President Elect we welcome Leilani Marshall, as Treasurer we welcome Lara Michels, as At-Large Board Member we welcome Sue Luftschein, and to the Nominating Committee we welcome Elena Colón-Marrero. Congratulations to all and welcome to the SCA Board. We’d also like to take the opportunity to acknowledge our fellow members that will be rotating off the Board: Teresa Mora (Immediate Past President), Liz Phillips (Treasurer), and Dee Dee Kramer (At-Large Board Member). Thank you all for your contributions to the organization during your terms.   

And lastly, we’d like to announce that the 2020 Membership Meeting will be held virtually on June 3, 2020 from 2-4p. The full agenda and login information will be released closer to the meeting date but highlights include a review of board activities, financial overview, and committee updates. We look forward to seeing you all there (virtually!) so please mark your calendars.

We hope that everyone is staying health and safe out there,

Your SCA Board

If you have the capacity please consider donating to the Archival Workers Emergency Fund (AWEF) to help support your fellow archival workers experiencing financial hardship during the COVID-19 crisis:

SCA Newsletter - President's message

April 06, 2020 2:34 PM | SCA Publications Committee

At the end of February, I submitted my President’s Message for the Spring newsletter where I spent most of my time detailing the upcoming 2020 Western Archivists Meeting (WAM) that was scheduled to be held in San Francisco from April 22nd – 25th. Much has changed in the world since I wrote that letter due to the COVID-19 pandemic including the official cancellation of WAM 2020 on March 16th. This was a difficult, but necessary decision given the impact of this outbreak worldwide and within the state of California. The health and safety of our members always remained at the forefront of our decision making and behind the scenes work to either cancel or postpone the conference began well before this official announcement. As you can imagine, it takes time to work through a scenario like this when there are four organizations involved and a hotel contract in place to contend with. At no point were any of the organization’s leaders willing to put their memberships at risk, though, even in the face of catastrophic financial losses that would have jeopardized the existence of all four organizations. For this I would like to commend my fellow members of the SCA Board along with the leadership of the Conference of Inter-Mountain Archivists (CIMA), Northwest Archivists (NWA), and Society of Rocky Mountain Archivists (SRMA) on their thoughtful and informed approach to a situation that none of us anticipated or were prepared to deal with. 

At this point, I don’t have any information on when the western regional archival associations will come together for another joint meeting. Information on this will be communicated when it is available. Additionally, per the SCA bylaws there is to be a Members Meeting held annually which was scheduled for during WAM. The SCA Board is currently looking into available technologies to host this meeting online later in the year, so stay tuned for more information on that in the coming months.

My time as SCA President is nearing its end and this will be my last President’s Message. I would just like to say that I am proud of the work completed this year, specifically with regards to the ethics and inclusion policies/procedures established for our organization, the streamlining of some committees, and the attention we’ve started to direct toward labor issues within the profession. The foundation we’ve set this year will help carry this work forward in the years ahead. These are uncertain times and we are headed into an uncertain future, but I am confident that some things will remain unchanged. One of those being, that SCA will continue to serve as an outlet for archivists throughout California to come together in support of one another, our communities, and our profession. Stay healthy and stay safe out there everyone!

Eric Milenkiewicz, SCA President

Read more from the Spring 2020 SCA Newsletter

Last Chance to Vote in 2020 SCA Officers Election!

April 03, 2020 4:21 PM | Kelsi Evans

This is the last call to vote in the Society of California Archivists Officers Election 2020. The voting deadline is just four days away (April 6, 2020 at 11:45pm Pacific Time). The response has been great, but we still need your votes! Ballots were sent via email from and candidate statements are still available through your personalized voting link and on the SCA website. Please take a moment to review the ballot and vote today! If you have election questions or feedback, please email Marlayna Christensen at


SCA Election Committee: Marlayna Christensen, Alex Post, Peter Runge

SCA Spring Newsletter 2020

April 03, 2020 9:48 AM | Kelsi Evans

We are excited to announce the publication of the Spring 2020 SCA Newsletter! It is now online at Thank you to all those who submitted articles and news items for this issue. Another issue will be coming out this winter, so please consider submitting an article or some news about your work. A call for submissions will go out shortly.

WAM Cancelled

March 16, 2020 3:44 PM | SCA Past President

The 2020 Western Archivists Meeting (WAM) scheduled for April 22nd - 25th in San Francisco has been cancelled. Full refunds will be issued to all registrants within the next 2-3 weeks. At this time there are no plans for holding WAM later this year or transitioning the program into a virtual environment. A more complete statement on the cancellation will be circulated in the days ahead by the host organizations. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate our way through this.

Joint Statement on WAM

March 13, 2020 8:50 AM | SCA Past President

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, leadership from the Society of California Archivists (SCA), Conference of Inter-Mountain Archivists (CIMA), Northwest Archivists (NWA), and Society of Rocky Mountain Archivists (SRMA) met earlier this week to discuss the status of the upcoming 2020 Western Archivists Meeting (WAM) being held in San Francisco from April 22nd - 25th. At this point in time, WAM has not been cancelled. However, legal counsel is reviewing our hotel contract to determine if either cancellation or postponement are viable options. An update on this will be circulated by March 20th. The health and safety of our members is of the utmost importance, and we are following recommendations from scientific and health agencies to ensure the necessary precautions are in place for WAM. We have coordinated with the hotel on the need for enhanced food handling/service to reduce the risk of contamination and also on the availability of hand sanitizer stations/disinfectant wipes at the venue for attendees. WAM will also be a handshake/hug free conference where smiles, nods, and waves will be encouraged. Lastly, we are exploring the feasibility of providing options for remote presentations in the event a presenter is unable to attend the conference. Live streaming and recordings of the conference will not be made available, though, as the cost to do so is prohibitive. Given that WAM is still more than five weeks away, our WAM registration refund/cancellation policy remains in effect. Full refunds for cancellations are available until April 1st, with 50% refunds offered through April 14th. Unfortunately, given our contractual obligations with the hotel we are unable to offer full refunds for cancellations made on or after April 15th. In the event the conference is cancelled, full refunds will be issued to all registrants. The COVID-19 outbreak is a constantly changing and evolving public health situation that we’ll continue to closely monitor, including recommendations from government health agencies and recommendations/policies from western region agencies, colleges and universities. We appreciate your patience and understanding during these uncertain times, and we’ll be sure to provide status updates on WAM as new information becomes available. Please feel free to reach out to the Local Arrangements Committee,, with any questions and/or concerns that you may have.


Eric Milenkiewicz (SCA President)

Erika Castaño (CIMA President)

Max Johnson (NWA President)

Heather Bowden (SRMA President)

Welcome to the 2020 SCA Election!

March 04, 2020 11:46 AM Anonymous member (Administrator)

The election is now open until the end of day, Monday, April 6th. Ballots were sent via email from “” If you have not received your ballot, please check your SPAM folder or contact the Election Committee chair, Marlayna Christensen ( One correction to the ballot: the position of Treasurer is inaccurately listed as Secretary/Treasurer. The position up for election this year is Treasurer. Candidate statements are available through your personalized link and on the SCA website. This year the committee is striving for a 50% voter response, which can be tracked on the SCA home page. Please help us with this goal and submit your vote today for the Society of California Archivists Officers Election 2020.

Thank you,

SCA Election Committee,

Marlayna Christensen, Alex Post, Peter John Runge

Newly Announced Scholarship to Attend WAM!

February 18, 2020 10:23 AM | SCA Past President

In an effort to make attendance at the upcoming Western Archivists Meeting more attainable to members, the Board of the Society of California Archivists has voted to allocate funding to support a one-time Western Archivist Meeting Scholarship. The scholarship is meant to support the attendance of an SCA member who would otherwise be unable to attend or who would face undue financial hardship as a result of doing so. The scholarship will cover registration fees, attendance at the luncheon, lodging at the conference hotel for up to three nights and reimbursement of up to $500 for meals and travel to San Francisco for one recipient. For more information and instructions on how to apply, please see the Awards Committee webpage.

Call for Collections - The Community Archiving Workshop: AV Collections Care and Management

February 21, 2020 2:19 PM | Kelsi Evans

In partnership with the Community Archiving Workshop and California Revealed, the Society of California Archivists (SCA) is seeking a partner (or partners) with unprocessed collections of audiovisual materials (film, video, audio recordings) to participate in the Western Archivists Meeting pre-conference Community Archiving Workshop on April 22, 2020. Workshop participants will work in teams under the guidance of audiovisual professionals to inspect, label and inventory each asset- resulting in a detailed inventory. This is a great way to kickstart processing and preservation planning for your collection.

For more information on this session, please visit

Partners will have the opportunity to:

Gain intellectual and physical control over their audiovisual collection

Learn to identify formats and risk factors

Develop preservation recommendations for their audiovisual collection

Partner requirements:

Able to transport collection (maximum 200 items) to the workshop at The InterContinental San Francisco

Available for pre-workshop planning meetings (by phone)

Ideal collection would include various formats (mix of film, video, audio)

If selected, your collection will receive professional preservation work during the workshop in exchange for being loaned for the day, and SCA will cover registration fees for the partnering organization.

If your organization has a collection that you think would be a good fit, please fill out this survey by Friday, March 13th and we will get back to you!

For more information about the Community Archiving workshop and online registration: The Community Archiving Workshop: Audiovisual Collections Care and Management

SCA Newsletter - Join Us for the Western Archivists Meeting 2020 in San Francisco!

March 02, 2020 3:48 PM SCA Publications Committee (Administrator)

The Program Committee and Local Arrangements Committee (LAC) would like to warmly invite you to the upcoming Western Archivists Meeting (WAM) being held in San Francisco, California at the InterContinental San Francisco from April 22-25, 2020. WAM, last hosted in Denver, Colorado in 2015, is a special opportunity for archivists from the Conference of Inter-Mountain Archivists (CIMA), Northwest Archivists (NWA), Society of California Archivists (SCA), and Society of Rocky Mountain Archivists (SRMA) to participate in a joint conference.

The conference hotel is situated in the heart of downtown San Francisco, making it an ideal landscape for exploring all the city has to offer, and offers a modern, beautifully renovated (and LEED-certified) backdrop for the largest meeting of archivists in the west.

The Program Committee, which is comprised of leadership from all four of the regional organizations, solicited session proposals that addressed the conference theme of Labor, Power, and Privilege. We were gratified to receive a large number of thoughtful session proposals from members of all of the regional organizations. Because of the overwhelming number of proposals, we expanded the number of sessions during the conference from twenty-one to thirty-two, and selected sessions that fell into the four areas of labor, power, privilege and oppression, Native American collections-focused topics, and those with broad general interest. We have invited two speakers: Mark Matienzo, of Stanford University, who is the author of a recently completed white paper on contingent labor; and Wendy Teeter, who will be in conversation with Liza Posas of the Autry Museum about Wendy’s work at the Fowler Museum and its Native American collections.

The Program Committee, working with Local Arrangements, has also tried to build in a number of opportunities for socializing and space for regional organizational meetings. We hope that there will be something of interest for everyone in the program, and that it will be a generative and educational meeting, while also allowing for cross-regional knowledge sharing and social interaction.

The LAC is currently organizing repository tours, discounted admissions to local museums, and other special events to benefit attendees, including an exciting opening reception. We hope that you will join us for the entire time and enjoy all that WAM and San Francisco have to offer. Conference registration will be available on the SCA website by early January. We look forward to seeing you in San Francisco in 2020!

Tanya Hollis

SCA 2020 WAM Program Committee Chair

Teresa Mora, Kate Tasker, and Emily Vigor

SCA 2020 WAM Local Arrangements Committee

Read more from the Winter 2020 SCA Newsletter

SCA Newsletter - What I Got Out of My First SCA AGM

February 03, 2020 2:43 PM | SCA Publications Committee

I was fortunate enough this past April to attend the SCA Conference in Long Beach, CA thanks to the Mink Scholarship. I was able to connect with new, interesting people in the field as well as visit with familiar faces. Some of the sessions I was able to attend have followed me as I have transitioned from student to new professional, having graduated with my Master’s in Library and Information Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles in June and moved across the country for a two-year fellowship at North Carolina State University Libraries in July.

The how-to seminar “Anything is Better than Nothing: Minimum Viable Actions for Accessioning Born-Digital” and “There and Back Again: Web Archive Collection Development, Arrangement, and Access,” were both solid backdrops to understanding some of the processes of Special Collections at NC State University and how my department of Acquisitions and Discovery collaborates with them to archive architecture websites, for example.

The “Empowering Indigenous Communities Through Inclusion” session spoke to research that is important to me, considering ethics in digital workflows for Indigenous cultural heritage in libraries, archives, and museums. It was helpful as I finished and presented my final portfolio for my MLIS in May and inspired me to help host a roundtable at the Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums (ATALM) Conference in Temecula, CA this past October.

The mini-workshop “Crafting Shareable Metadata: Good Practices for Better Discovery” has come in handy for a project in my current fellowship focusing on improving the user search experience by rethinking metadata’s role in connecting data silos, such as websites and catalogs. The research portion of this project is coming to a close and we hope to share what we learned at Code4Lib. Fingers crossed our proposal gets accepted!

I am so glad to have gone to the SCA Annual General Meeting, and hope to be able to attend more in the future. It was the perfect size and scope for a newcomer, with plenty of stimulation without being overwhelmed. Even though my first professional title doesn’t contain “archivist”, archival thinking has given me a valuable perspective as a librarian–one that has already allowed me to contribute in my current position by asking questions about metadata, preservation, and ethics.

Ashley Evans Bandy

NC State University Libraries

Read more from the Winter 2020 SCA Newsletter

WAM 2020 Registration Now Open

January 28, 2020 12:12 PM Anonymous member (Administrator)

Register now for the Western Archivists Meeting 2020. The early bird deadline is April 1. Learn more and register here.

SCA Newsletter - President's message

January 22, 2020 4:49 PM SCA Publications Committee (Administrator)

California is my home state. I was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area and have spent much of my adult life in Southern California’s Inland Empire. Over the years I have witnessed the growth and evolution of California from both ends of the state. While most changes have been positive others have proven challenging for residents, most notably the high cost of living found in our state that many Californians are struggling with today.

As a non-profit organization operating in California, SCA has not been immune to these rising costs and is beginning to feel the pressure of supporting the needs of an ever growing membership that currently stands at more than 500 strong. A core tenet of SCA has always been to provide members with high quality benefits at an affordable price. In line with this, the SCA Board has worked diligently over the past fifteen years to not increase membership dues, while providing low-cost workshops to members, financially supporting member initiated events, and keeping AGM registration rates as low as possible for attendees. However, with the considerable rise in costs over the past few years we are beginning to experience shortfalls in our annual operating budget. Increased costs associated with the AGM have resulted in significant losses over the past two years and with the high cost of meeting in San Francisco for the 2020 Western Archivists Meeting (WAM) we anticipate additional losses this year.

Discussions on how to stabilize the budget are currently underway by the Board as we look toward a solution to reverse this course. We are planning to conduct an assessment of services, with input from membership, later this year to see where adjustments can be made to increase revenue and lower operating costs. One of the main areas that we’ll be focusing on pertains to the high hotel, reception, and audiovisual costs associated with the AGM. Due to our organization’s size we are heavily reliant on large hotel chains as they typically are the only available option to accommodate our meeting space and hotel room needs. The Board is interested in exploring alternative, non-traditional solutions for the AGM in order to keep associated costs manageable for both the organization and its members. At this point we’re not sure which direction this will take us in, but we do recognize that the AGM might need to be drastically reconceived in order to gain the necessary cost savings.

The Board’s goal is to minimize the financial impact on members so that SCA remains an affordable professional association for archivists, librarians, and other allied professionals in the state of California. To be fully transparent, the Board is currently reviewing the cost of membership and exploring the idea of a modest increase to membership dues. Updates on this will be communicated to members as our discussions progress. I am confident that with some minor adjustments on a few fronts we can collectively ensure that SCA remains affordable and maintains a solid financial footing moving forward.

Eric Milenkiewicz, SCA President

Read more from the Winter 2020 SCA Newsletter

SCA Awards and Scholarships -- Deadline is Feb. 1st

January 22, 2020 9:00 AM Anonymous member (Administrator)

The Awards Committee of the Society of California Archivists (SCA) is still accepting applications and nominations for its annual awards and scholarships through the application deadline of Saturday, February 1, 2020. For more information about these opportunities to support and recognize excellent work in the archival field, please see and the brief descriptions below.

Archives Appreciation Award

The Archives Appreciation Award recognizes an agency, organization or institution which has provided extraordinary support for archival programs. These can include arrangement and description programs, public service programs, reference, exhibits, or outreach. The award is sponsored by our longtime partner Hollinger Metal Edge, Inc.

Career Achievement Award

The Career Achievement Award recognizes SCA members who have had an outstanding career in the archival endeavor. Nominees must have contributed in significant ways to the profession, such as establishing archives, teaching, and/or writing in the archival field.

Sustained Service Award

The Sustained Service Award is given to SCA members to recognize them for their prolonged and quality service to the Society of California Archivists over a period of 12 years.

Mink Scholarship

James V. Mink was the first president of the Society of California Archivists, and a long-serving archivist at the University of California, Los Angeles. He was a passionate advocate of archival education. The scholarship promotes professional development and enables archival studies students or recent graduates to attend both the SCA Annual General Meeting and a pre-conference workshop at the April 22-25, 2020 conference in San Francisco.

Gray and Bonfield Education Fund Scholarships

The Walter P. Gray III Scholarship is administered by the Awards Committee and funds travel and registration for SCA Workshops and other related training and educational opportunities offered in California. All SCA members in good-standing who have limited or no access to institutional funding for continuing education may apply. Up to $500 may be awarded per workshop, and 4 scholarships are available each year.

The Lynn A. Bonfield Scholarship is administered by the Awards Committee and funds travel and registration for members to attend non-SCA sponsored continuing education events outside of California to enhance their professional training. All SCA members in good-standing who have limited or no access to institutional funding for continuing education may apply. Up to $1000 may be awarded per event, and 2 scholarships are available each year.

Apply Now for the 2020 Western Archives Institute

January 08, 2020 10:33 AM Anonymous member (Administrator)

The application for the 2020 Western Archives Institute is now available. Applications are due by March 2 for the June 7 - June 19 Institute at San Diego State University.

SCA Winter 2020 Newsletter

January 06, 2020 1:38 PM | Kelsi Evans

We are excited to announce the publication of the Winter 2020 SCA Newsletter! It is now online at Thank you to all those who submitted articles and news items for this issue. Another issue will be coming out this winter, so please consider submitting an article or some news about your work. A call for submissions will go out shortly.

SCA Launches Survey on Current Labor Issues in CA Archives

December 17, 2019 9:40 AM | SCA Past President

Members of the recently created SCA Task Force on Labor Issues in Archives seek your input for a broad survey of labor issues in archives throughout the state of California:

The survey, which will inform and direct the future work of the Task Force, asks questions concerning demographics, certification and employment history, salary, temporary positions (grant-funded or otherwise), workplace safety, union membership, job satisfaction, and future directions for the task force and for the Society of California Archivists. It seeks responses from a wide range of archival workers at various types of institutions (academic, museum, corporate, state, religious, etc.) and across a wide range of employment categories (tenure-track, librarian, temporary, student, volunteer, etc.). Anyone who identifies as an archivist and who is working, or has worked, in the state of California is encouraged to participate. You do not need to be a current SCA member. No names or other personally identifying information will be collected, and participants will remain anonymous.

We thank you sincerely for your input. We understand that reflecting on workplace issues can be emotionally difficult, and urge you to prioritize your own health and well-being. The survey has 45 questions and should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. All questions are optional, and you can save the survey partway through and return to it later. Additionally, once the survey is submitted you may return to the link to edit and/or complete additional questions.

The survey will remain open until January 15, 2020. For questions or concerns please contact the SCA Labor Task Force co-chairs: George Thompson or Courtney Dean.

Please share the survey link widely!

SCA Newsletter - MP+D Completes San Francisco Bay Area Theater Recordings Preservation Project

November 18, 2019 11:11 AM | SCA Publications Committee

On June 30, 2019, the Museum of Performance + Design(MP+D)completed its year-long preservation project, More Life: Preserving San Francisco Bay Area Theater Recordings, funded by grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation, and MP+D supporters. These grants supported the digitization of some of MP+D's most at-risk live theater video recordings, documenting performances and workshops in the San Francisco Bay Area from 1976 to 2001. Over the course of the project, MP+D digitized 200 video tapes for long-term preservation and created catalog records for 175 recently acquired recordings. Among the significant works preserved were the world premiere of Tony Kushner's Pulitzer Prize-winning play "Angels in America" by the Eureka Theatre; the 1977 production of Athol Fugard's "Sizwe Bansi is Dead", starring a young Danny Glover; American Conservatory Theater's 1987 production of Ma Rainey's Black Bottom with Charles Dutton; and performances from several other San Francisco Bay Area theatre companies such as Magic Theatre, Berkeley Repertory Theatre, San Francisco Mime Troupe, and Theatre of Yugen. Information about these productions is discoverable through their catalog records on MP+D's online catalog and Newly digitized works will be accessible for viewing via on-site workstations in MP+D's Reading Room. Please visit for additional information.

Supriya Wronkiewicz

Project Archivist

Museum of Performance + Design

Read more from the Fall 2019 SCA Newsletter!

Event Announcement: ArchivesSpace and Airtable for Improved Workflow Management

November 12, 2019 10:06 AM | Kelsi Evans

Join us for the webinar: ArchivesSpace and Airtable for Improved Workflow Management, Wednesday, December 11, 2019, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. The Archival Collections Management department at New York University Libraries recently implemented the cloud software Airtable for holistic workflow management to complement its use of ArchivesSpace as its system of record for archival holdings. This webinar, presented by Weatherly Stephan (Head of Archival Collections Management, NYU Libraries) and Rachel Searcy (Accessioning Archivist, NYU Libraries), will focus on the ways in which they use Airtable in conjunction with other systems to monitor backlogs, prioritize upcoming work, communicate the status of current projects to a broad group of stakeholders, and report statistics on their accessioning, arrangement and description, and other collections management activities. Register and learn more here.

SCA Newsletter - California State Library to Launch New Oral History Website

November 01, 2019 12:29 PM | SCA Publications Committee

The California State Library has begun work on a new website, Voices of the Golden State. This website will feature oral histories that recount California’s rich history and heritage. In focusing on California’s history, the ever-growing collection will especially highlight the state’s diversity. Additionally, it will be a platform through which oral history programs and archives can promote their work and collections. With this announcement, we hope you’ll consider contributing interviews to the site. To provide guidance to both potential contributors and users of the site, the Library developed a Statement on Diversity. Here’s an excerpt:

As this page seeks to explore California’s rich diversity, we will strive to include interviewees of different races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, religious backgrounds, economic backgrounds, immigration status, abilities, as well as voices from all the geographic regions of the state. Because California is one of the largest economies in the world, these interviews will reveal the multitude of industries that exist in the state, and the experiences of those who have worked in these industries. Finally, the interviews will reflect the importance of civic involvement and political action in California’s history and how Californians from many backgrounds have meaningfully engaged in this work.

Information on how to contribute interviews will be available closer to the site’s launch later this fall. There will not be a limit on how many oral histories a program or archive can contribute, but submissions will be reviewed and featured on a schedule. The success of Voices of the Golden State will rely on contributing programs opening their oral history collections. We hope you’ll join us in this endeavor.

Allison K. Tracy-Taylor

Project Lead, Voices of the Golden State

California State Library

Read more from the Fall 2019 SCA Newsletter!

OpenRefine and International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) Workshop

October 16, 2019 10:27 AM Anonymous member (Administrator)

The SCA Education Committee is pleased to announce the following workshop in Southern California: OpenRefine and International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF), Friday, December 13th, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Brown Learn Lab, Mary Norton Clapp Library, Occidental College. This 2-part workshop will introduce participants to OpenRefine in the morning session, and to the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) for archival materials in the afternoon. Register and learn more here.

SCA Newsletter - President's message

October 21, 2019 10:36 AM | SCA Publications Committee

Summer already seems like a distant memory with the shorter days and cooler temperatures of fall upon us, but it was quite a busy time for the SCA Board and committees. Some exciting (and maybe not so exciting, but necessary) work was completed over the summer months and I would like to highlight some of that here. I’m happy to report that the SCA Task Force on Labor Issues in Archives has been fully formed with co-chairs Courtney Dean and George Thompson at the helm to work with the group on a two year project to assess the conditions of labor in the archival profession within the state of California. This task force will work to develop recommendations/guidelines surrounding best practices for labor in archives and also help to organize and facilitate discussions on labor issues amongst California archivists. 

The newly formed Ethics and Inclusion committee (EIC) is also getting ready to ramp up efforts this fall. Newly appointed co-chairs, Zayda Delgado and Eva Martinez, will lead this committee in support of promoting/developing a culture that values diversity, inclusion, and ethical behavior within SCA. The first step in this process will be to bring aboard committee members, so keep an eye out for the call for volunteers if you have an interest in helping to formulate SCA initiatives surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

The Program and Local Arrangements committees have been actively preparing for the upcoming Western Archivists Meeting, more commonly dubbed as WAM 2020. This is the joint meeting of the Society of California Archivists (SCA), Conference of Inter-Mountain Archivists (CIMA), Northwest Archivists (NWA), and Society of Rocky Mountain Archivists (SRMA) that occurs every five years. So please save the date for WAM 2020 which will be held in San Francisco, CA at The InterContinental hotel from April 21-25, 2020. As part of the early planning efforts, the Local Arrangements Committee has been hard at work researching a new online registration system for WAM 2020 as our current platform will be retired by the developer at the end of this year. After carefully reviewing the options, Cvent was selected as the successor to RegOnline and we believe this new system will provide some much needed enhancements to the registration process.

Finally, a reminder to all that October is American Archives Month where archivists throughout the country embrace the opportunity to make archives programs and the profession itself more visible to our communities. The annual #AskAnArchivist Day on Twitter will be held on October 2nd this year, so join in this effort to help break down those barriers between archivists and the public. I also invite you to share any American Archives Month events that local institutions or groups are hosting with our Communications & Outreach Committee ( as they can help with promotion through the SCA website and our various social media channels. CA Archives are important to us all, so let’s show them some love and spread the word!

Eric Milenkiewicz

SCA President

Read more from the Fall 2019 SCA Newsletter!

SCA Call For Nominations

October 10, 2019 10:06 AM | Kelsi Evans

The Society of California Archivists' Nominating Committee is now accepting nominations and self-nominations for the following positions: Vice President / President Elect (3-year term), Treasurer (2-year term), Director at Large (2-year term), Nominating Committee member (2-year term). Submit your name or the name of a colleague by completing the SCA Candidate Nominating Form: All nominations must be received by November 8, 2019.

2020 Western Archivists Meeting (WAM) Call for Proposals

October 01, 2019 2:38 PM | Kelsi Evans

The Program Committee invites submissions of session proposals for the 2020 Western Archivists Meeting (WAM) to be held April 22-25, 2020 in San Francisco, California. The submission proposal form is available online at: The deadline for proposals is Monday, November 4, 2019.

Introduction to Archives Management

October 07, 2019 12:30 PM Kelsi Evans (Administrator)

The SCA Education Committee is pleased to announce the following fall workshop: Introduction to Archives Management, Tuesday, November 5th, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Center for Sacramento History, 551 Sequoia Pacific Blvd, Sacramento 95811, Instructor: Nancy Lenoil. Learn more and register here:

Call for Members: SCA Ethics and Inclusion Committee (EIC)

October 02, 2019 4:43 PM Anonymous member (Administrator)

The newly formed Ethics and Inclusion Committee (EIC) for SCA is seeking members! We are seeking individuals to join our team as we: establish a Code of Ethics and Statement of Inclusion; develop reporting and appeals procedures for Code of Conduct violations; collaborate with other SCA committees: Program, Local Arrangements, Education committees and other associations for the 2020 Western Archivists Meeting (WAM). We seek library and archives staff from a range of archival institutions and regions. We encourage individuals from all stages in their career and job classifications to consider joining EIC. Individuals must be current members of SCA. If you are interested in joining EIC, please email the co-chairs with your name, institution/affiliation (if any), and one sentence describing your interest by Sunday, October 13, 2019.


Eva Martinez, San Francisco State University & South San Francisco Public Library:

Zayda Delgado, Sonoma County Library:

SCA Fall 2019 Newsletter

October 01, 2019 2:23 PM | Kelsi Evans

We are excited to announce the publication of the Fall 2019 SCA Newsletter! It is now online at Thank you to all those who submitted articles and news items for this issue. Another issue will be coming out this winter, so please consider submitting an article or some news about your work.

President's Message

September 20, 2019 11:30 AM | Kelsi Evans

The Summer 2019 SCA Newsletter includes an update from the SCA President. Learn about the new Ethics and Inclusion committee, how SCA is taking a critical look at labor issues within the archival profession, and more.

GCA event: Livestream of SAA sessions on August 5

July 31, 2019 12:28 PM | SCA Member Initiated Events Vice Chair

Gold Country Archivists is pleased to host a livestream of the SAA conference on Monday, August 5, as an SCA Member Initiated Event. The event will take place at the Center for Sacramento History from 8:30am PST to 12:30pm PST with a break for lunch (on your own) from 10-11:15am PST. We can accommodate 40 attendees for the livestream. Please rvsp to to secure a spot. We’ll start a wait list if needed.

SAA has indicated the following sessions will be livestreamed on August 5:

8:30-9:45am PST

Session 601: Rarely Pure and Never Simple: Archivists, Journalists and the Search for Truth

Session 602: From Archives to Administration: Conversations on Career Transitions for Mid Career Archivists

11:30-12:30pm PST

Session 701: My Comeback Story Overcoming Imposter Syndrome in the Archives Profession

Session TBA

In advance of Monday, we'll send registered attendees a survey to vote for which sessions they'd prefer to see. We'll livestream the two sessions which receive the most votes.

Free SAA AGM Live Streams Available

July 31, 2019 12:17 PM | SCA Member Initiated Events Vice Chair

The Society of California Archivists is aware that many of our colleagues are unable to attend SAA this year due to State of California travel restrictions. Due to the unusually high number of members unable to attend the national meeting this year, SAA has provided SCA members four complimentary registrations for group viewings of the conference live stream. The live stream schedule can be viewed at this link.

If you are willing to organize a group viewing of the live stream in your area, please email by 9am on Friday, August 2 with the following information:

- Name of organizer (an SCA member)

- Venue

- Approximate number of participants

- Any additional funds requested, e.g. for refreshments (reimbursement will be $5 per attendee)

Proposals will be approved in the order in which they are received.

SCA Summer 2019 Newsletter

July 09, 2019 10:42 AM | Kelsi Evans

We are excited to announce the publication of the Summer 2019 SCA Newsletter! It is now online at Thank you to all those who submitted articles and news items for this issue. Another issue will be coming out this fall, so please consider submitting an article or some news about your work. A call for submissions will go out shortly.

SCA Election Results

May 14, 2019 8:51 PM | Kelsi Evans

Announcing the SCA election results:

Vice-President/President Elect: Tanya Hollis (San Francisco State University)

Secretary: Maggie Hughes (Huntington Library)

Membership: Alix Norton (UC Santa Cruz)

At-Large Board Member: Sara Seltzer (J. Paul Getty Trust)

Nominating Committee: Erin Hurley (CA Historical Society)

Thank you to everyone who ran and congratulations to the newly elected members.

SCA Spring 2019 Newsletter

April 08, 2019 9:54 AM | Kelsi Evans

We are excited to announce the publication of the Spring 2019 SCA Newsletter! It is now online HERE.

SCA 2019 AGM Registration Now Open

February 13, 2019 5:07 PM | Kelsi Evans

SCA is excited to announce that registration for the 2019 Annual General Meeting is now open! Join us April 24-27 at the Hilton Long Beach in Long Beach, California for 3 days of sessions, an opening reception at the Queen Mary, and numerous opportunities to network and mingle on local tours, vendor exhibits, a zine-making workshop, and a new member happy hour. Learn more and register here.

AGM 2019 Hotel Reservations Now Available

January 15, 2019 10:10 AM Kelsi Evans (Administrator)

SCA 2019 Annual General Meeting hotel reservations are available. Book your stay at the Hilton Long Beach now through March 25th to receive the special room rate. Learn more here.

Apply Now for the 2019 Western Archives Institute

January 09, 2019 3:58 PM | Kelsi Evans

Apply now for the 2019 Western Archives Institute, June 9 - June 21 at San Diego State University. The deadline to apply is March 1, 2019. Learn more here.

SCA Newsletter Winter 2019

January 04, 2019 9:48 AM | Kelsi Evans

The SCA Newsletter Winter 2019 is now available. Read it here.

SCA Statement in Support of Temporary Archivists at UCLA

November 27, 2018 10:26 PM | Kelsi Evans

The Society of California Archivists has issued a statement in support of the open letter distributed by six temporary archivists from UCLA Library Special Collections in June 2018. Read the statement here.

SCA Directory of Archival Repositories

August 24, 2018 11:16 AM | Kelsi Evans

SCA is currently in the early stages of updating the California Directory of Archival Repositories. The final product will be an updated, online searchable database. SCA's Publications Committee has formed an ad-hoc committee to work on this project and they are diligently beginning to gather data from California archival repositories. The committee members will individually be sending institutions emails in an effort to be as thorough as possible. Please note these emails may be coming from personal emails. If your institution is contacted to update your information and you are uncertain if the email you received is from a committee member, feel free to contact the committee or email

SAA DAS and A&D Courses Offered at UC Irvine

September 24, 2018 2:13 PM | SCA Education Committee

The Society of American Archivists is offering a week's worth of courses in Southern California, including those that fulfill requirements for both the Digital Archives Specialist Certificate (DAS) and the Arrangement & Description (A&D) certificate programs. Courses are co-sponsored by the University of California, Irvine, and will be taught on UCI's campus from Monday, November 5, 2018 through Friday, November 9, 2018. To see the full course line up, and to register, visit the course page on the SAA website. Not an SAA member? Not to worry - SCA members have the option to register at the SAA member price.

Call for Proposals SCA 2019 AGM

September 17, 2018 9:26 AM 

The Society of California Archivists Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held April 24-27, 2019 at the Hilton Long Beach in Long Beach, CA. The 2019 SCA AGM Session Proposal Form is available here. The deadline for proposals is Sunday, November 4, 2018.

SCA Summer 2018 Newsletter

July 02, 2018 10:10 AMKelsi Evans (Administrator)

We are happy to announce the publication of the Summer 2018 SCA Newsletter. A great big thank you to all those who submitted articles and news items. Another issue of the SCA Newsletter will be coming out this fall. Please consider submitting an article or some news about your work.

AGM 2018 Session Slides Available

May 16, 2018 11:46 AM | SCA Vice President

Session slides from the 2018 AGM are now available online!

AGM 2018 Award Announcements

April 27, 2018 1:42 PM | Kelsi Evans

We are happy to announce award winners from the 2018 AGM: Jessica Tai was awarded the Mink Award and the CHRAB Archival Award of Excellence was given to Liza Posas. Congratulations!

Spring 2018 SCA Newsletter

April 03, 2018 10:52 AMKelsi Evans (Administrator)

The Spring 2018 SCA Newsletter is now available! Read it online here.


April 09, 2018 9:26 AM 

Our official hashtag for the 2018 Annual General Meeting is #SCAYosemite. Join the conversation on social media!

Register Now for AGM 2018

January 27, 2018 10:54 AM 

Online registration is now open for the SCA Annual General Meeting 2018 in Yosemite, CA. Learn more and register here. 

Accepting SCA Award Nominations Now

January 09, 2018 9:38 PM 

Don’t miss this opportunity to honor your colleagues with a Society of California Archivists award. The deadline to submit nominations for 2018 is February 16th.

Winter 2018 SCA Newsletter

January 09, 2018 2:24 PM 

Announcing the Winter 2018 SCA Newsletter, available here.

Register Now for Two Pre-AGM Workshops at Yosemite 2018

January 09, 2018 

The SCA Education Committee is pleased to announce that registration is now open for two pre-AGM workshops at Yosemite in April 2018: "Get Hands-On: Improving Descriptive Practices for Born-Digital Material in an Archival Context" and "How to Tame your Dragon: Learning to Befriend your Backlog through Efficient Processing".

2017 SCA Annual Fund Drive

November 21, 2017 9:03 AM

The season of giving is upon us! The AGM Speakers Fund is entirely supported through the generous donations of SCA members and is the focus of this year’s fundraising campaign. Between now and the end of the year, we encourage you to take a moment to donate online, where you can make a payment by debit/credit card or PayPal.  Please see our Giving to SCA page for more information. There is no minimum amount—every donation helps!

Happy holidays to all and thank you in advance for your support!

Reserve Your Hotel Room for AGM 2018 Now

November 20, 2017 10:08 AM 

Planning on attending AGM 2018 in Yosemite, April 11-13? Hotel reservations at Tenaya Lodge are now available. Click here for more information.

SCA on Instagram and Tumblr

November 09, 2017 10:30 AM 

SCA has joined Tumblr and Instagram! Connect with fellow archivists and keep up with SCA's activities. Also check out the #IAmACalArchivist campaign on these platforms and our other social channels.

SCA is Seeking Nominations

October 07, 2017 3:30 PM | SCA Past President (Administrator)

The Nominating Committee is seeking candidates to run for the following SCA positions: VP/President Elect (3-year term)Treasurer (2-year term); Director at Large (2-year term); Nominating Committee (2-year term).

We seek candidates that are SCA members in good standing (no unpaid past dues, or interruption in membership for the past three years.)  Please use the google form noted below to nominate yourself or your colleagues by November 5, 2017:

 More information about each of these positions and their responsibilities can be found in the SCA Handbook, sections 3-11 and 3-11-5 (

2017-2018 SCA Nominating Committee, Mattie Taormina, Tanya HollisRebecca Fenning Marshall

Member Initiated Event at the California Academy of Sciences Friday November 3rd at 3:00 PM

October 05, 2017 4:01 PM | SCA Member Initiated Events Vice Chair

Come and unwind with your fellow archivists at the California Academy of Sciences.  The Library will be offering behind the scenes tours of the research collections (spiders and snakes, oh my!).  And will provide light refreshments. 

To RSVP  go to

Registration Open Now for Copyright Workflows for Work with Visual Resources Webinar

October 05, 2017 8:58 AM | SCA Education Committee

Register now through October 31 for “Copyright Workflows for Work with Visual Resources," November 6, 2017, 10:00-11:15 a.m. (online). Learn more here.

Registration Open Now for Born-Digital Descriptive Practices Workshop

September 21, 2017 8:49 AM 

Register now through October 20 for “Get Hands-On: Improving Descriptive Practices for Born-Digital Material in an Archival Context” workshop, UCLA, November 3, 2017, 9:00 am – 3:30 pm. Learn more here

2018 AGM Call for Proposals

September 15, 2017 8:31 AM | SCA Vice President

The Program Committee welcomes session and workshop proposals on any archival topic for inclusion in the 2018 Annual General Meeting program. More information and a proposal form are available here.

SCA Letter Supporting the Designation of October as California Archives Month

August 24, 2017 3:04 PM 

On August 23, 2017, SCA sent a letter to Senator Ben Allen supporting Senate Concurrent Resolution 75 (SCR 75) designating October as California Archives Month. Read the full letter here.

Registration Open Now for Efficient Processing Webinar

August 23, 2017 9:04 AM 

Sign up now through September 15 for SCA's upcoming webinar -  An Archivist Walks into a Backlog: Strategies for Efficient Processing, Thursday, September 21, 2017, 10:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Learn more and register here. 

SCA Letter Supporting Funding for NARA, NHPRC, NEH, and IMLS

July 20, 2017 7:53 PM

On June 14, 2017, SCA sent a letter to the Honorable Thomas Cole, Chairman of the Committee of Appropriations, United States Congress, supporting funding for NARA, NHPRC, NEH, and IMLS. Read the full letter here. 

SCA Summer Newsletter Now Online!

July 05, 2017 8:32 AM | SCA Newsletter

The SCA Summer Newsletter is now available and ready for reading. Take a look at what the SCA is doing and at what fellow archivists and their repositories are doing throughout the state.

SCA Spring Newsletter Now Online!

April 14, 2017 9:26 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The SCA Spring Newsletter is now available and ready for reading. Take a look at what the SCA is doing and at what fellow archivists and their repositories are doing throughout the state.

AGM Online Registration closes on April 20!

April 12, 2017 9:45 AM | SCA Local Arrangements Committee

Don't forget to register for the 2017 AGM in Pasadena!  Online registration closes on Thursday, April 20.  On-site registration will be available beginning April 27 at noon.

More registration information can be found here.

Registration for the 2017 AGM is now open!

February 15, 2017 9:50 AM | SCA Local Arrangements Committee

The Local Arrangements Committee is pleased to announce that registration for the 2017 AGM in beautiful Pasadena is now open! The theme for this year's meeting is "New Media, Same Process" and will take place April 27-29 at the Westin Pasadena. 

Information about workshops, sessions, the hotel, and more can be found here.

2017 Western Archives Institute

January 10, 2017 9:20 AM | SCA Past President
The 31st annual Western Archives Institute (WAI) will be held at Santa Clara University from July 9-21, 2017. Dennis Meissner has agreed to be this year's Principal Faculty Member for WAI, an intensive, two-week program that provides integrated instruction in basic archival practices to individuals with a variety of backgrounds. The application deadline is Friday, March 3, 2017.

For more information see

2017 James V. Mink Scholarship award applications

January 05, 2017 2:38 PM | SCA Awards Committee

The Society of California Archivists Awards Committee is seeking applications for the James V. Mink Scholarship.  

Completed forms must be postmarked by February 28, 2017.

For full awards criteria, past recipients, and nomination forms, please visit the SCA Awards & Scholarships page. 

2017 Annual Awards Nominations

January 05, 2017 2:36 PM | SCA Awards Committee

The Society of California Archivists Awards Committee is seeking nominations for the annual awards honoring achievement.  

Completed forms must be postmarked by February 28, 2017.

For full awards criteria, past recipients, and nomination forms, please visit the SCA Awards & Scholarships page.

REMINDER: Call for Nominations

November 07, 2016 8:31 AM | SCA Past President
SCA's Nominating Committee will be accepting nominations and self-nominations until November 15, 2016 for the following positions:
  • Vice President / President Elect (3-year term)
  • Secretary (2-year term)
  • Membership Director (2-year term)
  • Director at Large (2-year term)
  • Nominating Committee member (2-year term)
Submit your name or the name of a colleague by completing the SCA Candidate Nominating Form.

SCA service is a great way to have an impact on the archival profession in California. It provides opportunities to engage with colleagues while sharing, learning, and developing leadership skills. Furthermore, it's a chance to work with a team of wonderful archival colleagues from around the state.

More information about the positions and their responsibilities can be found in the SCA Handbook, sections 3-11 and 3-11-5.

Thank you,
SCA Nominating Committee

Ellen Jarosz, Chair
Josh Schneider
Tanya Hollis

Southern California Workshop

November 04, 2016 3:38 PM | SCA Education Committee

Registration is now open for the Southern California Workshop The Ins and Outs of Being an Effective Supervisor located at Loyal Marymount University on December 9th from 9:30am to 4:30pm.

Registration closes December 2nd!!

Call for submissions, Winter 2016 SCA newsletter

October 31, 2016 10:27 AM | SCA Newsletter

The SCA newsletter is seeking articles and notices about your
activities and accomplishments for the Winter issue.
The newsletter relies entirely on submissions from community members,
so please share your news with the California archives community. We
all enjoy reading what members of our community are up to.

How about an article on newly processed collections, new acquisitions,
your institution's response to the challenging budget environment,
grants received, or an ongoing project? Or you might consider a short
notice on upcoming events, exhibit openings, new hires, student
activities, internship opportunities, or workshops? Have you read a
great book that other archivists might find interesting? How about
submitting a short review of it? Submissions on any topics of interest
to the California archives community are welcome. We would love to
have short news and events items from repositories and archivists
throughout the state.

Format for submissions: All articles and items
submitted for consideration should be delivered via email attachment.
Be sure to include the author's name, repository name, location, and contact
information at the end of your article. Please attach any images separately as
JPG or PDF files and include the caption for each image in the article document file.

The deadline for submissions is Thursday, December 1, 2016. Email your
submissions to . Be sure to include your
repository name, location, and contact information.

For more information, please contact Emily Vigor or Steve Kutay at .

Northern California Fall Workshop

October 04, 2016 1:44 PM | SCA Education Committee

Registration is now open for the SCA-sponsored fall workshop in Santa Clara, offered by the Society of American Archivists:

Appraisal of Electronic Records (#1772)

Thursday, November 10, 2016, at Santa Clara University, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

This is a Society of American Archivists Digital Archives Specialist (DAS) Foundation Course.

The first 25 SCA members who register for the course will receive the special discount of $100 off the SAA member and non-member registration fees; SCA members who are not members of SAA will receive an additional $25 discount. Prior to registering, please email the SCA Northern California Education Committee Chair, Marie Silva, to receive the promotional codes:

For a full description of the course, please visit the SAA website:


Registration is limited to 30 attendees.

Remember that you may qualify for a Gray Scholarship to help with workshop costs.

The Walter P. Gray III Education Fund Scholarship offers up to $250 for registration and travel to SCA workshops. Submit an application form, including a proposed budget, to Marie Silva ( by October 20, 2016. Additional information and a link to the application form are available here:

We look forward to seeing you there!

SCA Fall Newsletter now online!

October 04, 2016 1:55 AM | SCA Newsletter
The SCA Fall Newsletter is now available and ready for reading. Take a look at what the SCA is doing and at what fellow archivists and their repositories are doing throughout the state.

AGM 2017 Call for Proposals

September 23, 2016 10:17 AM | Supriya Wronkiewicz

The Society of California Archivists Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held April 27-29 in Pasadena, California. The Program Committee would like to invite you to submit your session proposals to make this our best AGM yet!

The theme of next year’s AGM is New Media, Same Process: Reconsidering Archives in Old Pasadena. The Program Committee welcomes proposals on any archival topic, and particularly welcomes those concerning fundamental archival theory in the context of new media, tools and practices, as well as proposals that feature:

  • The intersection between digital asset management and archives
  • management.
  • ArchivesSpace, and how institutions have customized it for their
  • needs.
  • Crowdsourcing and community engagement in archives.
  • Archivists doing their own research.
  • Intake procedures for born-digital materials.
  • Capturing social media.
  • Serving digital collections.
  • Metadata use and reuse.
  • Linked data.
  • Archives and inclusivity.
  • Archival value.

A proposal form is available here.

The deadline for submitting session proposals is Monday, October 31, 2016.

If you have any questions, or ideas to discuss, please don't hesitate to contact Program Committee Chair David Uhlich. Thanks so much for helping us to make next year’s conference a successful one!

See you in Pasadena!

Call for Nominations

September 15, 2016 3:55 PM | SCA Past President

SCA's Nominating Committee is now accepting nominations and self-nominations for the following positions:

  • Vice President / President Elect (3-year term)
  • Secretary (2-year term)
  • Membership Director (2-year term)
  • Director at Large (2-year term)
  • Nominating Committee member (2-year term)

Submit your name or the name of a colleague by completing the SCA Candidate Nominating Form.

SCA service is a great way to have an impact on the archival profession in California. It provides opportunities to engage with colleagues while sharing, learning, and developing leadership skills. Furthermore, it's a chance to work with a team of wonderful archival colleagues from around the state.

More information about the positions and their responsibilities can be found in the SCA Handbook, sections 3-11 and 3-11-5.

All nominations must be received by November 15, 2016.

Thank you,
SCA Nominating Committee

Ellen Jarosz, Chair
Josh Schneider
Tanya Hollis

October is American Archives Month!

September 14, 2016 11:25 AM | Supriya Wronkiewicz
Is your repository or institution planning an event for American Archives month? If so, please let us know by posting a comment or contacting SCA at All California based events will be added to our Upcoming Events calendar and promoting on SCA's social media.


  • September 20, 2016 4:21 PM | Summer Espinoza
    Go For Broke National Education Center's Special Collections and Archives will present their personal interactions with the Go For Broke Oral History Project. This is a partner-event with the Japanese American National Museum and is located at the museum. To RSVP, please go to:

    Saturday, October 22, 2016
    2:00 PM

    Remember, Educate, and Inspire: Learning from Our Past to Improve Our Future

    Members of Go For Broke’s exhibitions and archives staff will speak about the inspiration that they draw from working with the history of the Nisei veteran experience.

    Gavin Do, Assistant Director of Archives and Special Collections, will share his experiences of discovery while working with the Hiroshi Sugiyama collection. Erin Sato will speak about how her life, work, and passions all intersect through her job as Lead Cataloger for the archives. Megan Keller, Director of Education and Exhibitions, will introduce a new and exciting traveling exhibition. Please join GFBNEC as they explore personal and professions connections in their work.
September 29, 2016 11:00 AM 
The University of California, San Francisco Archives and Special Collections is celebrating Archives Month. On October 5, 2016, we’re hosting an Open House in the Archives from 12noon-1pm. We’re also encouraging everyone to tweet @ucsf_archives using #AskAnArchivist. Learn more and RSVP for the event:

SCA Summer Newsletter online!

July 06, 2016 9:40 AM | SCA Newsletter

The SCA Summer Newsletter is now available and ready for reading.   Take a look at what the SCA is doing and at what fellow archivists and their repositories are doing throughout the state.

SCA Election Results

April 15, 2016 8:48 AM | William Stalls

The new officers for the 2016-2017 Board of the Society of California Archivists are:

Vice-President/President-Elect: David Uhlich

Board Member-at-Large: Chris Marino

Treasurer: Kate Tasker

Nominating Committee: Tanya Hollis

These persons will take office on 8 May and join incoming president Mattie Taormina, Immediate Past President Ellen Jarosz, Board Member-at-Large Li Wei Yang, Membership Director Christy Horton, and Secretary Lisa Crane to form the 2016-2017 SCA Board.

SCA Awards Announced

April 15, 2016 8:43 AM | William Stalls

At the Awards Luncheon of our Annual General Meeting on 10 April, our society's awards were announced:

Sustained Service Award: Teresa Mora

Career Achievement Award: Lynn Downey

James V. Mink Award: Mary Priest

Archives Appreciation Award: Computer History Museum

Archival Award of Excellence: Adrian Turner

For more on our awards go here

Register now for Spring Workshops!

February 20, 2017 9:54 AM | SCA Education Committee
The Education Committee is pleased to announce that registration for two Spring workshops is now available. Details on the workshops and information on how to register is available HERE. Scholarships are available for both as well.


Summer Mini-Conference in Laguna - Sunday August 14 and Monday August 15

June 21, 2016 3:29 PM 

SAVE THE DATES - Sunday, August 14 & Monday, August 15, 2016 For *ENDLESS IMAGES*: A SoCal Summer Program organized by the Visual Resources Association (VRA), Society of CA Archivists (SCA), and Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS-SC)

Come enjoy what we hope will be an endless summer in one of the best places
in SoCal to do so, beautiful Laguna Beach! We will be hosted by the Laguna
College of Art + Design's Dennis and Leslie Power Library.

Program details and registration information will be posted soon, but plan
for a fun Sunday afternoon and evening with colleagues, including a visit
to the Laguna Art Museum and Pageant of the Masters performance. Monday
will be a full day at the LCAD campus consisting of panels, sessions, and a
lightning round focused on the many aspects of image management and digital
projects from grant writing to curation to metadata and preservation. The
day will conclude with a reception at Sherman Library & Gardens, in nearby
Corona del Mar.

We are seeking 5-minute lighting round presentations about any elements of
image management and/or other digital projects. If you have any interest in
participating, please complete this form by July 20th:

Any program suggestions or questions should go to Maureen Burns or Jennifer Martinez Wormser at

If you want to make hotel reservations, here are some nearby suggestions
(double-up for economies & book early):

Best Western Laguna Brisas:  <>

Hotel Laguna:  <>

Inn at Laguna Beach:  <>

Marriott Courtyard Irvine Spectrum:

Renaissance Club Sport Aliso Viejo:

The closest campsites are at Crystal Cove State Park (Corona del Mar),
Doheny State Beach (Dana Point), and San Clemente State Beach (San
Clemente), for those lucky enough to find a campground cancellation at

Links of Interest:

Laguna College of Art + Design:

Laguna Art Museum:

Pageant of the Masters:

Sherman Library & Gardens:

Visit Laguna Beach:

Art Libraries Society of North America:

Society of California Archivists:

Visual Resources Association:

We'll see you in Laguna Beach in August!

Maureen Burns, ImageEd Consulting

Jennifer Martinez Wormser, Laguna College of Art + Design


SCA Member Initiated Event - Society of California Pioneers Tour and Talk

May 31, 2016 2:03 PM

Please come to the Society of California Pioneers SCA sponsored site visit on Thursday June 9, 2016, 4-6pm.

It will be an open house, with a tour of the library, and a brief talk on the current exhibit: What's the Rush? - How California Became the Golden State, hosted by Pat Keats, Director of Library and Archives, the museum will be open from 10am - 5pm that day, so come early if you wish

Light refreshments will be served during the site visit. But, also, that same evening is Presidio Twilight food trucks (5pm-9pm) will be right outside their door

Please see the evite below for more details, rsvping (which is necessary), and a map.

Please feel free to email Pat if you have any other questions!.

Hope you all can attend!

*Patricia L. Keats*
*Director of Library and Archives*
*Alice Phelan Sullivan Library*
*The Society of California Pioneers*
*101 Montgomery Street, Suite 150*
*Presidio of San Francisco*
*San Francisco, CA  94129*


AGM Opening Reception scheduled for Paradise Ridge Winery!

March 25, 2016 2:02 PM

This year's Opening Reception will be held at Paradise Ridge Winery, located high on a hillside of the Russian River Valley Estate. We'll be there in time for sunset and enjoy a beautiful panoramic view of the countryside, including life-sized sculpture gardens just down the hill.  In addition to the art and sculptures that adorn the winery, in the cellar you'll find a Fountaingrove historical exhibit, which focuses on the life of winemaker Kanaye Nagasawa, who helped establish the winery in the late 1800s.  Along with plentiful hors d'oeuvres and non-alcoholic beverages, there will be two wood-fired pizza ovens churning out gourmet food to accompany the wine and beer available at the cash bar.  The reception starts at 6:00, but if you are interested in walking through the estate’s sculpture gardens beforehand, the shuttle buses will run between the hotel and the winery, starting at 5:00pm.

For more information see

Register online for the AGM by April 1! 


Vote! SCA Officers Election Closing Soon

February 19, 2016 12:56 PM

The 2016 election for the officers of the Society of California Archivists will close on 21 March 2016. If you haven't voted, please do so.  

If you have not received your electronic ballot, or have election questions, feedback or want to be removed from future ballot lists, please email the Society of California Archivists Election Committee chair at


2016 Annual General Meeting Registration Now Open!

February 17, 2016 11:57 AM

Conference and hotel registration is now open for the Annual General Meeting of the Society of California Archivists. The AGM will take place April 7-9, in Santa Rosa, at the Hyatt Creek Vineyard Hotel.  For more details and to register, go to the AGM home page.

See you in Santa Rosa!


SAA User Experience Design and Digital Archives Webinar Viewing - Davis, CA
February 11, 2016 4:41 PM

The Gold Country Archivists (GCA) are hosting a free viewing of the SAA webinar User Experience Design and Digital Archives at Shields Library, UC Davis on March 1, 2016.  This is a Society of California Archivists Member Initiated Event

If you would like to attend, RSVP to by February 28, 2016. The webinar is limited to 35 attendees. If interest exceeds thirty five participants, we'll start a waiting list. 

Meeting Details

Tuesday, March 1, 2016



Shields Library (Room 205), UC Davis

100 NW Quad

Davis, CA 95616-5292

Directions and parking information:

1. From I-80, exit at UC Davis.

2. Turn right on Old Davis Road if you exit west bound. Turn left on Old Davis Road if you exit east bound. Continue past the Visitor Information Kiosk toward the parking structure.

3. Turn right directly before the parking structure and continue into Visitor Parking Lot 1 or 2.

4. Purchase your $9 all day parking permit from the yellow dispense machine located after the first four rows on your left when first entering the lot. Permit dispensers will accept quarters, one-dollar bills, Visa or MasterCard.

5. Walk 2 blocks north to Shields Library which is located between Peter J. Shields Avenue and Hutchison Drive near the center of campus, at the south end of the quad.

6. The Library Instruction Room (Room 205) is on the second floor.

A UC Davis campus map is available here.


SCA Winter Newsletter is Now Available!

January 11, 2016 9:08 AM

The SCA Winter Newsletter
 is now available and ready for reading.   Take a look at what the SCA is doing and at what fellow archivists and their repositories are doing throughout the state.


SCA Fall Newsletter Is Now Available

November 03, 2015 12:12 PM

The SCA Fall newsletter is now available and ready for reading.   Take a look at what the SCA is doing and at what fellow archivists and their repositories are doing throughout the state.


Nominations Sought for SCA Offices

September 28, 2015 7:55 AM

For the next Society of California Archivists general election (2016), our organization has these offices to fill: (1) Vice-President/President-Elect; (2) Treasurer; (3) Board Member-at- Large; and (4) Nominating Committee Member. The SCA Nominating Committee is now asking SCA members to nominate persons as candidates for these positions; self-nominations are welcome. Nominees must be an individual member in good standing (no unpaid past dues or interruption in membership for the past three years). For information about the responsibilities of a position please see the relevant sections of the Society’s Handbook (3-11-5). The deadline for the submission of nominations is December 1, 2015.

To nominate someone, please contact one of the members of the Nominating Committee:


AGM proposals are due on Friday, Oct. 16th

October 12, 2015 11:05 AM

We are only a week away from the deadline for AGM proposals (The deadline is October 16, 2015). The Program Committee welcomes proposals and encourages masters and doctoral students to create student panels. Please see the webpage below for more information:

The Program Committee thanks you in advance for your help us make this a truly exceptional conference.


Summer, 2015 SCA Newsletter--Read it Now!

July 10, 2015 3:58 PM

Grab a cool summer beverage and take some time to catch up on all the activities of your colleagues around the state by reading the Summer 2015 SCA Newsletter.


Registration open for Digital Forensics for Archivists: Fundamentals #1624

July 01, 2015 11:43 AM

Going to the SCA & Gold Country Archivists Mini-Conference?

Come a day early for the pre-conference workshop:

Digital Forensics for Archivists: Fundamentals #1624

Thursday, August 27, 2015, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the California State Library in Sacramento

(Offered by the Society of American Archivists, sponsored by SCA)
Instructor: Martin J. Gengenbach, Assistant Archivist at the Bill and Melinda Gates Archives

SCA Members receive special pricing.

Register on the SAA website, where you'll find a full description.


We hope to see you there!

July 14, 2015 1:21 PM 
Addendum: We will be awarding Gray scholarships:

The Walter P. Gray III Education Endowment Fund Scholarship offers funds up to $250 for registration and travel to SCA workshops. Submit an application form, including a proposed budget to Dee Dee Kramer ( by August 3, 2015. Application forms and additional information are available here.


Registration Open for the SCA/GCA Mini-conference in Sacramento!

June 22, 2015 12:19 PM
On-line registration for the mini-conference is available until August 21st or when attendance capacity is reached, whichever comes first! No on-site registration will be available.  Click here to register!

The mini-conference program, which will take place at the California State Archives and the California State Library, will feature plenary sessions, three concurrent sessions, and a luncheon.  The day will conclude with site tours of the California State Archives, the California State Library, and the Leland Stanford Mansion State Historic Park.   For additional information and to view the preliminary program, click here.


Registration Open for the Mini-Conference in San Diego!

June 21, 2015 10:49 PM

Registration is now open for The Future is Now: Digital Initiatives in the Archives mini-conference at the San Diego Air & Space Museum on August 28th. To view the preliminary program or to register please visit here.


SCA Voters Approve Revision to Bylaws

June 10, 2015 2:03 PM

Society of California Archivists members recently voted to approve a revision to section 3-4 of SCA’s Bylaws by the three fifths majority vote required for such a revision.  The revision now makes the position of immediate past president on the SCA’s Board of Directors  a voting director.  The vote was necessary because the California Non-Profits Corporation Code no longer allows non-voting members on the board of mutual non-profit organizations. Our position of immediate past president had been  non-voting. The vote to revise our bylaws was coupled with SCA’s general election, which ended 3 May.


Upcoming Member-Initiated Networking Event - June 10, 2015 (Los Angeles Area)

June 09, 2015 1:38 PM

Please mark your calendar for this Member-Initiated Event on interview techniques and professional networking!


More Prep, Less Panic: Mock Interviews with Real Professionals!

Join the Los Angeles Archivists Collective and LA as Subject for More Prep, Less Panic, a speed mock interviewing and networking event on Wednesday, June 10th from 6:00 PM- 8:00 PM at the Friends of the USC Libraries Lecture Hall (DML 240).

Open to archives students, new professionals looking for a job, or for anyone interested in practicing their interviewing skills. Similar to speed dating, More Prep, Less Panic will provide an opportunity to practice interviewing techniques with experienced professionals in an informal, no-pressure learning environment. The event will also include networking opportunities and light refreshments will be provided.

Participants will interview and rotate with a professional every five minutes, receiving valuable feedback on how to present oneself in a face-to-face interview.  

Please wear professional attire and bring plenty of copies of your resume! 

Professionals participating in the event

Jackie Dooley, OCLC Program Officer (former SAA president)

Megan Fraser, UCLA, Head of Processing Projects/Co-Head of Collection Management

Mahnaz Ghaznavi, UCLA Faculty

Ellen Jarosz, CSUN, Head of Special Collections (current SCA president)

...and more to be announced!

Date: Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 | 6pm-8pm

Location: Friends of the USC Libraries Lecture Hall (DML 240) 

Doheny Memorial Library, USC

Parking: USC Parking Structure X (PSX), Gate 3, off McCarthy Way and Figueroa

Cost: Free

This event will be capped at 25 participants, so please RSVP here:

For questions, email   


Member-Initiated Event in Northern California, June 4th at UCSF Library

June 01, 2015 10:34 AM

Come to Another Member-Initiated Event!

UCSF will be hosting a Bay Area Member-Initiated Event this Thursday, June 4, 2015 from 4:30pm to 7:00pm.

Come to mingle with other Bay Area archivists and get a chance to see the new exhibits at the UCSF Library: Many Faces, One UCSF - celebrating the 150th anniversary and the history, science, and art of ocular prosthetics. 

There will also be a presentation by Sherri Berger at the California Digital Library about the new Calisphere redesign, learn more about this great resource and bring your questions!

Directions to the Library are at

Light but yummy refreshments will be served.

RSVP at 


SCA Election Results

May 30, 2015 8:32 AM 

Thank you to everyone who ran in this year's election! Here are the results:

VP/Pres Elect: Mattie Taormina | Secretary: Lisa Crane
Membership Director: Christy Horton | Director at Large: Li Wei Yang


Save the Date! Two Regional Mini-Conferences, August 27-28

May 19, 2015 11:38 AM 

Mark your calendars for two "mini-conferences" to take place in Sacramento and San Diego on August 28th, each with a workshop offering on August 27.

SCA is sponsoring these gatherings under its Member Initiated Events program, and each has a regional organizing committee.  With our AGM out of state at the Denver Western Roundup this year, these small conferences will provide great in-state programming and training opportunities for our members -- at minimal cost!

Stay tuned on the West Arch listserv and here for further details.

For more information about the Sacramento mini-conference, co-sponsored by the Gold Country Archivists, please send an email to

For more information about the San Diego mini-conference, contact program chair Katie Richardson at .

Annual Fund Drive Reminder
May 19, 2015 9:07 AM | 

The Western Round-Up is just around the corner! Since we are out of town this year, the SCA will not hold its usual Silent Auction, which is our major fundraiser.In advance of the meeting, we wanted to remind members to consider donating to the James V. Mink Scholarship Fund, which was created to ensure that new generations of archivists will have the opportunity to attend an Annual General Meeting and a pre-conference workshop.

The Mink scholarship is funded entirely through the generous donations of SCA members, and is the focus of this year’s funding drive. Take a moment to donate online, where you can make a payment by debit/credit card, PayPal, or follow up by mailing a check. Please see our Giving to SCA page for more information. There is no minimum amount—every donation helps!
Thank you for supporting SCA, and we look forward to seeing many of you in Denver!
Jeanette Berard
Danielle Scott Taylor
Co-Chairs, SCA Development Committee

Save the Date! Workshop & Mini-Conference in Sacramento, CA, August 27-28
May 14, 2015 4:00 PM 

The Gold Country Archivists (GCA), an informal organization for archivists in the Sacramento region, are excited to announce that they will be co-sponsoring a two day “mini-conference” with the Society of California Archivists (SCA) this summer.  The mini-conference, an SCA Member-Initiated Event, will take place in Sacramento from August 27-28, 2015, and will consist of a pre-conference workshop on Thursday and a day-long conference on Friday.

The pre-conference workshop, Digital Forensics for Archivists: Fundamentals, is a Society of American Archivists Digital Archives Specialist foundational course. More information about the course is available here:

SCA members receive special pricing for the workshop!

 The mini-conference program, which will take place at the California State Archives and the California State Library, will feature plenary sessions, three concurrent sessions, and a luncheon.  The day will conclude with site tours of the California State Archives, the California State Library, and the Leland Stanford Mansion State Historic Park.  The conference program will be announced in June.

For more information about the Gold Country Archivists or the mini-conference, please send an email to

Mark your calendars – we hope to see you there


"Exhibitions for Beginners" spring workshop materials now available

April 28, 2015 3:16 PM | 

PowerPoint slides and handouts for Nancy Arms Simon's "Exhibitions for Beginners" workshop, held April 17th at the Environmental Design Archives, are now available for viewing and download on the Past Workshops page.


2015 Western Roundup Registration Open

March 16, 2015 6:51 PM
Registration for the 2015 Western Roundup, a joint conference of the Conference of Inter-Mountain Archivists (CIMA), Northwest Archivists (NWA), Society of California Archivists (SCA), and Society of Rocky Mountain Archivists (SRMA), is open. Information about registration, hotel room rates, workshops, tours, and more is available on the SRMA website.

Updates to the SCA Homepage
April 13, 2015 10:07 AM 
In response to feedback from the Membership, SCA will be testing out a blog format for news, announcements and other information on our home page. At this point, new blog posts can only be added by SCA Board Members and Committee Chairs, but active members are welcome to leave comments. SCA welcomes all feedback about this new format and we look forward to hearing from you!
Spring 2015 SCA Newsletter is Online!
April 13, 2015 10:04 AM 
Grab your favorite hot beverage and take some time to catch up on all the activities of your colleagues around the state by reading the Spring 2015 SCA Newsletter.
Winter 2015 SCA Newsletter out - Read it now!
February 02, 2015 6:43 PM 
Grab your favorite hot beverage and take some time to catch up on all the activities of your colleagues around the state by reading the Winter 2015 SCA Newsletter.
Announcing SCA's New Speaker's Bureau
December 01, 2014 6:40 PM
The Society of California Archivists is excited to announce the creation of the SCA Speakers Bureau. We are looking for SCA members willing to go and speak to groups about our profession to encourage public interest in and support for archival facilities. Click here for further information on how to get involved!
Recent Member-Initiated Events!
October 06, 2014 6:35 PM 
SCA's Member Initiated Events helped support the following meetings. 
On September 22 there was a Member-Initiated Event at UC Riverside's California Museum of Photography hosted by Leigh Gleason, of that institution. There were a total of twenty-three attendees, who came from Orange County, Los Angeles, and Palm Springs, besides the Riverside area. There was site tour of the museum, as well as a discussion of continuing this kind of gathering for archivists in the area.
September 10 saw the Gold Country Archivists host a Society of American Archivists webinar at the Center for Sacramento History. The twenty-six attendees came from Sacramento County, Yolo County, Amador County, San Joaquin County, San Francisco County, and Mariposa County.The event included light refreshments, and a brown-bag lunch.
Member Initiated Events provides support to bring California archivists together for networking, discussion forums, site visits, special speakers, and mini-conferences. If you are interested in support for your group, please contact Kate Tasker of the Membership
SCA Letter In Support of NEH Funding
August 25, 2014 6:32 PM 
SCA has written a letter in support of maintaining current funding levels for the National Endowment for the Humanities. Please see the Government Affairs Committee page
Congratulations to 2014 SCA Awards Recipients!
May 26, 2014 6:29 PM | Supriya Wronkiewicz
The SCA's 2014 Annual General Meeting in Palm Springs saw the following SCA and state awards  announced at the Awards Luncheon on Saturday, 10 May. The SCA applauds this year’s winners and thanks them for their contributions to our organization and profession. If you have someone you wish to nominate for these awards for next year, please contact the chair of the SCA Awards Committee, Chuck Wilson,
Annual General Meeting 2014
May 19, 2014 6:19 PM
Thank you to everyone who helped to make the Annual General Meeting a success!   Check back soon - presentations from the speakers and panel members will be posted on the AGMs Past web page.  
Member-Initiated Events page has been launched!
April 01, 2014 6:14 PM 
As promised in the Winter 2014 Newsletter, SCA has launched a new Member-Initiated Events Program. Support is available for members that would like to organize  events in their region. SCA can help fund networking gatherings, site visits, guest speaker events, webinar viewings, and more. 
Full details and a proposal form can be found here. Please take advantage of this opportunity to bring archivists together informally or for professional development events -- coming soon to a location near you!
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